Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
If i stay off Siene TDM i never normally freeze or crash (Touch wood). The biggest problem for me is the sound drops, Wich i think it is way overdue an acknowledgement or mention from DICE, Let alone any fix.

Anyway im giving myself the mission of completing the four weapon specialist assignments tomorrow, I have already completed the F2000, only have 4 heli kills for the SCAR, and have done the 25 C4 destroys for the PKP so i have the whole of the L96 and 1 or 2 loose ends then im onto the "Dedicated" assignment wich is just a case of racking up the kills for each class.

The only thing that could get in my way?..............Claymores 👎:(

Edit - Just remembered, Having my new Fibre optic installed tomorrow:P
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I don't know why but I don't really like the ACOG at any range, I've never gotten on with it.

Completely agree. I hate that scope. I just feel so inaccurate with it. I prefer the M145.
Completely agree. I hate that scope. I just feel so inaccurate with it. I prefer the M145.

Haha im horrible with the M145, i always aim low because of the bar above the center cross hair. I prefer the Acog, especially if its a dimmer map.
Well this is my first time posting in this part of the forums, but the soldier upgrade that DICE released today for Premium players was kind of a let down. I was expecting camos for at least the majority of the guns, but they decide to give it to the same old F2000, PKP, SCAR H, and L96. The assignments are really tedious as well. :grumpy:

Besides that, I'm looking forward to Armored Kill in 2 months. Loving the CQ maps :D
So after a long break from BF3 for me today I was walking past EB Games and they had a sale. BF3 on PC was $34 and because I've just recently built a PC with enough grunt to max out BF3 I thought why not.

Well holy smoke Batman it looks like a totally different game.:drool: :D

I've only played for a little bit of singleplayer on hard and I must say with my keyboard skills it is hard. I'm going to need alot of practice with the keys before I head into multiplayer for the inevitable slaughter coming my way.

Cheers Shaun.
So after a long break from BF3 for me today I was walking past EB Games and they had a sale. BF3 on PC was $34 and because I've just recently built a PC with enough grunt to max out BF3 I thought why not.

Well holy smoke Batman it looks like a totally different game. :D

I've only played for a little bit of singleplayer on hard and I must say with my keyboard skills it is hard.


No more tank ownage?

No more tank ownage?

Pretty sure I'll still play on the PS3 as well mate. After all multiplayer is where the fun is and with friends that's when it's at it's best. 👍
As it is at the moment all my friends play on PS3.
Must say just after a little bit of playing again I feel the urge for some tank ownage. :lol:

Cheers Shaun.
So I finally decided to play a 500 ticket CQ round and I join late (just started though). So I'm going 40/16 and what's the game decide to do? Completely freezes and locks up the PS3 during an intense firefight on Grand Bazaar around the B-flag. WTF. I'm tempted to sell this game if they don't fix this ****.

Also, I got none of my rewards, or any of my unlocks.


Fixed the swearword and censored it out. Sometimes I get a little carried away.

Once again this is an issue I have not come across, at all. I think higher ticket rounds are more susceptible to it though, seeing as you're on the same map for longer it makes sense that you're more likely to freeze as it's not refreshing itself, I tend to stay away from anything other then 100% tickets if I can. Even 200% is often just a drag I have no idea how any of you guys play 500% games without getting fed up unless it's really close start to end (which it rarely is!).
cleared a lot of data from my PS3 last night (including 400 individual files for PES 2011! - thank you Sony for finally adding a delete multiple option) and played a few rounds. Could just be a placebo effect, but I didn't get the sound glitch for the first time since the massive patch a few months ago.

I haven't had any crashes yet but didn't play CQ on Seine either, will try that one tonight.
So after a long break from BF3 for me today I was walking past EB Games and they had a sale. BF3 on PC was $34 and because I've just recently built a PC with enough grunt to max out BF3 I thought why not.

Well holy smoke Batman it looks like a totally different game.:drool: :D

I've only played for a little bit of singleplayer on hard and I must say with my keyboard skills it is hard. I'm going to need alot of practice with the keys before I head into multiplayer for the inevitable slaughter coming my way.

Cheers Shaun.

Welcome to the good side :)
So after a long break from BF3 for me today I was walking past EB Games and they had a sale. BF3 on PC was $34 and because I've just recently built a PC with enough grunt to max out BF3 I thought why not.

Well holy smoke Batman it looks like a totally different game.:drool: :D

I've only played for a little bit of singleplayer on hard and I must say with my keyboard skills it is hard. I'm going to need alot of practice with the keys before I head into multiplayer for the inevitable slaughter coming my way.

Cheers Shaun.

If you're coming from a console version to PC, don't get disheartened by the fact that everyone seems to have a built in radar. I switched from PS3 to PC during the Bad Company 2 days and went from a fairly respectable K/D to what I would have considered to be a bad joke, it took until about level 35 for it to even out... Not even tanks could save me, but I made a point of not using them as a crutch otherwise I'd never get good anyway. I never did get back to my PS3 standard of play. It's a combination of having to learn to use a mouse (which is absolute) rather than a stick (which is relative) and getting used to the fact that everyone else reacts so much faster and they tend to look around a lot more, so even when you do have your keyboard and mouse skill down you still have to play it differently. It is, to an extent, an entirely different game, a fact that I still see now when I compare how I play to how my brother plays, I think we're comparable in skill but he often does a lot better than I do. He was saying how he played a TDM and got 40-something kills and 5 deaths, whereas I regularly get close to 100 kills but with around 50 deaths, and that's if we both play with similar classes and in similar ways.

Oh and the higher player counts and CQ large maps will throw you for sure. It's great fun at times but I generally steer clear of 64 player servers.
So after a long break from BF3 for me today I was walking past EB Games and they had a sale. BF3 on PC was $34 and because I've just recently built a PC with enough grunt to max out BF3 I thought why not.

Well holy smoke Batman it looks like a totally different game.:drool: :D

I've only played for a little bit of singleplayer on hard and I must say with my keyboard skills it is hard. I'm going to need alot of practice with the keys before I head into multiplayer for the inevitable slaughter coming my way.

Cheers Shaun.

Welcome to the Real Battlefield! 👍 :lol:

I made the transition to PC with Battlefield 3. The biggest struggle was using the keyboard for player movement. While I feel I have mostly gotten that figured out by now, my aim with a mouse has been just a bit off the last few weeks. It has been incredibly frustrating.
I play on PC at a buddies house once a week or so. My k/m skills are ok. Likewise, controlling the player with the keyboard is my weak point. IMO the only benefit a keyboard has is the ability to pick and choose which seat in a vehicle you want to switch to rather than cycling all open seats. I hate driveing a Humvee or something, switching to gunny seat and then having to go through the passenger seats to get back to driving.
Was over his house for a little bit last night and we were rotating every round. Both rounds I played were gun master ( yuck! ). I did alright getting him a top five which he hasn't gotten. I was pretty happy considering its all guys he has been playing PC shooters with since counter strike, and it was a hardcore server.

There's times on PC I get a little disoriented because the maps are so much more detailed at distances. One thing that bugs me is say on cq small sienne the flags are different than the console small.

I wish on console we could shoose where to place the flags as long as you use flag spots already in use for the larger versions. So many maps have fully modeled areas that are totally unused.
Got the game for PC as well. Surprised how well it runs at the default settings at 1280x720 on my PC (see sig for details). Much to my amazement, I started off with the single player campaign and so far I really like it.
If people wish to add me on Origin, my nick is NLxAROSA. 👍 I'll be venturing in the online bit once I get the feeling back. :D
Been playing online for the first time the last few days (mostly quick matches, conquest mode) and I'm truly pathetic and really ashamed my stats are publicly available to watch (at least for those on my friends list).
I'm a slow learner (or eternal noob) I guess but so far having tons of fun regardless. :D
You'll have to join us Analog, the game revolves around a team of 4. 3 of you in a tank is bordering on unstoppable.

The game has been getting on my chesticles of late, still doesn't seem as easy as it used to be to find the right server.
You'll have to join us Analog, the game revolves around a team of 4. 3 of you in a tank is bordering on unstoppable.

I'd love to, once I get a bit more familiar with a lot of aspects and feel confident enough I'll try to (and figuring out how to join you in the first place).
Have still to learn the maps, unlock a lot of weapons and find out how to operate a helicopter amongst many other things.
I'm still in that 'beginning a new game' fase where everything is a bit overwhelming and loving it.
Chopper learning is best done in the co-op mission Fire from the Sky (or something to that affect).

The first 2-3 hours are a bit tough, try reading Dragonistic's guide posts in here.
Thanks for the words of encouragement and advice guys, I'm going to need it once I start in Multi-Player. This using the keyboard business is completely foreign to me. I suppose (and hope) it will come down to muscle memory after a fair bit of play.
So far I'm a few missions into single player to try and get the feel of it and if I were to play Multi-Player ATM I would be slaughtered.

I will say though the game looks absolutely gorgeous playing on maxed out settings on a 120 hz monitor. I'm getting between 80-120 FPS depending on the screen action. I'm interested to see how it performs in Multi-Player, must resist to save the embarrasment. :lol:

Strangely enough I'm actually looking forward to leveling up my classes from scratch again, although that may change pretty quick once I get into it.

Cheers Shaun.
Excuse my ignorance, but surely if you are moving using the keyboard (WASD) it has to be a disadvantage because you can only move in 8 directions rather than the infinite directions when using a controller.
Those new assignments are bullxxx. Didn't we already have to torture ourselves and use these weapons already? I didn't care much about the carbon fibre dog tags so didn't bother with them, but now it seems Dice is pushing those weapons on us and the in game play suffers as a result. Everyone's running around these huge maps with F2000s.
Excuse my ignorance, but surely if you are moving using the keyboard (WASD) it has to be a disadvantage because you can only move in 8 directions rather than the infinite directions when using a controller.

You still have mouse you know. Its same as the joysticks in controller.
Excuse my ignorance, but surely if you are moving using the keyboard (WASD) it has to be a disadvantage because you can only move in 8 directions rather than the infinite directions when using a controller.

I think the performance of the mouse more than outweighs the fact that you can only move in 8 directions, I can't think of a single situation where I've wished I could move in more directions but every time I watch someone play the PS3 version (or during the <5m I've played it myself) I'm really glad I got the PC version...
I think there's more accuracy to be had with using a mouse. I miss playing on the PC. Some aspects are easier with the DS3/360 controllers, but once you master your hot keys you'll be a pro in no time at all. Just takes practice like always :)
Once again this is an issue I have not come across, at all. I think higher ticket rounds are more susceptible to it though, seeing as you're on the same map for longer it makes sense that you're more likely to freeze as it's not refreshing itself, I tend to stay away from anything other then 100% tickets if I can. Even 200% is often just a drag I have no idea how any of you guys play 500% games without getting fed up unless it's really close start to end (which it rarely is!).

I like the fact that it's like IRL, lasts a long time and it's just plain fun and passes time really nicely. An average 500 ticket TDM round lasts about a half hour to 45 minutes on Canals and you don't even realize it when you get going. I've had a 500 round TDM on Tehran Highway...2, almost 3 hours match. That was epic because it was close the whole time...most unbelievable match I've ever playd. I prefer high ticket servers because the amount of points you can rack up in one round is rediculous and you don't have to keep waiting for a new map to load every 10 minutes or so.

I think there's more accuracy to be had with using a mouse. I miss playing on the PC. Some aspects are easier with the DS3/360 controllers, but once you master your hot keys you'll be a pro in no time at all. Just takes practice like always :)

I never cared for any PC games lol. NEver had the patience to relearn everything over again.
Got my first Javelin kill or the assignment and after that i got kicked kill didnt count so i rage quit the whole game.