Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Has anyone else experienced this? Did you bother to get over it or did you just stop playing?
I have. I tried to get over it, but couldn't, then eventually stopped playing it and gave the game away to a friend.

Battlefield 3's Armored Kill DLC Dated

Battlefield 3 Premium Members - PS3 - September 4th
Battlefield 3 Premium Members - Xbox 360 and PC - September 11th
Battlefield 3 Players - PS3 - September 18th
Battlefield 3 Players - Xbox 360 and PC - September 25th

DICE Quadruples Official Servers On PS3 and Xbox 360

Today, DICE announced that they will be adding four times the number of official dedicated servers on both the PS3 and Xbox 360, effective immediately.

Many fans have requested that DICE re-implement more official serveres since the introduction of the rent-a-server option, which seems to have gotten rid of a number of these official severs, or at least made them hard to get into. Unfortunately, joining games that are non-DICE run at times can result in extremely long matches or abusive use of admin/moderation powers.

Premium Members Can Expect 156 Hours of Double XP Starting This Weekend

Due to the amount of shares the Battlefield Facebook page received, the event has been extended from August 26th all the way through August 31st.

The event officially starts at 2 AM Stockholm time, or 8 PM tonight for those living in the United States on the east coast. If you are unfamiliar with when 2 AM Stockholm time translates to where you live, you can use this handy time conversion tool.

With almost an entire week of double XP to play around with, those who have yet to reach level 45 should be able to do so this time around before Armored Kill releases next month
Cheers guys, that's some good advice. I really haven't missed it in the three week break I've had, I only popped on to my clan's server to keep up appearances and let them know I haven't died or given up completely... I left saying I'd be back when Armoured Kill is out, which isn't far away, maybe that'll motivate me to get back into it. It probably didn't help that I was against the better guys in the clan, two members of my squad were AFK, the fourth wasn't interested in team play and a notorious (amongst us) scout chopper whore who I thought had moved on was griefing me over and over. My only moment of joy was when I managed to headshot him with my L96 just as he was turning around to kill me again... That turned sour immediately as I got in the chopper because a jet, attack chopper AND AA decided they wanted it back.

Ah well, I'll just stick to having actual fun for now and see what happens, unfortunately I can't give my copy away and I bought Premium too so I don't really want to give up on it, but I'd rather cut my losses if it turns out I do really genuinely hate the game!
Yay, more official servers! :D

Hells yea!

Getting stomped is a quick way to not enjoy playing the game.

Very true. I have been up a few really good squadded 100 colonels of late and that can get very irritating, very quickly.

I'm looking forward to the initial impression of AK from you premos :).
Finally got my claymore mastery tags :):

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RXP said he saw a full 91 pages (1000 servers) of DICE owned servers. He said they were all empty, but they were there.

When you search it says 1000/91 pages but there is more they just cant show them all.
I hate, HATE, HATE, Hate claymores.
As soon as I finished the claymore assignment I stopped using them immediately.
Damn Usas-12 is fun. I was playing squad rush in metro. They had 4 tickets left, all of them came from the second door on the left to the lockers i was just looking at it and BAMBAMBAMBAMBAM, "Your team win" :D
Useless story ....

My quest to finally break even for
K/d is almost over. Back in March I started tracking stats using bf3 stats and was at a lowely .82 with somewhere in the neighborhood of 3k kills. Today I'm at .99 with over 9k kills and under 10 k for deaths. I think the difference is around 70.
I'm going to try my hardest to go even with under 10k deaths.

During this time I also brought my w/l up from a .82 and am near even on that as well.

I'm going to reset my stats once I break even on my k/d ratio. I could have done it the day premium came out but have made it a mission to break even first.

End useless story.
Play as Recon......

With almost an entire week of double XP to play around with, those who have yet to reach level 45 should be able to do so this time around before Armored Kill releases next month

What is the significance of being level 45 before AK is released........ I wonder......

My BF3 moment for the week so far has been when I climbed over one of those half-walls between B flag and C flag on Kharg.
I had just taken C and was on my way over the wall as it's quicker than running all the way around the buildings and unfinished carcasses.....or so I thought.

I approached the wall at full speed on my feet, hit X to vault the wall..... died.

"Bad Luck"

How is the sniping part of BF3?

Can you play a full game of hide and take down without dying?
You can, but it's only a OSK if you grab a headshot*. It's also pretty hard to get moving targets 300m+ cause of bullet drop and travel time.
*Unless you're playing Hardcore.

EDIT: For the hiding bit, it depends on the other team. You could spend an entire game perched on the rocks or in a building, or get a few potshots in before getting taken out by a chopper.
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People usually go for revenge kills if they get sniped.

It's just too easy because you know where the sniper is if he kills you. :lol:
Had a very frustrating round at Operation Metro earlier. I had a great start to the round with the kills coming quick and fast and playing as i normally do, But soon the round just seemed to grind to a hault when the apposing team captured A flag and were just content to sit on it all round and camp the flag, They did not bother moving forward to attack our B or C flags all rounds (except for the odd solo attempt that is easily thwarted). I had a good round up until the start of this, It got really boring and tedious and the only way to make something happen was to take huge risks wich resulted in a lot of deaths. The only reason i kept on playing was because of the double XP and my 120+kills.

Edit - Oh yeah, M27 IAR and H/BAR is very good:drool: 91 kills in the Above round.
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About the killcam. Stay zoomed in at your target after you shot him. Makes it harder to find out where you are. Works in most games.

What's scope glint?

Scope glint is the reflection from a sniper scope. You can usually see it when a sniper aims at you.
About the killcam. Stay zoomed in at your target after you shot him. Makes it harder to find out where you are. Works in most games.

I hardly ever snipe, But thats a usefull tip thanks:tup:

What's scope glint?

The bright white light that is reflected by scopes with over 6x magnification.

Edit - Beaten to it :(
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About the killcam. Stay zoomed in at your target after you shot him. Makes it harder to find out where you are. Works in most games.

Doesn't work that way in BF3. Instead of showing you how you were killed (like in COD), the Killcam in BF3 is a 'follow-up'. It gives you a real-time 3rd person view of your killer.
I just did a game of Operation Metro and I was getting very angry since I could not get to an MCOM without dying (The 3rd set of MCOM stations). I was almost raging because I could not get there and we lost. I checked my stats after the game and I went 42-17 but I was still not pleased.

Doesn't work that way in BF3. Instead of showing you how you were killed (like in COD), the Killcam in BF3 is a 'follow-up'. It gives you a real-time 3rd person view of your killer.

Doh. That's a pretty stupid killcam then. Now I need to get my hopes up for Blops 2. :indiff:
Doh. That's a pretty stupid killcam then. Now I need to get my hopes up for Blops 2. :indiff:

Oh, i thought you played BF3 and you knew this worked, Thats why i said thanks for the tip :)

I was wondering how it would have made a difference :lol:
For those wondering how easy it is to be spotted by your scope glint: For an enemy to see the light shine off your scope, they practically have to be looking right at you. I once saw a Youtube video (can't find it now :indiff:) and in it two guys tested out the angles at which you see it by slowing having one guy look from left to right. In short, the guy had be within (I think) about five degrees to either side to see a "bright" glint. And then after about ten degrees or so the dimness finally went away.