Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I was very happy with the communication today, especially with the metro and kharg rush games. Even though we lost the last one.
Tehran was so easy not much communication was needed. :P

:lol: Yeah we did have some really easy games tonight, some real challenges as well though. I'm very very pleased, it feels like we're just working together more closely and it seems to be shown by the results. You'll have noticed I've started announcing my grenades and when I'm flanking on a small scale even, just to keep the comms busy and when someone else does it I know I tend to start getting more involved as I feel less uncomfortable sounding like a total nerd when I say frag out each time I chuck a nade :lol: so I'm going to push that forward in the future.
Opinions wanted: Is standing on the roof tops at B, on the map Firestorm, with a sniper rifle camping? IMO, it's a pretty exposed spot but allows you pretty good lines of sight on both A and C. And, after a few minutes the other team will be well aware of your presence there. Is it camping or is the other team just whiney babies?

I would say camping doesn't exist in battlefield. If anyone says your camping their just whining because their no good at sniping!
I would say camping doesn't exist in battlefield. If anyone says your camping their just whining because their no good at sniping!

If I see someone perched on the mountains in Firestorm or Kharg Island and they're at the bottom of the leaderboard, they can expect to get knifed, teabagged and receive a message saying "Camper Noob." You can still snipe and PFTO. They are doing neither 👎:grumpy:

If I see someone perched on the mountains in Firestorm or Kharg Island and they're at the bottom of the leaderboard, they can expect to get knifed, teabagged and receive a message saying "Camper Noob." You can still snipe and PFTO. They are doing neither 👎:grumpy:

That's why I always bang on about the semi-auto rifles everyone seems to ignore (SVD/Mk11/M39), way more versatile and teachs you good habits in terms of how to play the map because in all fairness though the bolt action has the one shot kill at all ranges the semi auto is more effective in the ranges you should really be fighting in though you do need a bipod really to get the most out of it you can just take the scope off for 60 kills to get it. Once you get better you can use the bolt actions to have more fun as they are very satisfying and can be used fairly aggressively but even then you're still more limited and generally less consistent particularly against multiple targets.

I think there's a sort of snobbishness from other games (COD) so alot of people think semi-auto rifles are no good for distance work or nooby or something, everyone seems happy to use the SKS and M417 in exactly the way they should be but nobody seems to realise there's an excellent mid-ground between them and the bolty where you can easily get kills over 100m and still take on multiple targets or hold a choke point with a bipod without extra support.
Camping is necessary for the L96 350m headshot assignment too - which I still haven't managed. I wish there was some way to know the distance beforehand. Had a great couple of head shots on gulf of Oman I think. Can't remember the names but it was from the base on the beach to the multi storey building behind the construction site. Only 328m though :(

Got my 350 meter headshot in my first attemp at it. I always play Rush and when the map Kharg Island came up with my team attacking I knew I had a shot at it (pun intended). Climbed up the ladders onto the deck of the carrier and laid down with my 20x scope. Waited until I spotted an opposing sniper on the rocks and lined him up, squeezed the trigger, and watched the bullet sail off then the marksman bonus said 597 meters. Nice. Now if only those engineer assignments worked.
Speedy Samurai
Now if only those engineer assignments worked.

Which ones are those mate?
Have I missed something being a late subscriber to Premium?

Cheers Shaun.
That's why I always bang on about the semi-auto rifles everyone seems to ignore (SVD/Mk11/M39), way more versatile and teachs you good habits in terms of how to play the map because in all fairness though the bolt action has the one shot kill at all ranges the semi auto is more effective in the ranges you should really be fighting in though you do need a bipod really to get the most out of it you can just take the scope off for 60 kills to get it. Once you get better you can use the bolt actions to have more fun as they are very satisfying and can be used fairly aggressively but even then you're still more limited and generally less consistent particularly against multiple targets.

I think there's a sort of snobbishness from other games (COD) so alot of people think semi-auto rifles are no good for distance work or nooby or something, everyone seems happy to use the SKS and M417 in exactly the way they should be but nobody seems to realise there's an excellent mid-ground between them and the bolty where you can easily get kills over 100m and still take on multiple targets or hold a choke point with a bipod without extra support.

I agree. I wasn't sitting on a mountain top with a bolt action getting 1-2 kills, i was the mvp of the game with 25 k and 9 d. I held down B as wave after wave of enemies came at me and then i helped hold down C. It was a really fun game, just surprised people would call names.
For some reason the engineers 25 shotgun kills keep being reset

I've had this exact same thing happen to me. I've already completed the dogtag engi assignment and started working on the mine kills, but a couple of days ago it reset my shotgun kills and mine kills to 0.
I still have the dog tag even if it says I haven't completed the assignment now.
...I think there's a sort of snobbishness from other games (COD) so alot of people think semi-auto rifles are no good for distance work or nooby or something, everyone seems happy to use the SKS and M417 in exactly the way they should be but nobody seems to realise there's an excellent mid-ground between them and the bolty where you can easily get kills over 100m and still take on multiple targets or hold a choke point with a bipod without extra support.
I agree, in the Killzone 2 maps, I was always using the standard guns for distance suppression to good effect and managed to keep the opposition at bay until my team could advance.

Sorry I can't say the same for BF3 - not played that online yet...
Speedy Samurai
For some reason the engineers 25 shotgun kills keep being reset

Ah, ok thanks mate.
I haven't used a shotgun for a while so I hadn't noticed.

Cheers Shaun.
I discovered double frags today, such a nice extra having an extra grenade to chuck. I'll randomly throw them anywhere to suppress and flush enemies out, but I do seem to have alot more success lately landing kills too.

Squad Frags is my choice specialization. The extra frag and if you are using the M320, extra 40mm grenades, come in quite handy.
I also usually run frags. If not then my #2 is explosives. But will switch over to whatevers missing.

Pet peeve. Squad of snipers all with ammo perk. Useless ontop of useless.
I also usually run frags. If not then my #2 is explosives. But will switch over to whatevers missing.

Pet peeve. Squad of snipers all with ammo perk. Useless ontop of useless.

Even worse when on Metro. :rolleyes:
Half way into the game the guy had 10 points. Eventually went and just stood in front of the guy until he started PTO.
I usually stick with Ammo, Suppression or Explosives. Although I do use other Specialisations if needed 👍
Is battlefield going to go down today so they can put Armoured kill up?

Armored kill will be out tuesday. PS Store updates every Tues at 6 or 7 Est. time so expect it available then
The silence on any official patch-notes is quite weird, I must observe. Makes me wonder if there are any this time round...
Should we start a new thread with psn:s in the first post and stuff? Because i think stormtrooper aint going to update the OP.

Stuff about the AK assignments, god I so want this

Nice, Think the MBT tag might replace my jack of all trades one, They all look fairly easy to aquire, I can be the gunner for the heli as i have a squadmate who's a decent pilot, But how im going to do the Jet one i dont know. Looks like i'll have to finally put some time into learning them.👍
I dont think the ac130 is going to be considered as a jet. Or did i miss the addition of new jets in AK?