This round has everything, including a finish that was way too close for my liking for a 500 ticket round at Kharg.
The round started great - I piled into a US tank and my lone sqauddie joined me and we ran amok. Our team pulled a handsome ticket lead (~100) and I thought this game would run down like so many before it.
Unfortunately I didn't bargain on my squaddie basically reducing us to one tank as he took one and spend 30 minutes trying to get to the top of the hill opposite A

. I couldn't believe it, I wanted to throttle him!
To make matters worse, a clan squad joined the other team and the tide started turning. We were up 267 - 130 and all of a sudden it had to makings of a defeat-from-the-jaws-of-victory feel to it. We couldn't hold on to more then one flag at a time and with us reduced to one tank, I couldnt stem the flow of armour from the other team.
The scrapping went on, but everybody from my team forgot how to flank - we couldn't get past A and were bleeding tickets hard. I tried to flank C in a jeep as I couldnt get a tank and my team mate team killed me in his tank from the hill

. 90-46 and holding no flags now. I cannot believe we are going to lose this one!
I grab a boat and tear off to try and get D, but whilst sussing out A I hit a pylon under the oil pipe in the ocean and reduce the boat to 9%

. After a long swim back to A, I help capture it and now its 65-30, still 1-3 flags down. No jeep at A, so I run all the way to D and find what, some moron mortaring! He isnt on the blasted minimap so dont know if he has company..I find him and he's alone. I cap him, and take the flag. 40-20 and A is lost now. An enemy tank arrives as does mortar man looking for me. I kill him again, and stalemate the flag. My team has woken up now sort of: 30-17 . Mortar man brings a friend and kills me. 1-3 flags down. 20-12. I spawn on A and run to B and start taking it, my team has neutralised C now...a friendly tank arrives and we have B too. 15-8. I see on the minimap a clump of red arrows coming our way from D, the tank runs for cover, leaving me!. I hide up the stairwell and they start hunting me out. 10-5. Flags are blinking everywhere. Some guy appears at the base of the stairs and I give him a face full of A-91, but his friend follows. I empty the clip and we both take damage, I back up the stairs and switch the .44, 8-3, he charges up and I drop him...7-0 we win. Phew.
Had a profitable time of it with x2 XP. Got the combat efficiency, supply, PKP, claymore, mine, Engi and Support medals/stars this weekend