Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I tried out Slugs for my USAS just now, and they can't hit anything. Either they have a massive spread which renders it useless at range, or it has the range of what, the knife. Really, I had to walk up into people's faces to be able to land a hit.

Slugs are completely different than Buckshot or Flechette, especially on any non-pump action shotgun. Slugs from a pump action shotgun do more damage than other shotgun types. I guess the thinking is non-pumps can find more than one Slug in the same amount of time. The Slug damage bonus on pump actions is enough to more easily achieve consistent one shot kills. One shot kills are very hit or miss with Buckshot or Flechette and non-one shot kills are pretty much spell certain death while using a pump action.

Like Apok said, a Slug is one massive piece of lead, instead of multiple smaller projectiles. So your aiming is going to have to be more precise. While with Buckshot or Flechette, it is just spray and pray, especially so on semi-auto or fully auto shotguns. A pump action shotgun suffers greatly from Suppression. The spread of Buckshot and Flechette becomes so extreme that it cannot be overcome by a hail of lead like what would be done with a semi-auto or fully auto.
Sorry waffles, work got busy.

That's alright. I was about ready to get off anyways.

While playing in a Metro server my one teammate somehow go into the third floor of the building by A. I don't mean in those little rooms up the stairs I mean we were beyond the doors there and above the second floor area. So I kept throwing C4 through a hole in the floor that had been blown up and must've gotten at LEAST 10 kills. :lol:
While playing in a Metro server my one teammate somehow go into the third floor of the building by A. I don't mean in those little rooms up the stairs I mean we were beyond the doors there and above the second floor area. So I kept throwing C4 through a hole in the floor that had been blown up and must've gotten at LEAST 10 kills. :lol:

I believe that is called 'Glitching'. ;)
It's still pretty poor form though. Be nice if they just fixed it...

New guns that you've tried out, any comments?

Been using the M60E4 of late. It's quite good, and not bad in a non-bipod situation as well. Gone off the PKP, it's great at very close range, but beyond that, I don't like it.

The JNG-90 is a great bolt action rifle.
I was referring to the "capture a flag to get the ac-130" part of the equation. :shakeshead:

No need for the "shakeshead", As your post wasnt very clear on the specifics. :rolleyes:

Considering the "cap the flag to get AC-130" is a given, It seemed like you were on about the actual bombing run/AC-130 themselves, And not how one would come to use them.
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New guns that you've tried out, any comments?

Gave the extended run to the IAR tonight and am loving it đź‘Ť Good with the bipod and hip firing too.

Thanks for the games tonight gundalini - thank your mate too. That was the most fun I've had in ages, even though we caught it proper at soundless Damavand. We still gave it a right go and I think we were the best squad on our team. I think you would have got a bag of revives off me, i was tasting a lot of dirt in those side tunnels :lol:

Bazaar was just good payback, and then I got disconnected after amassing a few thousand points. Fair props to the other team though, apart from that noob sniper up to the building by their deploy, they didnt give up.

Had to love '2dogslickingeachother' going 2-35 at Damavand :lol:.
Thanks for the games tonight gundalini - thank your mate too. That was the most fun I've had in ages, even though we caught it proper at soundless Damavand. We still gave it a right go and I think we were the best squad on our team. I think you would have got a bag of revives off me, i was tasting a lot of dirt in those side tunnels :lol:

No probs mate. đź‘Ť
Ditto to the fun in ages bit.
We may have stood a bit more of a chance if the same guy on our team didn't keep getting our tank and assumed he could do the most damage from as far away as possible. :dopey:
The one time Andrew got the tank we managed to overun them until we were eventually overcome by the opposition.

Bazaar was just good payback, and then I got disconnected after amassing a few thousand points. Fair props to the other team though, apart from that noob sniper up to the building by their deploy, they didnt give up.

Seems we were all cut off, I called Andrew when I got cut and he suffered the same fate. Was nice to get some payback though.

Had to love '2dogslickingeachother' going 2-35 at Damavand :lol:

Ah yes, good old 2dogs :lol:.

Cheers Shaun.
Good games Apok, Sureboss, and Drago. đź‘Ť

Agreed, we had some really tough rounds (you might've missed the worst of it!) that weren't much fun but it began to pick up with some good battles and a couple of super easy rounds of point boosting it was so easy lol.
- thank your mate too.

Passed on the message he said no worries, thanks.
He did say that you were lucky that he only stabbed you once though. ;)

Hope you don't mind but I said for him to add you and he will when he gets the chance, expect a friend request shortly.

Cheers Shaun.
Agreed, we had some really tough rounds (you might've missed the worst of it!) that weren't much fun but it began to pick up with some good battles and a couple of super easy rounds of point boosting it was so easy lol.

This. Mostly very good last night, even Rush was tolerable!

M60 with a foregrip, RDS and extended mags was good fun last night too. Went 50 odd for 14 on Bazaar earlier in the night.
I am so pissed off with the 350M headshot assignment right now.
Best way for me: join 1 Noshar Canals match, stay in the US respawn pointing at B and way for anyone to show up. When you see someone aim a little higher from their head and voila.