My initial thoughts on "Armoured kill", I wouldnt consider anything in the following "spoilers". They are just my opinions on the maps and Vehicles. If you still dont want to know DONT read this post.
My initial thoughts are rather good, Im quite impressed. The first thing that hit me is how difficult it is to decide where to go, By this i mean with 5 flags there are normally multiple flags being contested at a particular time. This is good though as there is plenty of action to go around. My favourite map at the moment would have to be "Death Valley" and my least favourite is "Armored Shield". I'll say way later in the post.
The new vehicles are fine, I have used the "Sprut" and "Stryker" mostly and they are very competent in most situations and are quite robust, Along with good handling and decent speed they are quite strong, Especcially when working in pairs.
I've given the Mobile artillery a go aswell, And it feels very satisfying raining hell on a unsuspecting enemy base, I have only used the standard unguided rockets though and it is far from consistent. If one was to unlock the Anti air or Airburst rockets. I think it will become a lot more valuable, effective and easier to use.
Quadbikes are everything it says on the tin, There are a good few in most bases so it is rare to find yourself without any wheels and having to yomp to the nearest base. They are very sharp and quick wich is good for fast Infil's and Exfil's.
I sadly havnt got a go in the Gunship yet, Whenever i have died it has been in enemy hands or already in use. I have Paradropped out of it a few times though.
All the maps seem well made and play well. They can be a bit daunting at first glance, But after a round or to most would get to grips with them, The most fun map so far for me is Death Valley because it is very good looking, Quite simple design and the result of this feels like more action. My least favourite is Armoured shield, This is because it is quite open and seemingly quite bland, I wouldnt say i completely dislike the map but it does lag a bit behind the other three in my opinion.
I have only only had at the most 2 rounds on each map, So my opinions will no doubt change.
On a premium note, DICE has listened and given us Camo's for guns other than the first four. This time there are L85A2 (Tactical), M-TAR (Airman), LSAT (Blue Digital), SKS (Woodland stripe) and UMP-45 (Blue Digital) camo's available. No need to unlock them either, They are free to use once the update had been downloaded.👍