Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Just played a round against Tzun and he made me think of this.
http://[domain blocked due to malware]/instances/400x/25815385.jpg

Edit: I got killed 12 times about 9 by Tzun, I got him once.
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Not really surprising though, is it? When you've got customers who have paid double what others have they're going to a) make it better for those who have paid and b) tempt those who haven't.

Conversely, as a Premium player, I'd be disappointed if I didn't get priority access. Not too fussed about double XP.

Nothing EA does is surprising any more, so no, it's not. Still a dick move, but this generation has been all about those; 'horse armour' DLC, pay to cheat (see Sleeping Dogs DLC for the most recent example), free to play pay to win items... Ruining Dead Space by making it co-op, not making a second Mirror's Edge... I could go on and none of it is even remotely relevant.

But yeah, I won't be surprised if EA revoke all Origin BF3 keys when BF5 is out, or at least remove it from Battlelog, thus forcing some enterprising gamers to come up with a solution (like what happened with Grid).
M4A1 + Kobra + Heavy Barrel.

No foregrip.

Tried without grip and didnt feel that good and used laser on smaller maps and that felt good.

[Edit]: Oh and Smile, my message didnt help much did it?
Symthic are reporting the patch-notes to be fakies by the way. 👍

Levelcap gaming seems to think the patch notes are genuine......

Levelcap -"Hey guys. Today I have some leaked patch notes from the upcoming v1.06 build.

Update: Zh1nto has confirmed that these are legit patch notes but they are also over a month old so something things may have changed. I assume most of it is still accurate."
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I do not often find myself in a squad that works together. When it happens though, it is awesome. Two full squads working together would be even more awesome and would spell bad news for the other team, so long as the rest of your team is not useless.

There's this one server where it's like that every night.
Just make sure you get on the right team! :lol:
Believe the current name is Gulf of Oman Mania. They usually switch it up though.
Ya like that server huh gatyrs. :)

Thats usually where i can be found if there isnt many gtp guys on. The clan that owns the server are a good group of guys. If i wasnt represent the 23rd, id be tearin fools apart with MBP.
There's this one server where it's like that every night.
Just make sure you get on the right team! :lol:
Believe the current name is Gulf of Oman Mania. They usually switch it up though.

I cannot remember, are you on PS3 or PC?
Just had something really strange happen.

I was playing a couple of rounds of gun master and on one particular match I was winning and made it all the way to the knife. However I was a bit unlucky and I just couldn't get the kill. I did take note of someone camping in a corner though and decided to try surprise and knife him. So I make it to the camper (who was in a corner, so a takedown was impossible), knife him once, he spots me and I go for the second stab, when suddenly I hear the losing sound and my screan starts to go white. I knew that someone else had beat me to it, however I still managed to knife the camper right in the nick of time before the end of match screen.
Surprisingly I won, even though I was slower than the guy that was actually supposed to win, so I went on battlelog which confirmed that I really won, yet another strange thing happened on that too. When you look up matches of gun master on battlelog the kills and deaths of everyone are 0 for some reason. But on this particular match only I had 1 kill with the knife.
Killing machine. :lol:
Jeep chase! Love those.
And that bit where the tank is all of a sudden flying through the air is awesome. Nearly lands on the guy :lol:. That'll get your heart rate going.
Other than that, it looks like it'll be mass chaos unless you're an extremely skilled tank driver.
Jeep chase! Love those.
And that bit where the tank is all of a sudden flying through the air is awesome. Nearly lands on the guy :lol:. That'll get your heart rate going.
Other than that, it looks like it'll be mass chaos unless you're an extremely skilled tank driver.

Good thing I'm alright with chaos, then. That does look fantastic, I do hope the rumours of there only being tank superiority on Armoured Shield are false though because I really don't think I'll play that any more than I have to for the inevitable assignments.
Good thing I'm alright with chaos, then. That does look fantastic, I do hope the rumours of there only being tank superiority on Armoured Shield are false though because I really don't think I'll play that any more than I have to for the inevitable assignments.

Chopper heaven it looks like. If you were to get a buddy with TV Missile and just sit behind a hill you could rack up a fair amount of kills it looks.
Stupid restaraunt i have been leeching wi fi off while i was working finally locked up their router.
Bought a galaxy s 3 sunday so im going to try running off that tonight. See how it goes.
Chopper heaven it looks like. If you were to get a buddy with TV Missile and just sit behind a hill you could rack up a fair amount of kills it looks.

Yeah, true true, tank chaos means TV missiles can just clean up... Shame my usual squad hates vehicles but I think we'll have to reconsider our tactics. I wonder if these maps will be good for sniping in terms of infantry not in vehicles.

This is the best battle report from the last time I played. I don't know if you'll see the highlight that shows the players who are in my clan but the first 6, 11 and 13 on my side plus the top 3, 8 and 17 on the opposing squad are all from my clan. It's no wonder we get accused of stacking the teams every time we meet but you know, it's our server and all! It doesn't happen that often either, and at least we don't kick people for trivial reasons. This was a great game. The ones before on the same day were all games I timed out of, I think, and the last one was when we were talking about politics and the future of the Eurozone and not really paying attention to the game...
Those maps looks great - although seems suited to AR/ Carbine/ Rifles without much scope for LMG.

Armoured Kill reminds me a lot of Oasis from BC2 :D.
Can someone offer an opinion on the KH2002:

- CQC performance
- Damage and recoil vs other similar type AR around the 800ROF range

cheers 👍
^Close Quarters: I personally think that the gun is capable of holding its own. You'll be at a disadvantage hip-firing since it's a burst weapon, but the 800RPM and high accuracy helps it out. Overall, I'd say it's decent.

As for damage, it does the same amount of damage as all the other assault rifles (bar the G3A3), but it has very low recoil, and is extremely accurate. It's (both figuratively & literally) a Bullpup, burst-fire M16.
I can't seem to get used to the recoil on it.
Get my ass handed to me everytime I try to unlock a sight for it. Any tips on map/mode for playing with it naked?
Seems like it could be a good tactical weapon with suppressor and a holo on it.
I have not used the KH2002 much and may need to try the weapon out a bit more. Being that the KH2002 is a burst fire weapon, I would imagine the AN-94 is a better option. The AN-94 has a faster reload speed, faster rate of burst fire, incredibly small spread, and awful iron sights. Since I have used the AN-94 quite a bit, I have found using the M16A4, another burst fire weapon, frustrating because if you burst too quickly the compounded recoil can be difficult to deal with in comparison to doing the same with the AN-94.
News about the update list! Dice have told that the list is old and aome stuff have been taken away and added to it.
Great few rounds there Shaun (and thank your mate too) 👍. Really good fun, the last two friday's we've squadded up.

That round at Kharg was so bizzare. Spawn camping them for 200 tickets and then couldn't hold onto a single flag and then almost spawn camped them again!

Sorry I wasn't much help with those assignments. If there are any tricky ones you want help with next time, just let me know (like knife kills or e-bot kills and stuff ;))
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Great few rounds there Shaun (and thank your mate too) 👍. Really good fun, the last two friday's we've squadded up.

Likewise mate, thankyou, most enjoyable. 👍
Funny thing is when I play with you (or Andrew) I don't care about my stats at all. I try to do the team thing and be there to revive you or help take out a tank or whatever other threats are close without caring if I get killed. But it's so much more enjoyable.
I think it works both ways, when I need ammo for example you are normally always there and make a suicide run to supply me. :lol:👍

That round at Kharg was so bizzare. Spawn camping them for 200 tickets and then couldn't hold onto a single flag and then almost spawn camped them again!

Yeah very strange round, I thought we had it stiched up.
When you set the soflam up I even commited suicide just to get more ammo for my Javelin. In the end though it turned out to be a hard fought and very enjoyable round. 👍

Sorry I wasn't much help with those assignments. If there are any tricky ones you want help with next time, just let me know (like knife kills or e-bot kills and stuff ;))

I think I'm ok here, yay unlocked the ACW-R after you logged off. Most of the hard stuff I've done, like the Bot kill but the grenade one will take some time I think during normal play.
I'll let you know if I need any assistance. ;)

Cheers Shaun.
I loved it yesterday, we had about 6/7 of the 23rd guys on the same team as well as at least one other GTP'er. We were basically dominating the server, and then the admin comes on and just dumps the whole thing.
Funny thing is when I play with you (or Andrew) I don't care about my stats at all. I try to do the team thing and be there to revive you or help take out a tank or whatever other threats are close without caring if I get killed. But it's so much more enjoyable.

True indeed. That's probably why we both spawn into instant death so often :lol:. We see the our squadmate in a fire fight or a dicey spot and reckon he needs help, whereas if we were playing solo we rather spawn 18 miles away in safety.

It's also funny that whenever Andrew is playing with us, we get the weirdest named noobs joining out team. 2dogslicking...poo_jabber...