Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Ok i'am so disapointed at DICE again. Those same guns?! I hate the L96, PKP and need to get kill with them?! Not gonna happen quickly.
Ok i'am so disapointed at DICE again. Those same guns?! I hate the L96, PKP and need to get kill with them?! Not gonna happen quickly.

Agreed on l96. I think I'm still working on the assignments for it now. But I almost never use snipers and learning with a bolt action is taking time. At least now I can work 3 assignments with 1 weapon at the same time ;)

I do like the pkp, but it was also my first serious attempt at running lmg.

Slash, for me its about finally taking out that tank who knows where your at. Especially if its a tank with 3 people working together. The cat and mouse hunt is great. Watching the tanks turret shadow to try and pop an RPG off ( or c4/javelin/ repair tool) whenever the sought window pops up. Always a firefight because someone will either jump out and try to dig you out or repair.

Had a good 3 or 4 minute tank/tank battle in the fields of Caspian. Both of us using the hills to break eachothers lock, lots of dodging etc. Purposefully turning the side of your tank that still has reactive armor to be able to sustain that extra shot. It was a great 1 on 1 strategy based battle. Not your typical smash and go like you see alot of drivers do ( myself included..... ).
It felt more like a tank on tank battle would be.
PS: I won.
Or games like I had last week with gatyr. 200+ ticket comeback. At one point we had a little over 30 tix left and the enemy had 90+. But we were holding 3 of the 4 flags, with one of them always being attacked. I died with around 30 to 70 on the counter. I chose not to respawn and we won with 2 tickets left. Watching the counters for the rest of the match it got to 15 - 10 them. The 5-10 them. Held them off.

That is the beauty of BF3. Something for everyone. But I still hate tdm.
Agreed on l96. I think I'm still working on the assignments for it now. But I almost never use snipers and learning with a bolt action is taking time. At least now I can work 3 assignments with 1 weapon at the same time ;)

I do like the pkp, but it was also my first serious attempt at running lmg.

Slash, for me its about finally taking out that tank who knows where your at. Especially if its a tank with 3 people working together. The cat and mouse hunt is great. Watching the tanks turret shadow to try and pop an RPG off ( or c4/javelin/ repair tool) whenever the sought window pops up. Always a firefight because someone will either jump out and try to dig you out or repair.

Had a good 3 or 4 minute tank/tank battle in the fields of Caspian. Both of us using the hills to break eachothers lock, lots of dodging etc. Purposefully turning the side of your tank that still has reactive armor to be able to sustain that extra shot. It was a great 1 on 1 strategy based battle. Not your typical smash and go like you see alot of drivers do ( myself included..... ).
It felt more like a tank on tank battle would be.
PS: I won.
Or games like I had last week with gatyr. 200+ ticket comeback. At one point we had a little over 30 tix left and the enemy had 90+. But we were holding 3 of the 4 flags, with one of them always being attacked. I died with around 30 to 70 on the counter. I chose not to respawn and we won with 2 tickets left. Watching the counters for the rest of the match it got to 15 - 10 them. The 5-10 them. Held them off.

That is the beauty of BF3. Something for everyone. But I still hate tdm.

I too, like what you describe but I've always (since as long as I can remember) loved just the feel of a large firefight, just trying to stay alive long enough to take out that last guy.

If there is one thing I wish BF3 had, it's more COD modes. Even though I'm no longer a fan of COD, some of them were just fun. Free for all was another favorite of mine, just trying to stay alive in the thick of it all was fun.

Everyone to their own opinion though.
Just replaced my M1911 with the suppressed version, due mainly to what I read on here.
I must say that I am impressed and I now use it when I want to be sneaky instead of just as a last resort. Plus I love the sound of silenced weapons.
Those 3 are my pick of the PDWs as well, one the P90 and MP7 are lasered up they are hip-fire gods but the P90 sneaks it for me as you can use a suppressor instead of extended mags though the MP7 has a more useful effective range via reduced recoil I believe, if you need extra range it's probably time to drop the MP7/P90 and pick up the UMP or a normal primary weapon. UMP suffers from slightly small mag but the slower fire rate makes it much less of a problem and once again you can run suppressor and laser.

That is my reasoning for the weapons. Though, I have found the P90 to be more all around more effective than the MP7. This may possibly be down to always using the weapon suppressed or just being a bit more comfortable with the weapon.
Those 3 are my pick of the PDWs as well, one the P90 and MP7 are lasered up they are hip-fire gods but the P90 sneaks it for me as you can use a suppressor instead of extended mags though the MP7 has a more useful effective range via reduced recoil I believe, if you need extra range it's probably time to drop the MP7/P90 and pick up the UMP or a normal primary weapon. UMP suffers from slightly small mag but the slower fire rate makes it much less of a problem and once again you can run suppressor and laser.

I never use laser, though I suppose it is more of a PDW/shottie thing?

Those unlocks are disappointing, we had those 4 guns in the CQ DLC assignments. Imagination, you have none.
Laser sights are very good for PDWs because it decreases bullet spread. Since PDWs are primarily very close range weapons, lowering the spread improves hip fire accuracy and makes the PDWs more effective. I have no idea how a laser sight would impact a shotgun; extended magazines are a much better attachment.
My tactic for the previous assignment named Location Scout (exclusive to Premium) that required 50 kills with the L96 was: get into a TDM on Canals with 500 tickets, rush like a noob and get +60kills until the end of the match. :sly:
The hardest one here will be "350 meter headshot with the L96", I barely have a 118 longest headshot at the moment.
My tactic for the previous assignment named Location Scout (exclusive to Premium) that required 50 kills with the L96 was: get into a TDM on Canals with 500 tickets, rush like a noob and get +60kills until the end of the match. :sly:
The hardest one here will be "350 meter headshot with the L96", I barely have a 118 longest headshot at the moment.

My longest so far is 347. I think I hit that my first week of having the game.
My longest so far is 347. I think I hit that my first week of having the game.

640 here. I don't even remember how I got it. I'm pretty sure I got a 900+ in Beta though, that one was crazy the guy looked like an ant on my screen.
I never use laser, though I suppose it is more of a PDW/shottie thing?

Those unlocks are disappointing, we had those 4 guns in the CQ DLC assignments. Imagination, you have none.

The laser is extremely good in the right situations, specifically CQB engagements so maps like Seine, Metro, Close Quarters. As for the weapons accepting them, something like the M16 even is a great candidate as you can be more mobile with the laser and in alot of situations you can just spray randomly with the laser when suppressed/under fire to counter-suppress as you move and so on (with the fast reload you have time to chuck a new mag in after you spray a few rounds). Effectively what the laser does is extends the range you can hip-fire accurately and thus be a more mobile target to shoot at as hip-firing is often easier up close as the spray is a good thing.

There's obvious downsides, mainly giving your position away but if you shut the thing off in more open areas and then turn it on in tight areas or rounding corners and you can do really well whilst you can be super aggressive with it on very tight maps and get some really obnoxious kills with it on certain weapons (like jumping around corners like a hooligan and spraying wildly :lol:), high fire rate weapons usually where pinpoint accuracy is not required. I even used the laser pre-extended mags for my L86 so when someone was in my face I could hip-fire spray them.

In short:
- The laser effects different weapons with different spread decreases, generally high fire rate weapons work best though
- Remember to turn the damn thing off when you don't need it, wide open ground etc.
- You can get away with further hip-fire range then you might think, test out each weapon for a while to find out. If you can still hit them fairly reliably hip-fire, do it as you can remain more mobile
- As soon as you see an enemy you can begin to fire while you bring your sights up, suppress/extra damage
- Fire back randomly at targets that have the drop on you, suppress them whilst not slowing down so you can get to cover
- Best on close range maps, useless if you're always engaging from afar though still semi-decent to suppress whilst you run for cover but a heavy barrel or something may be superior.
- Great on PDWs as it moves to slot 2 instead of strong competition in slot 3 on normal primary weapons.
Wait, you can turn it off ;)

Kidding. I always forget to turn them back on. I love finding snipers running tac light who think they all invisible in the shadows. Only to have not pushed up ( or T for you PC guys). Makes counter sniping easier.
Wait, you can turn it off ;)

Kidding. I always forget to turn them back on. I love finding snipers running tac light who think they all invisible in the shadows. Only to have not pushed up ( or T for you PC guys). Makes counter sniping easier.

Even if they do, any large-zoom scope will still give off that glint.
Even if they do, any large-zoom scope will still give off that glint.

Which is why I use holographic sights most of the time, last time I used the Mk.11 Mod 0 I got a 300 metre one-hit headshot with a holo, silencer and grip. If a player could get good enough to hit half of the heads they fire at with that setup over 250 metres basically every other recon rifle becomes redundant because I don't think many people regularly engage enemies from far beyond 300m yet the Mk.11 is great up close too. I don't know why but I don't really like the ACOG at any range, I've never gotten on with it.
I too, like what you describe but I've always (since as long as I can remember) loved just the feel of a large firefight, just trying to stay alive long enough to take out that last guy.

If there is one thing I wish BF3 had, it's more COD modes. Even though I'm no longer a fan of COD, some of them were just fun. Free for all was another favorite of mine, just trying to stay alive in the thick of it all was fun.

Even though i agreed with you on the inclusion of TDM, I strongly dissagree with the inclusion of free for all and other "COD" modes. We have got TDM, And dice have even streched it already i think with gun game. I dont think it should go further, Or i think we will be in danger of loosing the very "essence" of Battlefield.

But as we have all said before its only opinions.:)

Anyway my quest for the new camo's (even though i am dissapointed they are the same guns)..........DICE - WTF?

I just cant get claymore kills to save my life, They are utter crap.:mad::banghead:

F2000 new camo done.

Need 4 more AT launcher heli kills for the SCAR H new camo.

All of the L96 yet to be done.

Still need 24 out of 25 claymore kills on the PKP new camo.
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I just cant get claymore kills to save my life, They are utter crap.:mad::banghead:

F2000 new camo done.

Need 4 more AT launcher heli kills for the SCAR H new camo.

All of the L96 yet to be done.

Still need 24 out of 25 claymore kills on the PKP new camo.

The funny thing is, as little as I want the new stuff, I'm still feeling compelled to work on it. I've only played one game tonight but I'm 26 SCAR-H kills, one SMAW vs. attack chopper kill and two AT mine kills into that assignment but I haven't touched any of the others so far.

Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to actually type my reply, try TDM on Canals for claymore kills, stick a few around corners in the container area and you might get lucky. I think I've gotten maybe two claymore kills in the 215 hours I've played, but one of those two was using that method. Can't argue with a 50% success rate...
I just cant get claymore kills to save my life, They are utter crap.:mad::banghead:

Yes they are but cheap easyish way is conquest domination. As you capture a flag put a couple down right beside each other right next to the flag.
Which is why I use holographic sights most of the time, last time I used the Mk.11 Mod 0 I got a 300 metre one-hit headshot with a holo, silencer and grip. If a player could get good enough to hit half of the heads they fire at with that setup over 250 metres basically every other recon rifle becomes redundant because I don't think many people regularly engage enemies from far beyond 300m yet the Mk.11 is great up close too. I don't know why but I don't really like the ACOG at any range, I've never gotten on with it.

I tend to use the 7x on my Mk.11 with silencer and grip, very effective combo and I account for my glare always by keeping my rifle pointing down whilst I scan the environment on the bipod then bring the rifle up to fire. Holo sights work great though, I use the zoom scope more for fun. M417 with holo, suppressor and bipod also extremely effective for my aggressive Recon.
Yes they are but cheap easyish way is conquest domination. As you capture a flag put a couple down right beside each other right next to the flag.

This is what iv'e tried, People were just jogging through them. I am aware that they arnt a definite kill everytime but they are getting on my nerves now.:grumpy:
425 claymore kills :D

Can't say I am too disappointed at this stage not getting premium - those soldier drops are lame.

I suspected (and continued to do so) there is no chance they would drop weapons for premium players only, especially when they could make any premium weapon drops a separate DLC package to winkle dollar's out of non-premium players like me...
The funny thing is, as little as I want the new stuff, I'm still feeling compelled to work on it. I've only played one game tonight but I'm 26 SCAR-H kills, one SMAW vs. attack chopper kill and two AT mine kills into that assignment but I haven't touched any of the others so far.

Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to actually type my reply, try TDM on Canals for claymore kills, stick a few around corners in the container area and you might get lucky. I think I've gotten maybe two claymore kills in the 215 hours I've played, but one of those two was using that method. Can't argue with a 50% success rate...

Im getting people to walk through them its just they always survive, except for one very unlucky soul:lol:, And yes im the same, Im not to fussed about the actual unlocks but if they are there, They are there to be done. lol:)
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425 claymore kills :D

Can't say I am too disappointed at this stage not getting premium - those soldier drops are lame.

I suspected (and continued to do so) there is no chance they would drop weapons for premium players only, especially when they could make any premium weapon drops a separate DLC package to winkle dollar's out of non-premium players like me...

Ah yes, but there's nothing to say that if the bonus content drops (the first of which comes out next month) isn't a weapon DLC that will be available to non-premium players too, for a price, like the rest of the DLC we're getting. I was one of those who thought the bonus content drops would be guns, or one of them would be, but after today's soldier upgrade just being camos for the same guns rather than new ones (I was expecting one camo for each of the vanilla guns, given that last time we got dog tags and a new knife so I thought the weapon camos were just a teaser) I'm not so sure any more... DICE are sure to disappoint somehow.

Ah well, as long as the three remaining big DLC packs are as good as B2K and CQ then buying premium will have been worth it.
So I finally decided to play a 500 ticket CQ round and I join late (just started though). So I'm going 40/16 and what's the game decide to do? Completely freezes and locks up the PS3 during an intense firefight on Grand Bazaar around the B-flag. WTF. I'm tempted to sell this game if they don't fix this ****.

Also, I got none of my rewards, or any of my unlocks.


Fixed the swearword and censored it out. Sometimes I get a little carried away.
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