Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I haven't played in a while (about 3 weeks) and was just wondering if there's been any updates or if anythings changed with the m39, m240 bravo, or the Aug.
Armored Kill should be released for Premium members this Tuesday.

Looks like ill be sleeping on my freinds couch for a while since he has premium XD no but seriously I wanna play that snow map so flipping bad but have to wait for the regular release
I was just doing a game of Conquest at Operation Metro and I was holding down the left entrance in the Ticket Hall. Countless number of enemies coming in and I was shooting them down. It got to the point where every time I killed someone they would get revived. I was getting frustrated because I was just wasting ammo that I needed. I gave up after I died and tried to hold down another area.
I got kicked for going 51-1 with the M39 on Canals hardcore. The admin says I was too good with snipers and it wasn't fair

Atleast he told you the real reason. Not like aimbot or your making the server lag.
Can someone offer an opinion on the KH2002:

- CQC performance
- Damage and recoil vs other similar type AR around the 800ROF range

cheers 👍

^Close Quarters: I personally think that the gun is capable of holding its own. You'll be at a disadvantage hip-firing since it's a burst weapon, but the 800RPM and high accuracy helps it out. Overall, I'd say it's decent.

As for damage, it does the same amount of damage as all the other assault rifles (bar the G3A3), but it has very low recoil, and is extremely accurate. It's (both figuratively & literally) a Bullpup, burst-fire M16.

Yep, I agree with speed157, But i find the thing that hinders it most (As with all 3 round burst weapons) is when your firing continously it can bounce around a bit and feel awkward. This is because with every weapon, The first round that is fired has roughly double the recoil of every subsequent round. So if you for example fired a whole mag fully auto from a M16A3, The first round would have double the recoil of the following 29 rounds. Where as if you emptied a mag in the KH2002 you would be getting that First round recoil every 3rd round you shoot. I dont find it to bad, But this is why a lot of people find the weapon awkward and struggle with it. I have over 700 kill's with it and it can be a solid weapon most of the time, You just need to put a Foregrip on it though because it has high horizontal recoil as standard.

Hope that helped:tup:

On another note, AK on tuesday!!!!, Wow that went quick:dopey:
I got kicked for going 51-1 with the M39 on Canals hardcore. The admin says I was too good with snipers and it wasn't fair

Haha cant tell you how many times this has happened to me :lol: its like people forget that even a person with decent aim can drop people with ease when using that beast of a weapon
Could you tell me in short what this is about, I didn't pay attention.

What AK is it? is it the beloved 47, or something else?

And also, is this Premium only?

No you cant be paying attention :lol:

Only joking, It's Armoured Kill man!👍
Opinions wanted: Is standing on the roof tops at B, on the map Firestorm, with a sniper rifle camping? IMO, it's a pretty exposed spot but allows you pretty good lines of sight on both A and C. And, after a few minutes the other team will be well aware of your presence there. Is it camping or is the other team just whiney babies?
Opinions wanted: Is standing on the roof tops at B, on the map Firestorm, with a sniper rifle camping? IMO, it's a pretty exposed spot but allows you pretty good lines of sight on both A and C. And, after a few minutes the other team will be well aware of your presence there. Is it camping or is the other team just whiney babies?
I'd say that camping does't exist in BF3.
If you're playing as Recon. IMO.

Yeah, that's what I meant, I just didn't write it. If you're being Engineer or Assault it's stupid to sit in a corner or ontop of a roof for too long. Supports and Recons can do that, because that's kind part of their role.
Camping is necessary for the L96 350m headshot assignment too - which I still haven't managed. I wish there was some way to know the distance beforehand. Had a great couple of head shots on gulf of Oman I think. Can't remember the names but it was from the base on the beach to the multi storey building behind the construction site. Only 328m though :(
Camping is necessary for the L96 350m headshot assignment too - which I still haven't managed. I wish there was some way to know the distance beforehand. Had a great couple of head shots on gulf of Oman I think. Can't remember the names but it was from the base on the beach to the multi storey building behind the construction site. Only 328m though :(

Canals pick a 500% server (so you have time), be a American stay in the boat and look at B.
I wish there was some way to know the distance beforehand.

The closest thing you can get to that is by using the distance markers on conquest objectives. I got my requirement by sitting up in the mountains on Kharg looking over at the B flag. I could see that the distance was over 400, so I just waited for a sniper to get on top of one of the buildings, and to my luck, one did.
There is also a chart somewhere that shows you how to estimate range using the scope reticule, but as far as I recall none have any way of gauging as far as 350m. Best way is to do a test shot and see how far it drops once you know what distances the dots are indicating... I'll see if I can find the chart but it might be on Symthic. The best way, though, is to use flags as indicators.
I loved it yesterday, we had about 6/7 of the 23rd guys on the same team as well as at least one other GTP'er. We were basically dominating the server, and then the admin comes on and just dumps the whole thing.

That was pretty great, my Battlelog profile has 3 losses in the last 16 game sor whatever, 2 of them are caused by bans or being team swapped cus we're too awesome together. I'm pretty proud of the 23rd, everytime I get on I seem to end up having more then a squads worth join me.

There is also a chart somewhere that shows you how to estimate range using the scope reticule, but as far as I recall none have any way of gauging as far as 350m. Best way is to do a test shot and see how far it drops once you know what distances the dots are indicating... I'll see if I can find the chart but it might be on Symthic. The best way, though, is to use flags as indicators.

DOPE shots, set up where you plan to snipe from, take some shots at various targets at distances you're likely to find enemies and watch where your bullet lands (aim at walls) take a mental note of how many dots down your bullet landed and then you know how many dots above an enemy you must aim who is at that distance. This removes any sort of calculation or chart and removes the effect of your height on the map which of course effects your angle of fire which usually throws off most charts and calculations as it brings a very difficult to quantify measure in, I usually take 2-3 shots at different ranges around killzones such as flags and so on where you intend to see and fire on enemies, you could quickly note down how many mildots down each bullet lands for each target if you wanted and use those notes quickly if you keep them closeby (if you can't remember them straight away).

I've spoke about this and other sniping tips in detail before (I'd have posted a guide to all classes had I not got a job), DOPE (Data On Previous Engagements) is the easiest and quickest way to become an effective marksman and a bipod is highly recommended for it. Later you'll be able to make educated guesses and become more mobile, I suggest sticking to the 8x scope for the most dots if you have a good enough TV/Screen/res to be able to see far enough clearly though really you don't want to be shooting regularly at 300m or whatever (7x is also very good once you adjust and is my scope of choice, but the 8x is easy to understand and use). I also suggest sticking to each rifle for a prolonged period, I tend to only use 2 rifles for a week or more one semi-auto and one bolt action (plus the M417 for non-sniping and general mid-range support).
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Ya drag, whenever i see a 23rd member on ill join. Trying to learn what i can and cannot do with these guys as i generally dont do as wellbwith 23rd as i do when i join my other group. Mainly because i have been playing with those guys longer and know more of there strengths and weaknesses.
I've had a purple patch with grenades of late; especially at GB CQ. I must have racked up 25 kills in the last 2 rounds there, mostly in the two side corridors that join the B passage.

Pity there are no SS or tags for grenades :indiff:.
I've had a purple patch with grenades of late; especially at GB CQ. I must have racked up 25 kills in the last 2 rounds there, mostly in the two side corridors that join the B passage.

Pity there are no SS or tags for grenades :indiff:.

Let's hope that part of the patch leak is correct then :D

I've had a purple patch with grenades of late; especially at GB CQ. I must have racked up 25 kills in the last 2 rounds there, mostly in the two side corridors that join the B passage.

Pity there are no SS or tags for grenades :indiff:.

I discovered double frags today, such a nice extra having an extra grenade to chuck. I'll randomly throw them anywhere to suppress and flush enemies out, but I do seem to have alot more success lately landing kills too.

Some really really good games tonight with the 23rd, only 1 actual loss in my presence (plus 1 from a ban for me for having air superiority with a jet against the admin). Actual loss was last game but the squad did well we just didn't have the back up and got lazy on the final MCOMs (defence) didn't even try to stop them really.

I'm also working on communicating much more now, trying to encourage others to do the same though there was never a lack of it before I want to take it up another level so against tough opponents we can be more effective. Having Skype on is so great over stupid BF voip which is just awful quality by comparison and you can talk all the time on Skype without being in squad or having to mute others etc. etc.
I'm also working on communicating much more now, trying to encourage others to do the same though there was never a lack of it before I want to take it up another level so against tough opponents we can be more effective. Having Skype on is so great over stupid BF voip which is just awful quality by comparison and you can talk all the time on Skype without being in squad or having to mute others etc. etc.

I was very happy with the communication today, especially with the metro and kharg rush games. Even though we lost the last one.
Tehran was so easy not much communication was needed. :P