Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I thought the calcification of a weapon came down to two important factors; barrel length and ammo type. Since the AS VAL fires a nine milometer cartridge I thought that would make it a SMG.
I thought the calcification of a weapon came down to two important factors; barrel length and ammo type. Since the AS VAL fires a nine milometer cartridge I thought that would make it a SMG.

That's like saying the Desert Eagle fires a .50 bullet which is a heavy machine gun round, though a lot less extreme of course, or the P90 firing a 5.7mm which is really not a rifle round like the 5.56mm NATO is. The AS Val is part of a family that consists of an SMG (can't remember what it's called but it's basically a Val without the suppressor), AR (Val) and sniper rifle (VSS) but they're all short range weapons so whatever, but the Val is definitely a rifle. In the game the damage is what defines it as a rifle, 20-18.5 dmg which is considerably better than the SMGs... But it sucks when fired full auto at any range unlike most SMGs so whatever.

The Val, Vikhir and VSS fire the middle or right one (the left is 7.62mm). Yeah I'm being pedantic but what else is the internet for? No, wait, what else are internet forums for?
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I would say it's fair to car bomb for a different reason, if anything hits you whilst your driving a car bomb you are almost certainly dead thanks to your explosive payload. Super high risk with potential high reward

So true. You got to use your brain when car bombing, if you just go head on into a tank your dead unless they guy misses his shot, which is very unlikely in my opinion. People have to be able to spot tanks & jeeps and think their move quickly. Driving skills are very important too, hit something and you either blow up or damage the jeep to the point of not being able to repair because you're on the Support class. It's fun but like you said very risky but you feel amazing when you pull it off. My personal favorite was playing conquest on Caspian, two enemy tanks were driving side to side on their way to D & I was right behind them, aimed my jeep to the middle, jumped & Boom!, 5 kills & a great laugh :lol:
Battlelog/Origin/all this stuff... ****ing sucks! Tried to make an account. "You cant this is the worst software ever" FOR :rolleyes: SAKE!
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Yes, but ARs are exclusive to Assault. I really don't care anyways. 21 round mag, high ROF, close enough.

But clearly AR's arent exclusive to Assault if the AS VAL is an all kit weapon, And it has a 20 round magazine you only get the extra round if you reload with a round still chambered as with any other weapon.

That's like saying the Desert Eagle fires a .50 bullet which is a heavy machine gun round, though a lot less extreme of course, or the P90 firing a 5.7mm which is really not a rifle round like the 5.56mm NATO is. The AS Val is part of a family that consists of an SMG (can't remember what it's called but it's basically a Val without the suppressor), AR (Val) and sniper rifle (VSS) but they're all short range weapons so whatever, but the Val is definitely a rifle. In the game the damage is what defines it as a rifle, 20-18.5 dmg which is considerably better than the SMGs... But it sucks when fired full auto at any range unlike most SMGs so whatever.

The Val, Vikhir and VSS fire the middle or right one (the left is 7.62mm). Yeah I'm being pedantic but what else is the internet for? No, wait, what else are internet forums for?

Your are correct except for one thing, There are 3 variants as you said the AS VAL, VSS "Vintorez" and the SR-3 "Vikhr". But i think you must be mistaken as there is no SMG variant in this family of weapons. As we know the "VAL" and the "Vintorez" are integrally Suppressed rifles, Where as the "Vikhr" is as you alluded to a "val with no suppressor". But The "Vikhir is just a regular assault rifle, not an SMG.

And i dont see it as being pedantic, I call it being correct:P;)
[PSA]The last few days has seen a few attempts to bypass the swear filter. I've overlooked it until now, but no longer. Let's play by the rules chaps. 👍
Your are correct except for one thing, There are 3 variants as you said the AS VAL, VSS "Vintorez" and the SR-3 "Vikhr". But i think you must be mistaken as there is no SMG variant in this family of weapons. As we know the "VAL" and the "Vintorez" are integrally Suppressed rifles, Where as the "Vikhr" is as you alluded to a "val with no suppressor". But The "Vikhir is just a regular assault rifle, not an SMG.

And i dont see it as being pedantic, I call it being correct:P;)

Yeah fair enough, I forget that SMGs are typically small fully automatic weapons that fire pistol sized rounds rather than just small fully automatic weapons... That thing is tiny though, on a par with the G53, but you're pedantic correct!

On topic, I had a pretty 'meh' evening tonight, I just spent most of a round up on a roof just griefing the other team because of the terrible round I'd had before that. I caused a few rage quits (not really my problem) and got sniped at by people sitting in their spawn but decided against kicking them even though it's against one of our three or four rules, in favour of returning fire (technically base rape, but if they're shooting me I'm going to shoot back, I think that's fair enough) and getting some more easy kills. Then at the start of the next game after a couple of my friends/clanmates/squadmates/server admins left I told the remaining friend/clanmate/squadmate/server admin that I was leaving, he'd been shuffled to the other team and I was getting tired anyway. Someone piped up saying that I was only leaving because I couldn't 'stack team any more' and called me a loser, so needless to say I kicked him for it. I usually don't take any notice of these people but I think he was going to try and quit the game before I kicked him anyway (can't imagine why else he'd come to a server he hasn't paid for and insult the people who do pay for it) and even if he wasn't, I don't really care, it's not his bandwidth he was using. I'm starting to feel like I need a BF3 break again.
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[PSA]The last few days has seen a few attempts to bypass the swear filter. I've overlooked it until now, but no longer. Let's play by the rules chaps. 👍

[Craig Ferguson] Don't applaud, we'll wake up the sensor [/Craig Ferguson]

Sorry, had to make the joke.
I was on one of those "no rulezzzzzz u mad brah??!?!" servers defending rush on strike at karkand and we spawn trapped them before the first two bomb sites XD so all the (7) people trying to use the m417 as a rifle with holographic and supressor repeatedly fell victim to my m39 with rifle scope(don't have the dlc) because they all forgot that the m417 is still supposed to be used for mid to somewhat long range gunfights XD
Looking forward to the double XP full week starting from the 2nd of july. Didnt know DICE were doing weekday Double XP events let alone giving us premium members a full weeks double XP (non premiums get 2nd and 3rd of july). Still im not complaining. :)
Looking forward to the double XP full week starting from the 2nd of july. Didnt know DICE were doing weekday Double XP events let alone giving us premium members a full weeks double XP (non premiums get 2nd and 3rd of july). Still im not complaining. :)

That's crazy, with all this double XP stuff I'm starting to wonder why it's not always double XP. I wonder when the next set of camos are being put out? It would be nice if it was the start of the month but I wouldn't be surprised if it was nearer the end, just because gaming always wants to disappoint me. Sob.
That's crazy, with all this double XP stuff I'm starting to wonder why it's not always double XP. I wonder when the next set of camos are being put out? It would be nice if it was the start of the month but I wouldn't be surprised if it was nearer the end, just because gaming always wants to disappoint me. Sob.

Yeah i was surprised when i saw it to (its in the scrolling news thing in the main menu).
Im glad though because every time its a double XP weekend i never really feel like playing that much and dont really take advantage of it :) . The next gun camo's and kit camo's are coming as the next "Soldier Upgrade" as you said. I think they will be released quite early in the month like the last batch of camos and "ACB" knife were this month. Also anyone know what is supposed to be in the Bonus content drops? As the last one was B2K (even though most had it) it seems like it will be things of a decent intrest and value. It cant be camo's or dogtag's as they are coming from the "Soldier Upgrades" so the only other thing i can think of is Weapons. Which would be, And i dont think i will be the only one saying this.............. Awesome!!!
Yeah i was surprised when i saw it to (its in the scrolling news thing in the main menu).
Im glad though because every time its a double XP weekend i never really feel like playing that much and dont really take advantage of it :) . The next gun camo's and kit camo's are coming as the next "Soldier Upgrade" as you said. I think they will be released quite early in the month like the last batch of camos and "ACB" knife were this month. Also anyone know what is supposed to be in the Bonus content drops? As the last one was B2K (even though most had it) it seems like it will be things of a decent intrest and value. It cant be camo's or dogtag's as they are coming from the "Soldier Upgrades" so the only other thing i can think of is Weapons. Which would be, And i dont think i will be the only one saying this.............. Awesome!!!

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, because (I think I'm about to repeat what you've already said) on this page you can see camo, dog tags, assignments and that stuff is listed in one row, strategy guides, videos and the main DLC packs are all in others, so whatever is left has to be something premium users can have that won't negatively affect non-premium members. It won't be anything as big as maps, it won't be vehicles either because, well, how? So it must either be other old packs being released again (Physical Warfare pack (if it's this that will suck as we PC players got that for free ages ago), SPECACT camo) or, and I think this might be a bit too hopeful, a weapon or weapons. Someone said it could be DICE developer weapons, apparently there's more than just the M1911 S-Tac (a silenced shotgun, or so I've heard) but I'm personally hoping for small themed weapon packs, starting with WWII weapons: M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, M1 Thompson, BAR and M1903 Springfield. I bet it won't be that but that doesn't stop me from wanting it to be that.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, because (I think I'm about to repeat what you've already said) on this page you can see camo, dog tags, assignments and that stuff is listed in one row, strategy guides, videos and the main DLC packs are all in others, so whatever is left has to be something premium users can have that won't negatively affect non-premium members. It won't be anything as big as maps, it won't be vehicles either because, well, how? So it must either be other old packs being released again (Physical Warfare pack (if it's this that will suck as we PC players got that for free ages ago), SPECACT camo) or, and I think this might be a bit too hopeful, a weapon or weapons. Someone said it could be DICE developer weapons, apparently there's more than just the M1911 S-Tac (a silenced shotgun, or so I've heard) but I'm personally hoping for small themed weapon packs, starting with WWII weapons: M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, M1 Thompson, BAR and M1903 Springfield. I bet it won't be that but that doesn't stop me from wanting it to be that.

One DICE weapon is .44 Magnum with Laser and Suppressor. Dont think its Thompson because it was in BC2.
One DICE weapon is .44 Magnum with Laser and Suppressor. Dont think its Thompson because it was in BC2.

I've not seen any evidence of other DICE weapons, I've only seen people talk about them, so (and I don't mean this in a rude 'PROVE IT!' sort of way, I'm genuinely curious) do you know of any pictures or video of it in-game?

Also I'd say the fact that the M1 Thompson was in BC2 makes it more likely that they'd use it in BF3, I mean they re-used four whole maps from BF2 and charged for it so why not? I really can't think what else the bonus content drops might be, but I do know that they'll either be a very nice surprise that might motivate non-premium players to upgrade, or they'll be extremely disappointing and make no difference to non-premium players' decisions to stay non-premium (what a weirdly structured sentence).
July Double XP event

What: Double your net score after every round
Who: All players
When: July 2-8 for Premium members, July 2-4 for non-Premium members
Starts: 00:01 PDT/07:01 UTC July 2
Ends for non-Premium members: 13:00 PDT/20:00 UTC July 4
Ends for Premium members: 23:59 PDT July 8/06:59 UTC July 9

Credit: MP1st
They want people to play BF3 for Double XP instead of MW3 for Double XP. I think the Double XP war will be ongoing for some time. I imagine most regular players have hit level 45 so there really is no point in any more XP.
I imagine most regular players have hit level 45 so there really is no point in any more XP.

This. I really don't see a point in worrying about any levels after that because you don't get anything substantial for doing so. People who play for points, though, will get a big bonus from having their score doubled.