Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
All new assignment's done, As much as this soldier update was a bit of a dissapointment, I still enjoyed working on the assignments, so i look forward to more. Just hopefully the next assignments will be based on different weapons as everybody wants :) The new uniform camo's are the nicest in the game atm in my opinion though, And the Burkut camo on the SCAR-H does look good. So, please DICE different weapons next time!!!:mad:
I'm gonna try to get on in about a half hour. Been trying to view my soldier thru the ingame menus and keep getting failed to retrieve stats message. Want to see what fund are close to stars and what assignments need some attention.
Hopefully thus isn't a sign of things to come for me for the night. I have the next 7 hours to play ;)
Team THRT Drift
Now, I'm just staring at my TV screen; watching that patch being downloaded (all 1383 MB of it). I don't think I'm going to get Premium.


Team THRT Drift
Don't feel like spending MORE money on a game. That's why I think the DLC should be free, otherwise don't include it at all. (You can call me cheap; I really don't care. I know I'm not the only one who's NOT getting Premium)
So because you don't want to spend money on it, it should therefore be free.
That is some pretty unbeatable logic right there! Can't argue with you. 👍

Anyways, the original game has more than enough content to last a satisfying half a year or more (depends on how often you play).

The people who got Premium, did so because they knew they'll be playing BF3 for a long time. So Premium ends up costing less (if one was planning to buy all expantion packs).
And even with all the dissapointment from DICE & EA, many still believe that this still is the FPS to be playing at the moment.
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Anyone got the 350 meter headshot with the L96? I'm having some difficulty getting it, my best is still 234 :/

I'm on console.
I got it by playing Conquest on Noshair Canals, spawn as US on the ship (where the boats, etc. are) take the staircase on the left (the one facing the playing field) and right before that ladder to get o the deck, turn around and run till the end (dead end), setup your bipod and look towards the crane and B. Should be a minimum of 450.

Alternatively you can go on Caspian Boarder, get into a chopper or jet, fly to the antenna, jump out, land on it and there you go. Mind you it blows up halfway though a match, so time is limited.

AFAIK you need to finish the round for it to count, so make sure it's not a 1mil ticket server :lol:
I'm on console.
I got it by playing Conquest on Noshair Canals, spawn as US on the ship (where the boats, etc. are) take the staircase on the left (the one facing the playing field) and right before that ladder to get o the deck, turn around and run till the end (dead end), setup your bipod and look towards the crane and B. Should be a minimum of 450.

Alternatively you can go on Caspian Boarder, get into a chopper or jet, fly to the antenna, jump out, land on it and there you go. Mind you it blows up halfway though a match, so time is limited.

AFAIK you need to finish the round for it to count, so make sure it's not a 1mil ticket server :lol:
I tried this morning on Operation Firestorm, I was lucky to find a sniper on the crane near A but it wasn't enough. :(
I tried this morning on Operation Firestorm, I was lucky to find a sniper on the crane near A but it wasn't enough. :(

Gulf of Oman is your freind :sly:, Although i did do mine the other way around on canal's. I was on that bridge with the train tracks on it (the one in the TDM map) and there were javelin users and snipers on the deck of the aircraft carrier.

Mine was 390 meters aswell:)
I regularly get approximately 300 metre headshots on Kharg by hanging around the offices and sniping at where B is on PC (the Army base) because there's ALWAYS a sniper there. I guess just identify the key sniper camping spots (preferably ones near flags so you can estimate the distance), find a spot to snipe said spots from and memorise the bullet drop compensation you need to apply to hit that spot from your spot. Spot. Weird word...
I'm on console.
I got it by playing Conquest on Noshair Canals, spawn as US on the ship (where the boats, etc. are) take the staircase on the left (the one facing the playing field) and right before that ladder to get o the deck, turn around and run till the end (dead end), setup your bipod and look towards the crane and B. Should be a minimum of 450.
I was on the crane near A and I managed to kill some guys on the ship but the max range I got was 265 so I guess I have to go to the other crane.
As a guy who flies often on that map, I love finding snipers on that crane near A. It's just too easy :D

And about all the new camo, I'll be spending more time trying to unlock it than DICE spent making it, so I'll pass.
What are you guys' playstyles? I'm a run and gun guy but I play conservative on other modes besides TDM. I think thats why I like TDM, it's literally shoot everyone and don't get shot
I finally got the 350 meter headshot, like someone said before I was waiting on the US ship on Canals looking at B and I was surprised to shoot just once at one guy (after understanding how the long bullets work) and getting the headshot I wanted. 497 meters baby :P
Just had a cool game with the SKS (haven't used it in a long time):
And I can't decide if it's better with or without the handgrip. Thoughts?

As it is a semi auto, It doesnt really need it as the side to side recoil isnt very noticeble. But it could help when your in closer engagements if you have to start "spamming". The most useful primary for the semi auto's is the Bipod in my opinion, Because at longer ranges you plonk it down and pick people off and doesnt alter the characteristics of the weapon when firing on the move.👍

Anyone want to soflam for me?
Do you still need a hand?
What's wrong with EA servers lately? Lost connection 3 times in a row, it sucks because I was working on some assignments and nothing counted :(
What's wrong with EA servers lately? Lost connection 3 times in a row, it sucks because I was working on some assignments and nothing counted :(

Funny you should say that. It just happened to me twice aswell, And i never lose connection normally.
Not a hand but a soflam lol. 2 more air vehicle destroys. Add me juhna96. Im currently offline.

Ok FR sent, Ready to help you now if you like:tup:

Damn it double post, I hate it when i do that, Sorry guys.:ouch:
Just had a cool game with the SKS (haven't used it in a long time):
And I can't decide if it's better with or without the handgrip. Thoughts?

The grip comes with an accuracy penalty which will affect the rifle's long range ability, but if you don't even try to take long shots then I wouldn't worry too much about that. Personally with the semi auto rifles I always keep an eye out for long shots on stationary targets, you do occasionally get lucky but then the SKS isn't a single headshot kill, is it? Or is it? In any case, like ryanaldoblanco I prefer the bipod, in fact I even use bipods on the lower RoF assault rifles like the SCAR-L and G3A3 because it really does extend the useful range by a good chunk.
Only 86 more kills to go before I get 1000 kills with the FAMAS. Most people are shocked that I even used that weapon for that long (even more after the nerf). I'm going to try to finish that weapon up right now by doing a couple TDM's on Noshahr Canals.
Only 86 more kills to go before I get 1000 kills with the FAMAS. Most people are shocked that I even used that weapon for that long (even more after the nerf). I'm going to try to finish that weapon up right now by doing a couple TDM's on Noshahr Canals.

I used the FAMAS for a couple of rounds of CQDOM today and enjoyed it, Even though i hadnt used it since it was buffed a bit. But i have to say this would be the only mode i would use it in as I imagine it would be terrible at anything over 50 yards, wich is appalling for an assault rifle, Still it has its niche so its fair enough.
I used the FAMAS for a couple of rounds of CQDOM today and enjoyed it, Even though i hadnt used it since it was buffed a bit. But i have to say this would be the only mode i would use it in as I imagine it would be terrible at anything over 50 yards, wich is appalling for an assault rifle, Still it has its niche so its fair enough.

I've learned to switch it to busrt to kill anyone over 50 yards away. With Burst I can kill a lot further. It just matters if I see them. If they are really far I take it to single shot and see what I can do.

Only 42 more kills left.\
EDIT: I finally got 1000 kills with the FAMAS. I feel proud to use this weapon for so long. I have been forcing myself to get to 1000 and now i did it. Now on to finally getting to level 45.
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I just started the game up and it said I wasn't premium and I had to redownload my online pass. I redownloaded it and it says I'm premium now but the new assignments aren't showing up. :confused:
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