But really, what FPS doesnt have a Deathmatch mode lol
What PDW do you guys like the most? I starting using the PP2000 again and I absolutely love it! It dominates in close quarters and with extended mags and a Kobra sight you can sometime get kills at longer ranges because it's pretty accurate.
I like the PDWR but it has a lot more kick than the PP2000. I'm not bothered by the fire rate, it still drops enemies very quickly up close.
Also just went 93-23 on Ziba Tower with the PP2000.Ranked up twice within a half hour. Plus I didn't notice that I also got my third PP2000 service star.
This exactly. The raw and intense firefights is what I loveI think a deathmatch as the closest thing to a normal real life battle/firefight you can get. I dont think Rush is because you have to just blow up a line of conveniently placed photocopiers, Then conquest is just standing by a flag until it turns to your colours. TDM gives the rawest and purest firefights and engagements in my opinion, And this is what is so popular about it. Despite this however i still rather Conquest as for the reasons brought up by some earlier posts, But i understand and respect the fact people like it and play it. Shame the same cant be said for others
The best compromise i find is CQDOM wich feels more like a TDM, but still retains the objectives and a thin "film" of teamwork and tactics from regular Conquest.
The best on paper is the P90 then the MP7, My personal would be the MP7 and then PP2000 for longer ranged engagements. Alot of people dismiss the PP2000 because of its slow 650 RPM rate of fire, But it deals 25 initial damage so it deals more damage than the majority of PDW'S. The only better PDW exept for the P90 & MP7 would be the PDW-R wich deals the same damage but has a 750 RPM rate of fire. So if you like the PP2000 maybe you should give the PDW-R a go👍
CazI just do not understand the lure of deathmatch in bf3.
ilikewaffles11What PDW do you guys like the most?
Sometimes I don't want to compromise and I just want to use a certain class with a certain weapon and no vehicles, CQ only really allows that if you play Metro or CQD, so at times like that I'll play TDM. If any of my clanmates are online I'll usually join them or ask them to join me in CQ because we know how each other plays so it's much easier to get some good squad play going, but with randoms you're often better off not even joining a squad because nine times out of ten you'll join a squad that consists of three recons who are sniping from as far away as they can possibly be, which is hardly better than playing TDM in terms of teamwork!
Also I see no harm in having more modes, it just means the game appeals to more people, it's not as if the game is missing anything because they wanted to add two deathmatch modes so why not add them?
I like the PDW-R but found it only really got good when I unlocked the extended mags, the AS Val is pretty good when you figure out how to use it (short bursts only), the PP-19 might be my favourite though. I find the M5K to be very underrated too.
ryanaldoblancoYes i agree on the AS VAL and PP-19, I dont find the M5K to be underated its just heavily hindered by the fast ROF and small mag so very few people use it. It should have 40 in the extended mags i reckon, like the MP7.
Yeah, I mean it's far from ideal but with a lot of practice you can really make it work, it really needs to be used on a map with small rooms so you can empty a clip into someone then duck into the next room to reload. A silencer is also a must because as Dragonistic was saying about pistols, you won't be able to take down more than two people with a single (normal size) mag in real use conditions so you really don't want to attract any attention while using it.
HE1ROBut really, what FPS doesnt have a Deathmatch mode lol
What PDW do you guys like the most? I starting using the PP2000 again and I absolutely love it! It dominates in close quarters and with extended mags and a Kobra sight you can sometime get kills at longer ranges because it's pretty accurate.
SurebossHad a crash at Seine again. Conquest.
Battlefield 2
Battlefield heroes
Battlefield 2142
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield 1943
Battlefield bad company
Battlefield bad company 2
This is why I said I don't think TDM is really for bf3.
It was not meant as a legitimate shot at slash. He likes it and so do many others. He also seems to be as addicted to the game as most of us. No harm. His game playing his way.
Sooo, slash if YOU took my comment as an attack, my apologies.
TzunYou sure about BC2? Atleast it had SQDM.
When I'm playing at work
CazYou guys with freezing problems:
Have you tried clearing out the system cache? I generally do this once a week and rarely experience lockups. They still happen but it seems to be less than what you guys are experiencing. This is on a slim with very minimal data on it. ( gt academy, NBA jams, arkham city, and bf3)
I get less issues on my slim than on my 160 fat which has been near capacity and has had lots of stuff taken off to make room. Im not sure if it makes a difference, but I think bf3 runs better on a "clean" system.
I have also noticed that if your Wi-Fi signal gets weak or interrupted you can freeze instead of just disconnects.
When I'm playing at work, I cannot use my mic. At best I'm getting 55% signal and if I try to use my mic I will disconnect EVERY time. Even as low as 40% signal I can play without lag, just not with a mic.
hywelkiddWill try clearing out the cache when I'm next on. I'm using an 80gb fat PS3 which is nearly full so I'll have a look to see if there's data on there that I don't need. Last time I had a good deleting session was when GT5 came out.
As for internet, I use BT Infinity. I generally get 32mb download and between 15 and 20ms ping with (most of the time) only me using it.
Battlefield 2
Battlefield heroes
Battlefield 2142
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield 1943
Battlefield bad company
Battlefield bad company 2
This is why I said I don't think TDM is really for bf3.
It was not meant as a legitimate shot at slash. He likes it and so do many others. He also seems to be as addicted to the game as most of us. No harm. His game playing his way.
Sooo, slash if YOU took my comment as an attack, my apologies.
Will try clearing out the cache when I'm next on. I'm using an 80gb fat PS3 which is nearly full so I'll have a look to see if there's data on there that I don't need. Last time I had a good deleting session was when GT5 came out.
As for internet, I use BT Infinity. I generally get 32mb download and between 15 and 20ms ping with (most of the time) only me using it.
I like both the P90 and MP7, with a slight preference to the P90. I also like the UMP45.
Yes, would be nice to have them on battlelog to check the progress.What are those? Somekind of new assignments?
PatrickThe soldier upgrades.
Unlock – F2000 Woodland Oak Camo
Pre-requisite Premium Assignment 1 completed
100 kills with the F2000
50 squad revives
25 kills with the underslung shotgun
Unlock – Pecheneg Tactical Camo
Premium Assignment 2 completed
100 kills with the Pecheng
25 Claymore kills
25 vehicle kills with C4
Unlock – L96 Digital Woodland Camo
Premium Assignment 3 completed
100 kills with the L96
50 squad spot assists with the MAV
350 meter headshot with the L96
Unlock – Scar-H Berkut Camo
Premium Assignment 4 completed
100 kills with the SCAR-H
20 kills with AT mines
5 air vehicles killed with AT launchers (RPG/SMAW/Javelin)
Unlock – Navy Blue Digital Camo for US Soldiers and Woodland Stripe Pattern for RU Soldiers
Pre-requisite F2000 Specialist, Pecheneg Specialist, SCAR-H Specialist and L96 Specialist Assignments completed
500 kills with Assault
400 kills with Support
500 kills with Engineer
300 kills with Recon