Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
A lot of trouble with ea at the moment, I even had trouble with FIFA. Probably all the annoyed premium subscribers to battlefield that have attacked the ea servers after finding out what the bonus content drop was.
Played a couple matches, had a few days off, and I was delighted to experience I was disconnected from every single match I was in. I also tried to squad up with Dragonistic, but it didn't want me to do that either, apparently.

Damn, how I hate you, EA Online.

Try and put your PS3 into a DMZ.
I've had massive problems for a couple of days, it was much worse than usual. I got disconnected every round and sometimes I couldn't even join servers. But I put my PS3 in a DMZ and it's much better now. Doesn't get rid of the problem completely, I still get the occasional 'the connection with EA online was lost' but it's worth a try.
What's a DMZ?
If I want to play BF3 online I have to make sure EVERY other device in the house that has an IP address is either off or in airplane mode. Usually I'm good.
You essentially add your PS3's IP address to your router's DMZ. This means it doesn't interfere with the packets that make up your online experience. It requires a modicum of senility but most people should be able to do it.

gogatrs - Look up DHCP, not sure I'd have the patience to do that every time I went online!
Handy dandy DMZ guide

Explains exactly how to set up a static IP for your PS3 which is pretty much the only thing a bit tricky about it. Once you've done that just click around your router settings and you'll come across 'DMZ'.
This is of course also explained in the guide.
I have fallen in love with the helicopter dubbed Viper. Its fast, agile, and very maneuvrable. My instics from BF:BC2 kicked in. Combine that with a good gunner= pissed off enemy team, pissed off jet pilots, and a hell-of-a match.

As for connections, I'm set. Sorry Gogarts, can't seem to squad up with you. Time diff. :(
The AH-1Z Viper has much better visibility than the Mi-28 Havoc and because of that, I find the Viper much easier to pilot. I also find it easier to spot for my gunner for the same reason.
Just had an awesome game at Metro. (how often do you hear that?)
Playing AGAINST all Caz's MEIP buddies. It was five of them against me and four other guys all playing with mics, working together. Went 54-21. :sly: MVP by 7,000 points.

Made some good buddies DESPITE the fact that they were Georgia Bulldogs. :lol:
We almost switched teams after a bit of an argument regarding who's football team is better. :D

And is it just because of the greater visibility creating an illusion, or is the Viper actually more agile?
Just had an awesome game at Metro. (how often do you hear that?)
Playing AGAINST all Caz's MEIP buddies. It was five of them against me and four other guys all playing with mics, working together. Went 54-21. :sly: MVP by 7,000 points.

Made some good buddies DESPITE the fact that they were Georgia Bulldogs. :lol:
We almost switched teams after a bit of an argument regarding who's football team is better. :D

Football sucks! Just talk about something useful!
Hey CAMAROBOY69 don't know if you have premium or close quarters but if you do I highly recommend the M417. If you want a bit of aggressive recon play its the perfect gun 2 shot body kill under ~17 meters.
I dont have premium and I am not interrested in the close quarters maps. I only play the large maps with vehicles. Once in a while the map rotation puts me into Metro. Other than that map I am all about huge open maps. So I am looking forward to the new map pack called Armored Kill that comes with all large vehicle maps. :)
I dont have premium and I am not interrested in the close quarters maps. I only play the large maps with vehicles. Once in a while the map rotation puts me into Metro. Other than that map I am all about huge open maps. So I am looking forward to the new map pack called Armored Kill that comes with all large vehicle maps. :)
In that case have a look at the SKS, allmost the same as the M4, expect you dont need CQC for it.
In that case have a look at the SKS, allmost the same as the M4, expect you dont need CQC for it.

The SKS isn't as powerful as the M417 though so it boils down to what you want; Mk.11 Mod 0 for more recoil, fewer rounds, silly power and a decent reload speed or the SKS for less recoil, the same number of rounds, less power and... I can't remember what the reload speed is like. I just remember the Mk.11 is quicker reloading than any of the others, I'm pretty sure anyway (might have been changed in a patch).

Edit: I'm a huge Mk.11 fanboy, I must say. Even though the M417 would probably suit me better I just absolutely love that even with a suppressor and holo sight you can get one hit kills at long range, yet close up (1v1) it's still a beast.
The SKS isn't as powerful as the M417 though so it boils down to what you want; Mk.11 Mod 0 for more recoil, fewer rounds, silly power and a decent reload speed or the SKS for less recoil, the same number of rounds, less power and... I can't remember what the reload speed is like. I just remember the Mk.11 is quicker reloading than any of the others, I'm pretty sure anyway (might have been changed in a patch).

Edit: I'm a huge Mk.11 fanboy, I must say. Even though the M417 would probably suit me better I just absolutely love that even with a suppressor and holo sight you can get one hit kills at long range, yet close up (1v1) it's still a beast.
I never used the M417, but the SKS is just about useless. The MK11 will do much better.
Had some great games on Australian Air Warfare Server last night
I'm not on at the moment but the server should be going alright
The SKS is incredibly useful. The Mk 11 Mod 0 does a much better job at mid-long range, while the SKS is more useful mid to mid-short range. The low recoil on the SKS makes multiple follow up shots happen very quickly. The SKS fits the range that assault rifle, carbine, and LMG users have to be very aware of recoil management, while the SKS user can spam away with very little to no pause between shots. The SKS is analogous to a more powerful semi-auto only G3A3.

The M417 is closer in recoil to the Mk 11 Mod 0 than SKS. The differences between the Mk 11 Mod 0 and the M417 are lesser recoil for the M417, greater magazine capacity for the M417, and lesser bullet speed for the M417. The reload times for the Mk 11 Mod 0 and M417 are the same. If you like the Mk 11 Mod 0, then you will likely enjoy using the M417.
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Thanks for the feedback on the SKS. Maybe one of these days I will check it out. I have fired an AK47 in real life so any game that lets me use that, I use it. Plus its a weapon people dont use very often in games which is probably one of the reason I am in the top 3% worldwide with that gun in BF3. Which surprises me because I dont play very often. I only have about 159 hours into the BF3 multiplayer.
I have a strange problem(not a bad one lol) At the end of the round I seem to always get an MVP medal not matter where I finish. I looked on battlelog and it seems my score is been double on the scoreboard but no one elses is. like the match I played 5 mins ago I got about 3 k on points and finished 3rd but the battlelog report says i got about 7k points lol.
I know that but I'm saying its using my doubled score to work out place on the scoreboard but it isn't doing it for anyone else. So the game says i finished 3rd on the board but then it uses the double score behind the scenes to work out if i got a ribbon.
I know that but I'm saying its using my doubled score to work out place on the scoreboard but it isn't doing it for anyone else. So the game says i finished 3rd on the board but then it uses the double score behind the scenes to work out if i got a ribbon.

Right now it's only Double XP for Premium users.
I know that but I'm saying its using my doubled score to work out place on the scoreboard but it isn't doing it for anyone else. So the game says i finished 3rd on the board but then it uses the double score behind the scenes to work out if i got a ribbon.

Mike Rotch
Edit: apparently even if one finished top of the round in game, Premium members get double points added on battle log even if it shows in game at the end of the round I was highest, so I didnt get MVP :indiff:
