Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Good game, Tzun đź‘Ť. I'll have to apologies for my friend. He's recently unlocked C4 and really likes it :P
Iv'e thought of another thing about the ATV's, I hope DICE have made it not possible to place C4 on it, Because you can imagine how easy it would be to blow vehicle's with that.
Iv'e thought another of thing about the ATV's, I hope DICE have made it not possible to place C4 on it, Because you can imagine how easy it would be to blow vehicle's with that.

That was my first thought when I saw that clip of the ATV weaving through the tanks, I really, really hope C4 is less attracted to ATVs than jeeps.

About the SCAR-L, I personally really like it, when DICE aren't making me use the F2000 I use the SCAR. I use it with a holo sight, bipod and suppressor and it's astonishingly effective at long range (long for an AR, I mean) like that if your target is an idiot, a sniper or AFK. It's definitely one of the mid to long range rifles, it's got a low rate of fire so it's not great close up (hence why I put a suppressor on mine) but that same fact makes it more useful from further away.
Good game, Tzun đź‘Ť. I'll have to apologies for my friend. He's recently unlocked C4 and really likes it :P

I see. After yoy left everyone left <.< Played one more match. Damavand carried my team to victory. Destroyed 4 M-Coms 19 kills.
Well now i have unlocked everygun i am now trying to get every unlock for every gun in order, already done the m16. Should take some time though :D
Had a few demon rounds with a random squaddie today in tanks. When we weren't playing gunner for each other, we were convoying in two tanks (as nobody else seemed interested in using them) dishing it out.

My personal highlight was shooting down two choppers at Kharg. The first time the pilot made a pass at the squaddie ahead of me on the way from A to B and failed to notice me somehow about 20m behind. He hover-turned to finish off the squaddie so I stuck a shell in him. Second time the same pilot tried to make a pass on me at D but luck wasnt with him as the maximum elevation of my turrent framed him perfectly so I peeled him like a potato again.

To top it off in the next round at Firestorm, I was driving out of RU towards C when a smoking enemy chopper crash landed 30 yards in front of me, oblivious to me, and started repairing furiously. Third chopper double kill for me of the day :D.
I once got kicked by killing an admins venom full of passengers with a tank on caspian border. It seems killing choppers with tanks isnt well recieved :D
I went to server wich said no stingers/igla. I was able to shot down few guys but then i probably shot down an admin and got kicked. Oh, and one server said "Dont kill admin or you will be kicked". Those "rules" are starting to get ridicilous.
The worst I've come across is stuff like no shotguns, no C4 or no soflam. I generally ignore the rules unless its a server I play on a lot.

Some servers have reasonable rules in place though, such as, no glitch guns, no camping or no vehicle base raping.

Although I was once kicked from a server for killing an admin 5 times. CQ on metro, I was on the Russian team and we were being base raped so I just decided to take out snipers with my M60. Turns out one was an admin and after I got him 5 times, he kicked me.

The best servers I play on regularly are Shaxb0tzam's (PTFO or GTFO), Mount Rushmore (24/7 rush), IRA/ The RA's server (I've had some great rounds on there) and Troll Swag. No stupid rules and fair admins. The UK Gamers server can be quite good but 90% of the games I've played on there have been very one sided.
Talking about stupid rules/admins my mate and I just got kicked from Seine for hijacking their tank. The admin messaged my mate to say give their tank back. He was a 100 star colonel. My mate messaged back no.
Never mind the fact their tank crew ran like little girls after taking one shell from my tank.

Cheers Shaun.
Talking about stupid rules/admins my mate and I just got kicked from Seine for hijacking their tank. The admin messaged my mate to say give their tank back. He was a 100 star colonel. My mate messaged back no.
Never mind the fact their tank crew ran like little girls after taking one shell from my tank.

Cheers Shaun.

:lol: I did the same just now on Sharqi rush as they got an IFV stuck so I got in and had my team-mate put a pile of C4 on the front where it was caught and suddenly boom LAV belongs to Russia. I don't believe it's fair to steal enemy vehicles from their spawn (helis/jets), but once that vehicle is in the playing area it's fair game. I tend to sit in my vehicle either til the last moment or go down with it, nothing worse then losing your vehicle to the enemy team which I often find my team-mates manage to do.
That horrid moment when you see your chopper rise up in enemy hands that you bailed from seconds ago thinking it was a gonner :lol:
300 ticket TDM on Siene. Crashed, lost a medal too. :mad:

Played a few rounds of Conquest and Rush but I still prefer TDM until I can get flight controls down. I inverted them and I like it much better. Easier I think. I can't get my head over down is up and up is down thing.
300 ticket TDM on Siene. Crashed, lost a medal too. :mad:

Played a few rounds of Conquest and Rush but I still prefer TDM until I can get flight controls down. I inverted them and I like it much better. Easier I think. I can't get my head over down is up and up is down thing.

Have you tried Tanking? Operation Caspian Border and Kharg Island are two good levels for tanking. Yesterday i amassed 20k and i joined the game halfway, and helped the team towards victory :D

I dont mind stealing from the enemy spawn, there are AA placements there for a reason, if they dont want to use their resources... thats their problem lol
Also, doing things you dont normally do helps you prepare/know whats up if it ever comes back around.

I never follow the rules an admin has in place in a Ranked server (They are violating the TOS by disallowing a certain play style or weapons) besides things like glitches which are not an intended aspect of the game. If they give me crap about it, i act childishly in return and wait for them to get in the chopper and TK them with an RPG an leave. (Im going to be kicked either way so might as well do it at my own discretion XD)

@Tzun, that server that doesnt allow Stinger or IGLA's is bull****. No skill admins trying to make odds in their favor.
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They pay for the server so you either follow their rules or find a different server. Don't like it? Buy your own server.

I have been kicked/banned from plenty of servers for ridiculous reasons. If it was the simple fact that the admin would lose a gun fight against me and I got banned then I would immediately appeal the ban in the respective teams forums. 99% of the time the ban is lifted.

If it is simply a restricted weapons server then you can either abide by their rules or find another.

Heaven forbid people like to play without shotguns or explosives.
I hate it when it states on the loading screen

"no auto shotguns or kick"

Which is fair enough. But then getting killed by an admin, with a usas 12 in that lobby. man that peeves me off
Hey Zoology, I've found an i5-2500 at the same price as the AMD FX-8150. I also managed to find an i7 2600 Quad at a higher price, but if I get that, I cannot afford a new graphics card until a month or two and will have to stick with a 5450 that I have until I can buy a better card.
Hey Zoology, I've found an i5-2500 at the same price as the AMD FX-8150. I also managed to find an i7 2600 Quad at a higher price, but if I get that, I cannot afford a new graphics card until a month or two and will have to stick with a 5450 that I have until I can buy a better card.

Go with the 2500k. It's your best bang for your buck in a gaming rig. The majority of 2500k's can hit 4.6 Ghz easily. Golden chips can do well over 5.2 Ghz. Not that you will have a CPU bottleneck off the bat but it won't hurt; high overclock will come in handy down the line. Intel also offers "overclockers" insurance. If you fry the chip, only way I see this happening is getting bored and going on a suicide run, and leave burn marks on the pins then Intel will replace it no questions asked. Otherwise you can use their standard warranty to replace ruined chips from incorrectly overclocking it (again the only way they know if you overlcocked is if you leave burn marks on the chip; there is no data saved on the chip itself. To actually leave burn marks require either complete ignorance or carelessness).

If you are looking to semi-future proof your rig make sure you get a gen3 LGA 1155 board. That way when it comes time to upgrade you can keep your board and get all the benefits of Ivy Bridge. SATA3 6Gbps is also a very nice feature if you plan on using an SSD in the future. Super, super fast load times. Like 2 seconds to load up BF3 maps and about 3 to load pCARS. Insane.

While I am rambling on... What is some stuff you guys like to see in montages? Basically just looking for suggestions.

I don't like overly edited ones. I am using Sony Vegas Pro 11 and have the twixtor pro plug-in (basically super slow-motion) and it has made my clips look pretty cool. Basically slowing down the speed by 70-95% and seeing blood splatter and impact from rounds. Using this and evaluating my gameplay from it... hit detection is bloody awful. But, you'll see what I mean in my next montage attempt.

K means it is unlocked for overclocking (multiplier up to 57 for a maximum of around 5.7 Ghz- if the processor can handle it within voltage specs).

If you think you will be happy with it at stock clocks then go for it. Still a great chip. It is not going to bottlekneck you by any means with a medium level GPU.

Remind me, what GPU you are thinking of?

A board like this would be good:

Don't listen to the reviews, ignorant people.

Also, if you want to give me your budget and have me look up parts for you I don't mind. I love picking out components. Honestly, the best part about a PC is building it. Mine looks pretty sweet, side panel window, red and black color scheme, red sleeved cables, carbon fiber vinyl on the PSU and radiator, custom fans, white led's for low level lighting, ahhhh lol. Can't wait for my next build! I am going to build a computer in a desk!

I might buy the desk from these guys and build it myself:



Alright, now we, mainly I am lol, are way off topic. PM me if you need anything else.
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new Armored Kill trailer.


Only just noticed, At 3:35 there is White snow camo on the M-TAR :drool:

And i found a picture of one of the other Armoured kill maps, reportedly called either "Armoured Shield" or "Death Valley".


Source: mp1st
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I have one question, is it really necessary to have a graphics card that can run Ultra? I see people talking about it all the time. I was trying to get a graphics card that can at least run high.
I have one question, is it really necessary to have a graphics card that can run Ultra? I see people talking about it all the time. I was trying to get a graphics card that can at least run high.

There is very little difference between very high/ultra on lower resolutions (1080 or lower). Once you start getting up at 2560x1440 and higher then it is pretty noticeable.
I've become a big fan of the Extinguishers on the Jets. A lot of enemies I encounter don't use the Main Cannons, so my only problems are the Heat Seekers. I can wait for both the missiles to hit me before I have to use the Extinguishers where as with flares, I have to get the timing right or I'm pretty much screwed.
Also, a lot of people disengage once I'm Disabled. So I'm able to evade, regain health and get back into the fight.
I usually change my ARs all the time, depending on the map. If it's something like Tehran or Firestorm, with long range combat, I usually go with the M416 or L85A2. In a close map, I will usually choose the FAMAS or AEK, and at medium range, the M16A3 or AN-94. Just change around every map, you'll see it will do great difference.