Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Mike Rotch
There is your problem....

I have rarely come across a clan server that has its clan members on it not abusing admin powers in some manner. Whether it be stacking the sides, ignoring their own rules (no spawn camping) i.e. its ok for them to do it, or just generally being unpleasant to play with.

True but unfortunate. I'm so sick of servers where the admins abuse their power.
Yeah true and it's not only in clan servers where you see it.

Exactly i mean what's the point? I mean if you are going to do what is called "boosting" go do it somewhere where you don't look like a complete tool hahaha. I have also known about this glitch for months but never really used it for anything except to run around underneath the map for fun. Found some random things laying underneath the map like trash and boxes but yeah never used it to cheat.

And where you were talking about the staircase by the ticket booth. That's where i usually kill them at. When they start spraying bullets (which they usually do because they can't shoot because they are shooting with the wall in front of them aka their bullet proof vest hahaha) shoot a M320 or RPG at where the holes show up and maybe will take 2 shots but then they're dead.
After i kill them i usually send them a message that says "hahaha fail"

I hope they fix this soon. Next time if i get board. I might hop in the glitch and kill anyone who wants to cheat. Soon as they get in the glitch i will take their dog tags just to insult them. But i won't stoop to their level and kill or use a motion sensor to kill anyone outside the glitch

I have known of the glitch for a while but i still dont know how to do it :), I cant say i want to know how to do it either. I forget about it for the most part. I hardly ever pick Engi on Metro (no vehicles) and when im Assault i always carry a med pack for the benefit of the team so i rarely engage with the glitchers. I was even in the odd situation in the round i alluded to earlier of actually feeling a bit sorry for the apposing team. With a whole squad camped out of the map doing nothing they were at a major disadvantage.
Finally, managed to finish off the Assignment for the Mk3A1. Now, I only have the five most recent Premium Assignments left to finish. I am not really looking forward to those Assignments because I am not wanting to use any of those weapons.

I was starting to think I was not going to manage four more kills in the DPV Jeep. I managed four roadkills in one game just a bit ago. :D Having never actively tried for roadkills, I was surprised how I barely had to clip someone on the other team to get a kill and not even at any kind of speed.

The M147 IS A BEAST IN TDM METRO!! Got 90/39 with 13740 points. Defenitely MVP.

My opinion on the M417 has changed very recently. I compared the weapon to the SKS and how the greater recoil did not allow for as quick as follow up shots. After trying the M417 with a Foregrip and Suppressor, the recoil is not as great and much more manageable. Follow up shots are still not as quick as with the SKS, but the extra power of the M417 somewhat makes up for that.
My opinion on the M417 has changed very recently. I compared the weapon to the SKS and how the greater recoil did not allow for as quick as follow up shots. After trying the M417 with a Foregrip and Suppressor, the recoil is not as great and much more manageable. Follow up shots are still not as quick as with the SKS, but the extra power of the M417 somewhat makes up for that.

I find myself in a position where its SKS v. M417 all the time. If the guy shoots first Im dead, unless, I land a headshot on my first shot, in which the follow up shot would be a kill. Sure the recoil is huge, but in the end, this thing will knock your head off at the 30m-40m range.
Don't know if this is common knowledge by now (haven't been here in a while), but if you deploy your ECM jammer in the jets you disappear from the enemy's radar for a few seconds. A friend and I tested it earlier in an empty server then put it to really good use in an actual match.

Whenever you and your enemy are in a "dogfight" (spinning in circles for an hour until someone gets bored), make sure he can't visually see you, pop ECM, and climb as high and as fast as you can. Then when you come back down you should get a nice chance to get in behind him and take him out if he fell for it.

As long as the enemy isn't super observant and notices what you're doing before you get behind him or someone locks onto you, it could be what gives you air superiority.

Or not. Or maybe everyone already knew about this and I'm just slow and I'm wasting your time by making you read this. So never mind. Cheers.
So, after the combination of Armoured Warfare coming soon, talking with a mate at work about BF3, some very fun rounds recently with Mike (as usual), the itch to play BF3 a bit more again and most importantly my credit card expiring in a week I decide today after work to bite the bullet and purchase Premium.

Visit the PSN store, add funds to wallet, download.
Fire up BF3 to check it out, installs Premium.

Welcome blah blah blah.
You now have content available blah blah blah.
New assingments available, check Your Soldier for details. I click on Your Soldier, cannot connect to server.
Server down for maintenance, just my 🤬 luck. :banghead: :lol:.

Oh BTW Mike did you get the friend request from Andrew? He said today he fired one off your way.

Cheers Shaun.
So, after the combination of Armoured Warfare coming soon, talking with a mate at work about BF3, some very fun rounds recently with Mike (as usual), the itch to play BF3 a bit more again and most importantly my credit card expiring in a week I decide today after work to bite the bullet and purchase Premium.

Visit the PSN store, add funds to wallet, download.
Fire up BF3 to check it out, installs Premium.

Welcome blah blah blah.
You now have content available blah blah blah.
New assingments available, check Your Soldier for details. I click on Your Soldier, cannot connect to server.
Server down for maintenance, just my 🤬 luck. :banghead: :lol:.

Oh BTW Mike did you get the friend request from Andrew? He said today he fired one off your way.

Cheers Shaun.

Yep its down a a few more hours yet its 9.44 AM here in the UK and its due to be be back up at 1PM. So you have another 4 hour wait yet
Tomorrow it is then. :indiff:
In four hours I'll be in bed.

Cheers Shaun.
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Oh BTW Mike did you get the friend request from Andrew? He said today he fired one off your way.

Cheers Shaun.

I haven't been on since the weekend, but will be sure to check when I next go on (probably friday 👍 ).

Nice one the the premium - don't tempt me now :mischievous:
Nice playing with a bunch guys earlier today. To bad you ended up on the other team theewar. There was a good bunch of us on for a bit.

Picked up a pair of.turtle beach px5 today. Only played a couple of rounds with them but I'm really liking them so far.
Yes, the only thing that confuses me is that everyone including non Premium players normally get the weekend double XP and Premium players got a whole week last time. But this one only says its for the 25/26.
Any info on the bonus content drop? :)

All DICE have said is it will be released between 25th-31st, Why a seven day timeframe i do not know.:lol:

EDIT : Im looking at finally getting a new headset, If any of you could reccomend some good choices i would appreciate it ;) My needs - im not after top line brands or high end gear, Just a good reputable headset that has clear sound for me and for the people on the other end. The reason im not considering expensive brands is mostly because i have hearing problems and suffer from Tinnitus so i dont think i would benefit that much from the higher quality.

Oh yeah, And the cheaper the better:sly:
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While not cheap, I just picked up the turtle beach px5. Very nice. Have gotten a couple hours in with and so far I'm loving them.

Although, my local Walmart had them mispriced for $200. Cheapest I have seen was new.egg for around 220 and everywhere else at 250.

I have been needing a new earpiece for a while now and have been debating on picking up a second 5.1 surround sound for my gaming TV. So the price came to around the same as that and was justified. ;) ;)
I have the Playstation Bluetooth headset and I'd say that works pretty well. It's only $60 and it's pretty good quality. Not very comfortable though after playing for a long time.
It was not a great night of Battlefield 3 for me tonight. I played seven or eight games and did not win one. 👎 Three of the games ended very close. That made it somewhat better, but not much because I had a suspicion the teams I were on would not quite be able to pull off a win. My games were more on the bad side than good. I was slightly off playing really well, but I kept putting myself in death spots. :scared:
I need new friends for a squad team. I adapt to the squad, I become the class that is needed. I'm also a good helicopter pilot. I learned how to fly not to long ago but I see my skill surpassing pilot skills most than others.

ID: PeachSergeantz
EDIT : Im looking at finally getting a new headset, If any of you could reccomend some good choices i would appreciate it ;) My needs - im not after top line brands or high end gear, Just a good reputable headset that has clear sound for me and for the people on the other end. The reason im not considering expensive brands is mostly because i have hearing problems and suffer from Tinnitus so i dont think i would benefit that much from the higher quality.

Oh yeah, And the cheaper the better:sly:

Turtle Beach P11's 👍 Very happy with mine, the only downside is the thickish cable.
Turtle Beach P11's 👍 Very happy with mine, the only downside is the thickish cable.

Hey Mike add me if you want, I'd like to play some CQ with ya sometime. PSN is slashfan7964

Had a few rounds testing out sniping. Didn't do well lol
I have px11's, very good headset for the price. Or there's a playstation headset called the '4gamers' one. Its very similar (in looks and everything) but is slightly cheaper :)
While not cheap, I just picked up the turtle beach px5. Very nice. Have gotten a couple hours in with and so far I'm loving them.

Although, my local Walmart had them mispriced for $200. Cheapest I have seen was new.egg for around 220 and everywhere else at 250.

I have been needing a new earpiece for a while now and have been debating on picking up a second 5.1 surround sound for my gaming TV. So the price came to around the same as that and was justified. ;) ;)

I have the Playstation Bluetooth headset and I'd say that works pretty well. It's only $60 and it's pretty good quality. Not very comfortable though after playing for a long time.

Turtle Beach P11's 👍 Very happy with mine, the only downside is the thickish cable.

Yeah, P11's are cheap and great. Like the DFGT of wheels.

I have px11's, very good headset for the price. Or there's a playstation headset called the '4gamers' one. Its very similar (in looks and everything) but is slightly cheaper :)

Thanks for your responses guys, I will look into P11's and take a look at the official Bluetooth one also. As i have heard them mentioned by other people iv'e asked aswell.👍
Turtle Beach P11's 👍 Very happy with mine, the only downside is the thickish cable.

Yeah, P11's are cheap and great. Like the DFGT of wheels.

Thanks for your responses guys, I will look into P11's and take a look at the official Bluetooth one also. As i have heard them mentioned by other people iv'e asked aswell.👍

P11's are good enough, and not too expensive.

Amazon's price fluctuates regularly, depending on which source they are using that day, so keep your eye on it for a while.
Or go to ASDA.
I saw some P11's on Amazon for £24 once, but they are usually around the £30-£35 area, and are certainly crisp for the money.
Good Mic too.

P11's are good enough, and not too expensive.

Amazon's price fluctuates regularly, depending on which source they are using that day, so keep your eye on it for a while.
Or go to ASDA.
I saw some P11's on Amazon for £24 once, but they are usually around the £30-£35 area, and are certainly crisp for the money.
Good Mic too.


Thanks, I dont think i'll rush into it so i'll keep tabs on Amazons pricing. Plus They are 29GBP on (my prefered site) So if i dont find a significantly lower price (wich i doubt i will) i might get them from there. And with the rewards points on shopto i could get a nice discount as i always get my preorders and new releases from there.

Edit- That bonus content drop, I can feel a lot of people will be dissapointed. Im ok with it, They are bonus afterall and do look quite cool. The only thing that annoys me is that they will be torrented within half an hour of release.
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