Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Something odd happened last night.
200% cq sienne.
We take B, head towards A by route of main road along river - tunnel area. I die and get revived by a squad mate. I'm low on ammo so as the squad regroups in the tunnel I get some ammo from another mate. The medic who revived me gets killed and respawns in B because we started losing it.
Right when he respawns I lose all control of my soldier and go into 3rd person camera on the medic. He kills the lonely enemy @ B flag and continues on with the attack plan for A. As he runs through the tunnels I see my soldier still standing on the ammo bag staring at the sky spinning circles while aiming.
Continue to 3rd person the medic until I decide to suicide and see what happens. Upon loading the kit selection screen, graphics go all nes cartridge full of dust like and my system locks.
I rebooted, rejoined the game and noticed the other guy was gone too.
When I suicides, it suicides him to and he ended up with the same lock issue.

Still ended with decent stats considering the round was half over when we froze out. The medic came back with a decent round as well. Napalm bulldog.

Got knife star #2 that round.
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Ya the third person bug is known; there are videos of it on YouTube. Hopefully, it is fixed in the next patch.

There is that, the infamous revived and stuck on respawn/load out menu screen, and the repair torch's flame not rendered in the correct position.
That's a first for me.
Even with all the little quirks, I'd rather play this than any other shooter out there right now ;)

Never noticed the torch one before. And the revive one I have seen once or twice, but a quick pause fixes that.

One I never see mentioned is the bipod disengaging when you spot someone. Really quite annoying.
Gone back to the assignment where you need an eod bot kill....argh!
Anyone got any tips for this before I beg one of you to let me kill him with it?
You could drop a building on them and they wouldn't know. It'll take a few tries, but a few matches on Firestorm, Oman, Kharg or Caspian might give you the opportunity to find them perched up on the side of a hill or up in a building 👍
Pressing start twice gets rid of it.

Not when you don't have a start button lol.

I am on PC. The glitch still occurs. Typically you just type "!stuck" in chat and an admin will kill you (won't effect stats).

I am sure you guys have seen the recently revealed ghost car glitch?

Pretty damn funny.
You could drop a building on them and they wouldn't know. It'll take a few tries, but a few matches on Firestorm, Oman, Kharg or Caspian might give you the opportunity to find them perched up on the side of a hill or up in a building 👍

Yes thought about that one. I even took to randomly driving the bot about caspian. Came across an unoccupied tank and got under it but the driver came back and drive off. I didn't realise that the slightest touch on an enemy vehicle (not getting run over) results in your bot dying!!

Hardcore sipers it is then. Is it best to approach on foot and then deploy or test your driving skills?
Gone back to the assignment where you need an eod bot kill....argh!
Anyone got any tips for this before I beg one of you to let me kill him with it?

Ask someone if can kill him once.
I did that one on a Metro Rush Round.
Hardcore sipers it is then. Is it best to approach on foot and then deploy or test your driving skills?

Definitely approach on foot. The physics of the Bot is horrible; the less you have to drive it, the better.
Yesterday on Oman, at the Construction site "D" I killed someone on the huge crane with the Scar-H while I was standing right beneath him on the ground :D

Definitely approach on foot. The physics of the Bot is horrible; the less you have to drive it, the better.

Yup, also it is much easier to drive if you are in "3rd person" view on it, which is R3 I think.
Duh oh my god. I'm always switching to that view when I drive stuff but totally forgot that it would also be possible to do with the bot. Thanks for all the tips folks. I'll let you know how I get on
I don't think i'll ever go back to Rush. I've been playing Conquest so much lately, played Rush recently and wow. I venture to say I think I hate it now.
I had a retarded Bad Luck as well. Kharg TDM, running through the warehouse, when I approached the truck, random death.
I had a bad luck once where I walked over some rubble and was launched at a wall at about the speed of a jet and subsequently died.
I had a bad luck once where I walked over some rubble and was launched at a wall at about the speed of a jet and subsequently died.

I have experienced that, in a tank. I drove over some rubble at Caspian and it just launched me sideways at jet speed into the gas station.
Thing thay gives a very pleased feeling is that when the guy trying to knife you gets killed in the middle of the animation and you get saved.
I don't think i'll ever go back to Rush. I've been playing Conquest so much lately, played Rush recently and wow. I venture to say I think I hate it now.

Rush can be fun. It can also be terrible. The particular MCOM you were going after can be a very difficult one to get to.
Oh I just realised, we're probably about 11 days away from finding out what the bonus content drops are about. I still want a WWII-themed pack of five guns but after this month's solider upgrade consisting of camos for the same guns as before (thus indicating DICE are on holiday and are leaving the interns to sort it all out) I'm expecting an S-Tac weapon and maybe some dog tags or something.

Edit: Yeah, Rush. Not sure how I feel about it, sometimes I love it but most of the time I hate it. It's great if your team knows what they're doing but there have been times where I feel like I and maybe a handful of others are the only ones actually rushing and the rest of the team are obviously there to camp and get sniper rifle or LMG kills regardless of whether they're attacking or defending.
I've found that if you jump into the driver's seat of a boat and a teammate jumps into the boat rather than pressing O to enter it that the boat explodes and you get a bad luck death. It's happened to me 3 times so far.