Why was I not informed? 30.74% hit rate for me with 120 kills. It was my favourite pistol for a long time because of the one or two shot kill and, believe it or not, the ability to hit and kill targets with a sensible number of rounds at frankly ludicrous ranges. If you meant it's inaccurate if you fire it as quickly as possible then yes, the recoil is massive, but if you take your time it's practically a one handed sniper rifle. However that doesn't make it well rounded, in fact it's quite the opposite; it's the most powerful handgun (in the world, and would blow your head clean off...) and I'd say has the best single shot accuracy but the lowest rate of fire, smallest magazine size, longest reload and highest recoil (I think).
Well-rounded means, to me, a balance of everything, and I would say the M1911 suppressed is that gun. It kills in 3 shots at close range (compared to 2 for the .44 and REX, 4 for everything else that isn't the G18 and 5 for the G18) and while I can't read the stats to back any other claims up (seriously, the symthic.com charts are absolute nonsense to me) it is just a really nice gun to use and bridges the gap between the revolvers and semi autos very well.
Now, the automatics on the other hand, up to a certain range they're on a par with most of the PDWs. If you're playing Rush or you prefer close quarters maps you might find the M93R or G18 to be far more useful, but for a map like Kharg, Caspian or Firestorm the M1911 is the better option. Also if you play Hardcore you might find the M1911's power is less relevant than the higher capacities and lower recoil of the 9mm semi autos so they'd be a better choice.