So it seems resistance was futile. My plan of finishing the single player before trying multiplayer since swapping to PC has failed.
I gave in to temptation today and thought I'll have one round just to see how it plays.
Set my filter and hit quickmatch, was greeted with the screen saying "Your Team Lost", some things never change it seems

Anyway next round starts, Caspian Border. Nice one of my favourites.
Battle report.!/bf3/battlereport/show/37763453/1/365078955/
Jump staight into a tank and I'm off, well sort of. Using the keys to control a tank, for myself anyway is way harder than a DS3. After finally making it to the Gas Station and capturing it I head onto the Hilltop and capture that. What's this I see, a flag at The Antenna (some things do change). Next stop the Forrest and this is where I get my first kill. A roadkill, reversed over the guy without even knowing he's there.
Well to save you all of the boredom of talking my way through the whole round I'll just give a couple of first impressions.
Graphics: Well what can you say, the PS3 version is no slouch but PC maxed out is just gorgeous. On a couple of occasions I lost my bearings, which I'll mostly put down to the higher level of detail.
Controls: This is going to be tough for me but I'm hoping I can get to a good enough level to enjoy the game. I still don't even know all the keys for muliplayer yet, took me until around three quarters of the way through the round to work out to bring up my repair torch.

The mouse is fantastic to aim with but the five thumbs on my left hand will need some training.
Sound: Hard to comment here, on the my PS3 version I have it running through our surround sound setup. When the wife and kids are out and I turn it up it sounds fantastic. On my PC however I'm just using a reciever connected to it with only the front two speakers. Still sounds good though. 👍.
Something that concerns me though is when looking through the server browsers my ping seems good on Aus servers around 40 but not so elsewhere, US for example around 220. How bad does the ping have to be before it becomes unplayable? I suppose I can only try it and see.
Quick question for the PC guys.
Can you change your soldiers loadout elsewhere apart from in game while playing multiplayer? I can't seem to find it anywhere. On the PS3 version it's in the main menu under My Soldier from memory.
Cheers Shaun.