First impressions.
Maps are vast, get used to quadding or waiting for quads to spawn. Engineer's dream, mines and Javelin got me a few kills tonight. Only one round of Tank Superiority, it felt a bit "thrown together", so I'll have to try and play several rounds of it in a row. Had a good little session in a destroyer with Drag, got 3 unlocks in one go. The side-mounted machine guns are pretty good. We had a little trial with the laser designator in the scout heli too. Triangle to activate when in co-pilots seat.
Be warned. Your loadouts for vehicles will have changed, so be sure to check them before playing.
Overall, mostly positive, but some frustration too, MTAR is still OP, mind you, we were on a strong lobby, though one particular player always got off two shots before I could get one, maybe that's a me thing though.
Oh and someone was already spawn-killing quads with mines, so be careful. Maps look great.
What's the score with mobile artillery? Anyone got any other thoughts apart from "Um, what?"?