Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I've learned to switch it to busrt to kill anyone over 50 yards away. With Burst I can kill a lot further. It just matters if I see them. If they are really far I take it to single shot and see what I can do.

Only 42 more kills left.\
EDIT: I finally got 1000 kills with the FAMAS. I feel proud to use this weapon for so long. I have been forcing myself to get to 1000 and now i did it. Now on to finally getting to level 45.

This is how i felt about getting the G3A3 to 10 service stars, Mainly for me because the G3A3 isnt really that popular so it was nice to do something most wont.

other guns with 10 service stars.

and im 4 kills from 10 s/stars with the AEK.

lately i find myself picking guns to try and reach this benchmark with them, Im not one for whoring one weapon like the M16, AEK, F2000 guys.

I think after the AEK the AUG will be next, And then L86A2 LSW.

Will you continue to use the same, or move on mike?👍
My aim with the iron sights on the M417 is awful. It is not due to the iron sights on the weapon because the M417 has clear open sights. Apparently, I cannot aim with anything that is not a red dot or holographic sight.
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This is how i felt about getting the G3A3 to 10 service stars, Mainly for me because the G3A3 isnt really that popular so it was nice to do something most wont.

other guns with 10 service stars.

and im 4 kills from 10 s/stars with the AEK.

lately i find myself picking guns to try and reach this benchmark with them, Im not one for whoring one weapon like the M16, AEK, F2000 guys.

I think after the AEK the AUG will be next, And then L86A2 LSW.

Will you continue to use the same, or move on mike?👍

I was planning on moving on before I got to 900. I will probably do the F2000 or G36C. Since they are both weapons I have at least 1 service star with. After that, I have no idea. I may try to get 500 with the SV98 (432 kill as of now) or get to 1000 with the AEK (379 kills) or M16 (401 kills). I don't have Close Quarters even though I do plan on buying Premium so all those weapons are out.
I was planning on moving on before I got to 900. I will probably do the F2000 or G36C. Since they are both weapons I have at least 1 service star with. After that, I have no idea. I may try to get 500 with the SV98 (432 kill as of now) or get to 1000 with the AEK (379 kills) or M16 (401 kills). I don't have Close Quarters even though I do plan on buying Premium so all those weapons are out.

Ok cool, iIthink i'll try the G36C aswell as its a gun i like but dont use often. I want to try and get 10 s/stars with a shotgun, I have 930 kills with the usas but i'd rather do it with the spas 12:)

Yep the Close quarters weapons are strong, so you got some good weapons to look forward to if you get it 👍;)
I joined a knife only server, got my first knife SS with 2 other guys. Then a whole bunch of level 2-7 players join with M16A3's. That ruined my fun
So it seems resistance was futile. My plan of finishing the single player before trying multiplayer since swapping to PC has failed.
I gave in to temptation today and thought I'll have one round just to see how it plays.

Set my filter and hit quickmatch, was greeted with the screen saying "Your Team Lost", some things never change it seems :lol:.

Anyway next round starts, Caspian Border. Nice one of my favourites.

Battle report.!/bf3/battlereport/show/37763453/1/365078955/

Jump staight into a tank and I'm off, well sort of. Using the keys to control a tank, for myself anyway is way harder than a DS3. After finally making it to the Gas Station and capturing it I head onto the Hilltop and capture that. What's this I see, a flag at The Antenna (some things do change). Next stop the Forrest and this is where I get my first kill. A roadkill, reversed over the guy without even knowing he's there. :lol:

Well to save you all of the boredom of talking my way through the whole round I'll just give a couple of first impressions.

Graphics: Well what can you say, the PS3 version is no slouch but PC maxed out is just gorgeous. On a couple of occasions I lost my bearings, which I'll mostly put down to the higher level of detail.

Controls: This is going to be tough for me but I'm hoping I can get to a good enough level to enjoy the game. I still don't even know all the keys for muliplayer yet, took me until around three quarters of the way through the round to work out to bring up my repair torch. :dopey: The mouse is fantastic to aim with but the five thumbs on my left hand will need some training.

Sound: Hard to comment here, on the my PS3 version I have it running through our surround sound setup. When the wife and kids are out and I turn it up it sounds fantastic. On my PC however I'm just using a reciever connected to it with only the front two speakers. Still sounds good though. 👍.

Something that concerns me though is when looking through the server browsers my ping seems good on Aus servers around 40 but not so elsewhere, US for example around 220. How bad does the ping have to be before it becomes unplayable? I suppose I can only try it and see.

Quick question for the PC guys.

Can you change your soldiers loadout elsewhere apart from in game while playing multiplayer? I can't seem to find it anywhere. On the PS3 version it's in the main menu under My Soldier from memory.

Cheers Shaun.
Nope, and that's the worst part of the PC version in my opinion, to change the soldier loadout, vehicle gadgets and general settings you need to be playing a game. Fortunately you can use single player to change options but for everything else you have to be online, which is such a waste of time, especially when you've unlocked all the weapons so you have to find the gun you want in a grid of loads of identical-looking guns.
Ok, thanks mate so it wasn't just me not being able to find it.
How could Dice leave that out :crazy:.

Cheers Shaun.
I had the oddest bug at Damavand yesterday, you know it's not uncommon for the textures in the background to load properly?

Yeah, it was doing it in the foreground after a couple of minutes. Really odd, unplayable so I Skyrim'd instead.
You know what I don't get? What I don't get is that according to my US Marines Service Medal and RU Army Service Medal, I have 74h49m as US and 70h2m as RU, which add up to 144h51m, right? Yet my total time in game is 213h31m. That's quite a lot of time unaccounted for. Why? How? It's much the same with the other timed medals, they add up to a total of 196h21m, so there's about 17 hours missing...
I had the oddest bug at Damavand yesterday, you know it's not uncommon for the textures in the background to load properly?

Yeah, it was doing it in the foreground after a couple of minutes. Really odd, unplayable so I Skyrim'd instead.

BF3's become a glitch fest since the last patch. Played a round the other day (Tehran rush) where my gun and hands were invisible during one life. Then there the no crosshairs glitch which has happened to me several times since the last patch (including last night).

Then of course there's the sou d glitch which is worse than before they "fixed" it in the last patch.

That being said, when your in a good server, and the game is working fine, it's still the best FPS on console.
I'm still, STILL, not experiencing most of these complaints of glitches and problems. I encountered the audio bug for the first time in about a month last night on Firestorm. I don't understand how you guys are doing it/how I am avoiding it.
I'm still, STILL, not experiencing most of these complaints of glitches and problems. I encountered the audio bug for the first time in about a month last night on Firestorm. I don't understand how you guys are doing it/how I am avoiding it.

I get the audio glitch at least once a day on BF3, Firestorm seems to be one of the worst maps for it. The other glitches are less common but I've had the no crosshairs glitch several times since the patch (mostly on the m320). This in addition to the game crashing every time I play CQ on Seine.
Strange, CQ Seine is once again totally fine for me and I've had a cross-hair glitch once where I had a shotty cross-hair on my normal gun but I fixed it somehow (pausing or something).
Neema, I believe it only counts time on foot. I'm around 280 hours and don't have either yet.

Gundalini, glad I'm not the only one who got lost due to higher detail. Especially at distance.
Strange, CQ Seine is once again totally fine for me and I've had a cross-hair glitch once where I had a shotty cross-hair on my normal gun but I fixed it somehow (pausing or something).

Yeah I've had that one a couple of times. Just switch to your side arm and then switch back and its fine, but it seems to like to disappear completely for me (mostly on the m320 but also happened when I was in a helicopter last night on firestorm).
You know what I don't get? What I don't get is that according to my US Marines Service Medal and RU Army Service Medal, I have 74h49m as US and 70h2m as RU, which add up to 144h51m, right? Yet my total time in game is 213h31m. That's quite a lot of time unaccounted for. Why? How? It's much the same with the other timed medals, they add up to a total of 196h21m, so there's about 17 hours missing...

It's because time spent in vehicles doesn't add up to US/RU or Specific Class service medals.
Question: what is the general opinion on people playing BF3 that bought the shortcut bundle? Is it generally accepted or is it generally frowned upon/despised? The reason I ask is that I generally don't have a lot of time to play and wish to experiment with all the goodies. However, if you will be treated as a scurvy jackal suffering from halitosis online, I might not want to get it. ;)
Question: what is the general opinion on people playing BF3 that bought the shortcut bundle? Is it generally accepted or is it generally frowned upon/despised?

I don't have anything against it really, unfortunately BF3 isn't balanced in the sense that some things you almost need to be able to play. I don't have ECM or Laser Designator for Scout Helis so I pretty much can't use them or I get owned though I continue to persist in trying to get some points for it. Air vehicles in particular are the worst for it because you can't get easy flag captures for points, the rest you don't really need to shortcut.
I'm still, STILL, not experiencing most of these complaints of glitches and problems. I encountered the audio bug for the first time in about a month last night on Firestorm. I don't understand how you guys are doing it/how I am avoiding it.

I had sound issues as well before it, I'd cleared the cache in-browser before joining as well. They just need to fix it, it's nothing our end. Any news on a patch?
Jump staight into a tank and I'm off, well sort of. Using the keys to control a tank, for myself anyway is way harder than a DS3. After finally making it to the Gas Station and capturing it I head onto the Hilltop and capture that. What's this I see, a flag at The Antenna (some things do change). Next stop the Forrest and this is where I get my first kill. A roadkill, reversed over the guy without even knowing he's there. :lol:

Controls: This is going to be tough for me but I'm hoping I can get to a good enough level to enjoy the game. I still don't even know all the keys for muliplayer yet, took me until around three quarters of the way through the round to work out to bring up my repair torch. :dopey: The mouse is fantastic to aim with but the five thumbs on my left hand will need some training.

This will get easier with more practice. I hated driving any vehicle with the keyboard at first. Now I only slightly dislike/like driving with a keyboard (it depends if I do well in the vehicle or not).

Repair Torch is the number four (4) or alternatively scroll with the middle mouse button.

Something that concerns me though is when looking through the server browsers my ping seems good on Aus servers around 40 but not so elsewhere, US for example around 220. How bad does the ping have to be before it becomes unplayable? I suppose I can only try it and see.

I am not sure. I have only really played on U.S. servers. I can jump into a server with a few of the European GTPers and report back if you would like.

Question: what is the general opinion on people playing BF3 that bought the shortcut bundle? Is it generally accepted or is it generally frowned upon/despised? The reason I ask is that I generally don't have a lot of time to play and wish to experiment with all the goodies. However, if you will be treated as a scurvy jackal suffering from halitosis online, I might not want to get it. ;)

A good way to unlock items for vehicles is a flight server. They tend to be just for flying. I have unlocked most everything for the scout helicopter with only nine kills. :sly:
I am not sure. I have only really played on U.S. servers. I can jump into a server with a few of the European GTPers and report back if you would like.

Don't feel you have to but if you want to and get the chance by all means go for it. 👍 Let me know how you go. Either way sooner or later I'll try myself as well.

@ Mike, pretty sure the clear cache option is within the internet part of the XMB.

Cheers Shaun.
Question: what is the general opinion on people playing BF3 that bought the shortcut bundle? Is it generally accepted or is it generally frowned upon/despised? The reason I ask is that I generally don't have a lot of time to play and wish to experiment with all the goodies. However, if you will be treated as a scurvy jackal suffering from halitosis online, I might not want to get it. ;)

I personally dont like it, But thats only because i enjoy the process of progression and unlockables, But i do understand why people do think of it, Because they simply dont have enough time or are just simply not patient enough. On the other hand nobody will know if you purchase it, So it doesnt matter. But the price is a rip off, And i dont know of anyone on my freinds list who have bought it. £31.00/$48.00 for the full one is insane, It makes Premium look like the bargain of the century.
Question: what is the general opinion on people playing BF3 that bought the shortcut bundle? Is it generally accepted or is it generally frowned upon/despised? The reason I ask is that I generally don't have a lot of time to play and wish to experiment with all the goodies. However, if you will be treated as a scurvy jackal suffering from halitosis online, I might not want to get it. ;)

:lol: :lol: :lol:
But I think the journey to unlocking everything and gaining experience by putting in flight hours, is a big chunk of the fun. So skipping all that, defeats the purpose of playing a game.
Question: what is the general opinion on people playing BF3 that bought the shortcut bundle? Is it generally accepted or is it generally frowned upon/despised?

I personally don't agree that EA should be milking their players like this, but at the end of the day as long as it doesn't motivate them to put exclusive unlocks or something in packs like this they're really not doing anyone any harm. I have no problem with level 1 (or whatever) players having stuff that took me 100+ hours to unlock because at the end of the day I had a lot of fun doing it and I'm at no disadvantage.

In general is a different matter though but it really makes no difference so don't let that bother you.
I look at it this way. Less money I had to spend on something I can get for free.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
But I think the journey to unlocking everything and gaining experience by putting in flight hours, is a big chunk of the fun. So skipping all that, defeats the purpose of playing a game.

I think it's a little ridiculous to say there's no purpose in a game other then unlocking things otherwise I should just stop playing any on-foot gameplay as I have all I want and only use Scout Helis and AA. I haven't bought the shortcuts because I know I'll put in the time to get things because it's fun to use those things (not just the act of unlocking it, infact I hate grinding out for the sight I want and such).

I enjoy working towards things that are fun to work for but I don't need for success like new guns I enjoy getting and trying out but I don't need that particular gun to win. However alot of vehicle based unlocks are necessity in most servers to be able to enjoy the vehicle, jets/helis being the main one because you're less likely to get a reliable person to sponge off (pilot/driver) if you can even have someone do the hard stuff for you. It is beyond a joke how easily for example I can be taken down in a scout heli by virtue of not having ECM, last night a lone man with an IGLA meant I could not use the heli at all for the entire match because I had no way to break lock as I worked for below radar. I would attempt to fly away but with no luck as he could fire fast enough to defeat flares. Fortunately I now have below radar because I happened to be very close from gameplay very early on in BF when everyone didn't have everything but now it's nigh on impossible for me to get more then a couple of hundred points with a scout heli so I can't have any fun with them.

I haven't bought the shortcuts, but if Canals wasn't a terrible map I'd strongly consider getting air just for the scout heli so I can give the US side a chance (I have all jet and attack heli upgrades).
I still get the no-sound bug all too often. Worst part is honestly running around not knowing some guy is firing his entire magazine at you and you are oblivious to it until you drop dead. But whenever I spawn with no cross hairs I just quickly swap to my secondary and switch back; solves that problem quick. When it happens in vehicles (pretty much only the gunner seat of a transport heli) I just swap through all the available seat until I'm back in that gunner slot and that solves the problem there.