Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
PlayStation Europe ‏@PlayStationEU
Soldiers are you ready for action? Grab Battlefield 3 now for just €29.99/£19.99! #PSN #SummerSale
Interesting, maybe they will announce something at Gamescom that will bring lots of newbies? :sly:
I pulled off one of my most amazing sniper shots last night. Keep in mind, I do not snipe. I am usually an engineer. I pulled out my sniper just to use the soflam for my friend that just unlocked the Javelin.

So the match starts and a helicopter is trying to kill us. My friend dies leaving the soflam worthless. At this point I only have a sniper gun and I suck with it. I pull it out and try shooting the driver while he is flying around trying to kill me. After about a minute of this, I actually nail him with a headshot!!! Just amazing!!! :dopey:
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Had a " hey look we getting base raped" canal game. After 5 deaths I decided to practice sniping from the carrier. Found a nice little nook and proceeded to kill a sniper off.the Crane. 9 times. He kept sending me.messages trying to find me. Even after I told him.exactly where I was I got 3 more kills on him to end.the round 10/5 k/d.
Felt pretty good as I never snipe aside from to get the assignments done.

Then the next round on firestorm I blast the enemy jet who has been wrecking my teams.tanks. he.tries a strafe run on me only to meet my main cannon. Got an immediate message simply stating "ouch".
Prior to that, gatyrs and I are in a tank and I'm asking him to bump to 3rd seat to lock on to a chopper across the map. I got sick of waiting and main cannon blasted him one shot style.
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Was just about to post :) , it was on battlelog all along.

Edit - Currently watching, All about FIFA atm. I like in the text on the side of the stream it says "there might even be a few surprise anouncments to) :) Hopefully thats partly to do with BF.

Edit - finished, BF must have been on early.
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I think all they did in terms of Battlefield was announce "Premium Edition" which is game + premium + some unlocks.

Edit: Also Armoured Kill release starts on September 4th.
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Found these on kotaku, "Death valley" night time armoured kill map.




No evidence of a bonus content anouncement yet.
I had read something a while back, probably on Symthic, about potentially adding a new specialization, but have not read anything else since.
Man, I typically only play "hardcore" mode. A heal specialization would come in handy for me. No more running around at 5% health until I die. But, I can't get my hopes up because in all actuality it will most likely only increase health regeneration... and there is none in hardcore :(