Question for you guys playing on the ps3... Is your battlefeed loading or is it saying "unable to receive feed"
The latter bit. Even when I reset and reloaded and connected to EA, it was still 'unable to receive feed'.
I know that but I'm saying its using my doubled score to work out place on the scoreboard but it isn't doing it for anyone else. So the game says i finished 3rd on the board but then it uses the double score behind the scenes to work out if i got a ribbon.
Thanks for posting that, but I hope it is not the actual patch list.
Why they are buffing almost all automatic weapons with better reload times is beyond me.
I would have also like to see claymore's stay after death, not C4 as support can now do kamikaze tank attacks and if they get killed, blow it up on respawn 👎.
Added C-RAM on US carrier on Noshar Canals to avoid spawn camping
C-RAM and Pantisir are now destructible
Explosives now remain after death
Yes but:
I don't think this list will be it, so we'll just have to wait and see.
Sorry for this long post, But im sure there will be something in here to intrest everyone.
Leaked Patch 1.06 notes, Were posted on Symthic then mysteriously taken off. They were supposedly translated from Italian, So excuse any mistakes in the grammar.
This isnt verified by DICE, So its not definite this is 100% accurate or even true.
TzunGuys! M4A1, with or without foregrip?
increased the M1911's min damage to make it fit better between the .44 and the M9/MP443
Reduced damage, range and recoil for the M93R
Increased the MP412's rate of fire and reload time (!) to highlight the .44's improvement in CQB (?)
C-RAM and Pantisir are now destructible
The air radar now shows friendly aircraft as well as enemy ones
The jets' guided missiles now lock on more quickly
Added C-RAM on US carrier on Noshar Canals to avoid spawn camping
Friendly grenades now have a different colour
Added flag letters on the minimap
All players with at least one SS with the SMAW and the RPG can now choose which one to equip
Premium players can now choose which one of the two knifes to equip (ACB90/ Knife)
Decreased the SOFLAM's range
Added new Master Dogtags for: M9/MP443/M1911 Tact, M1911 Supp,M67 Grenade, Repair tool, Defibs
Removed minimap on hardcore
gogatrsM4A1+Suppressor+Foregrip+HOLO= FTW
M4A1+Suppressor+Foregrip+HOLO= FTW
EllisI disagree. M4A1 + 3.4x zoom + flash suppresor + forgrip.
Basically what EA have done is make it practically impossible for non-premium players to get MVP ribbons.Thanks for clearing up on that problem I had guys. It does seem very unfair on none premiums to have what i would say is a clear win on there part be taken away.
SmilenatorBasically what EA have done is make it practically impossible for non-premium players to get MVP ribbons.
I just went on (for me) an amazing streak where I "got" a MVP ribbon in about 5 rounds in a row, but didn't get any.
Team THRT DriftDepends on your preferences
They are taking the divisive nature of Premium a little too far with this. It's bad enough that Premium players get priority server access but to deprive non-Premium players of their hard-earned ribbons like that is just too much in my opinion, but at least it's only when there's a Premium-exclusive double XP event and not all the time I suppose.
Symthic are reporting the patch-notes to be fakies by the way. 👍
I take back what I said about being completely apathetic about BF3, I joined our clan meet on Monday evening and we had a large enough turnout to field two full squads. We had two squad leaders and we were all on the Teamspeak server so we were able to operate as one huge squad if necessary and it was damn good fun. It was a shame that the opposition was completely unable to cope but we did tell them they could use our TS to co-ordinate if they wanted to, no one joined it though. But yeah, despite my several time outs meaning I lost a lot of points and kills, I was MVP (before the 2XP addition, might I add) in the two games I managed to not get disconnected from, but it was all down to the squad in all honesty. Confidence: restored!
They are taking the divisive nature of Premium a little too far with this. It's bad enough that Premium players get priority server access but to deprive non-Premium players of their hard-earned ribbons like that is just too much in my opinion, but at least it's only when there's a Premium-exclusive double XP event and not all the time I suppose.