Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Tzun's telling finn not to buy B2K.
If finn bought B2K then Premium, he'd be wasting £7 on getting B2K when it's included in Premium.

For example, I spent nz$30 on B2K and a further $80 on Premium. Had I only gotten Premium, I would've saved $30.
Therefore, if finn should want to get all the DLC, he shouldn't buy the B2K codes and only get Premium because he'd get it anyway.
limited* lol.

You guys have any idea about the next soldier upgrage?

yeah i was surprised when i saw it to (its in the scrolling news thing in the main menu).
Im glad though because every time its a double xp weekend i never really feel like playing that much and dont really take advantage of it :) .the next gun camo's and kit camo's are coming as the next "soldier upgrade" as you said. i think they will be released quite early in the month like the last batch of camos and "acb" knife were this month. Also anyone know what is supposed to be in the bonus content drops? As the last one was b2k (even though most had it) it seems like it will be things of a decent intrest and value. It cant be camo's or dogtag's as they are coming from the "soldier upgrades" so the only other thing i can think of is weapons. Which would be, and i dont think i will be the only one saying this.............. Awesome!!!
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The M16 is a perfect example of how weak and bad the guns are now because of nerfing, its the only gun since release that hasn't changed.

Instead of nerfing it DICE should buff all the other weapons.

Anyone else see this?
@ Tzun: As soon as anybody knows, its will be in this thread. We all do a fantastic job of putting up the latest game news as soon as it drops 👍
I should add I bought the normal edition of the game for £15, but codes for the first DLC pack (B2K) were being sold for £7, which I assume would work ok? As for the online pass would that be to generally go online or only if I wanted the DLC?

EDIT: Also I should say i'm not bothered about Close Quarters pack so that saves another £12 in addition to the £5 off B2K so I would assume i'd be better off avoiding premium.
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I would guess around $10, so somewhere around £7-8 on the PS store. I think the wisest thing to do would be check the PS store to confirm and try to get a normal edition the cheapest way you can, be it used plus code or new. I wouldn't worry too much about DLC being that you don't even have the game yet and there's plenty to do for a while without. Down the road you can buy premium or individual DLC if you don't feel like shelling out for the premium membership.
Thanks again everyone!

Dragnostic - I've kinda done that, found a used copy in good condition for £15 and will shell out £7 for an online pass - turns out that's what was on Ebay, just with a misleading image! Do think the 'online pass' idea is very greedy of EA though, but I couldn't find any new copies for anything like £22 so I suppose i'm getting a reasonable deal overall. And I look forward to hopefully joining you all online soon! :)
Thanks again everyone!

Dragnostic - I've kinda done that, found a used copy in good condition for £15 and will shell out £7 for an online pass - turns out that's what was on Ebay, just with a misleading image! Do think the 'online pass' idea is very greedy of EA though, but I couldn't find any new copies for anything like £22 so I suppose i'm getting a reasonable deal overall. And I look forward to hopefully joining you all online soon! :)

It isnt just EA that does online passes, near all of the major publishers have them implemented now. As a consumer i am against them but as i never buy pre-owned games it doesnt really affect me. As the publishers cant really stem the tide of pre-owned sales, Their only other option was to bring in online passes wich atleast guarantees them a small "royalty" if the game gets sold on. And considering online you will be using EA's own servers you cant really blame them i suppose. All i can say is im surprised they dont cost even more...

Any way back on topic :D welcome to BF3 finnracer!!! if you have any more questions this is a great thread to ask them in 👍
And considering online you will be using EA's own servers you cant really blame them i suppose. All i can say is im surprised they dont cost even more...
Except nearly all BF3 servers are rented by other users. So EA is getting 2 sources of capital, which they are then NOT spending on server maintanance or fixing their 🤬 lag-tastic servers.
But yeah, they should totally increase the price for literally nothing. ;-)
Just to add my input on audio bugs and lag, neither have been a problem for me recently, the audio thing is fairly rare for me and no more then before certainly whilst lag has never really been an issue for me unless I have connection problems of my own period. Not just saying it to be awkward and against the grain, but I'm not experiencing the issues.
Except nearly all BF3 servers are rented by other users. So EA is getting 2 sources of capital, which they are then NOT spending on server maintanance or fixing their 🤬 lag-tastic servers.
But yeah, they should totally increase the price for literally nothing. ;-)

Oh you <(dont be offended by that) are so hilarious, Who said anything about increasing the price?
All i said was im surprised EA dont charge more for the online pass considering their form on overpriced DLC and poor service. And regarding the "renting" issue Its a persons choice to if they want to rent a server or not, If they choose to buy the online pass and then go on and rent a server thats their problem not EA's. Also the key word here is "renting" all of the servers are still owned by EA thus you are still using "EA's" servers.

And lastly why do you think we have regular server downtime aswell? for fun?
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Just to add my input on audio bugs and lag, neither have been a problem for me recently, the audio thing is fairly rare for me and no more then before certainly whilst lag has never really been an issue for me unless I have connection problems of my own period. Not just saying it to be awkward and against the grain, but I'm not experiencing the issues.

What sound setting do you use? I use war tapes and usually have the sound drop out at least once per round (sometimes just some of the sound, sometimes all of it).
That was for the linitedd edition.

Oops lol. It was late, drunk and dark ;)

I do get the occasional audio drops, but fairly rare.
Lag at home is non existent for me. At work I do get some on occasion. But I am generally only getting around 50% signal from the restaurant across the street.
If I try to use the.mic at work i will get disconnected.
Oops lol. It was late, drunk and dark ;)

I do get the occasional audio drops, but fairly rare.
Lag at home is non existent for me. At work I do get some on occasion. But I am generally only getting around 50% signal from the restaurant across the street.

This is my experince to be honest, I rarely experience lag just the audio drops.
Also a nice man is coming to my house on the 10th of july to install my S/Fast fibre optic broadband so hopefully BF3 will run even more smoother for me then. As the broadband i have now isnt that great to behonest:P
What sound setting do you use? I use war tapes and usually have the sound drop out at least once per round (sometimes just some of the sound, sometimes all of it).

War Tapes also, I'm also using audio multi-output with my set up as well, but I don't think that makes a difference to BF. I used to only consistently get the problem on Tehran, but I've not played that much recently and I also tend to only play CQ which may have an affect.
Damavand tends to give me the most sounds issues, although sadly Caspian is also now turning up the odd issue.

It's no fun running to a blinking B flag in silence and finding an enemy tank an two Assault guys capping the flag.
I usually get run over by something I couldn't even hear.

That just sux.

It's Caspian, Nose-hair, Damavand, and Kharg mostly.
Oh and Sharqi.
And Seine when it gets busy.
And Firestorm when I'm in buildings.
Tehran when I'm anywhere.
Oman is probably the worst for it.
But never at Metro.

I usually get run over by something I couldn't even hear.

That just sux.

It's Caspian, Nose-hair, Damavand, and Kharg mostly.
Oh and Sharqi.
And Seine when it gets busy.
And Firestorm when I'm in buildings.
Tehran when I'm anywhere
Oman is probably the worst for it.
But never at Metro.


yeah DICE really need to fix it as its worse on the best maps (damavand, kharg,, Tehran, Caspian). Haven't played on Oman for a while and can't remember how bad it is there for me, same with Sharqi. Not noticed it too much on Firestorm but I don't play that map much.