Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Wait until your game starts freezing, for me it is happening a lot after the end of the matches in the new maps.

Well, I played for more than 2 hours on new maps and didn't have 1 freeze. Also played 1 round on Seine Crossing (map that had tendency to lock up when the tickets were low, just like Bazaar) to check out gun behavior and didn't have any problems.
Which revive glitch, spawn menu, inability to revive people sometimes or something else? The spawn menu one is in and that's the only one I personally care about, had that happen three times in one game once, it was a bit much.

Also, forgive me if I'm wrong but I'm sure I read that the range penalty and bonus for Heavy Barrel on most of the ARs were reduced... Which is it? Or did I misread 'accuracy' as 'range'? I'm confused.

Spawn menu remains
Cmon north america. Why you no update store yet.
Log in to see several 23rd soldiers enjoying the new maps.
Flares on the gunship are activated when you press L2. :)

This DLC has been a case of the more you play it, the more you love it. At first I thought it was really strange being in such a huge map but I'm starting to love it. Alborz Mountain wins on looks but my favourite map is Death Valley. This is because its just something different and nothing will beat the experience of driving a Z-11W at night going after the Gunship.

The patch has been interesting, I no longer have a 'go to gun' anymore for engineer at least however I've been using the ACW-R and it feels mighty now it has vibration on the controller.

Overall a great day for Battlefield. 👍

Sound glitch is still there though and I did encounter that siren sound bug on Armored Shield. :ouch:

EDIT: Also does anyone else think Rush may be a bit unbalanced. Out of the few games I played, it was impossible for the defenders to defend successfully when they only had a tank and a jet to defend while the attacking team had the gun ship, jet and multiple tank destroyer. The gunship is hell annoying too on Rush as a defender, I think 7 times on one map I spawned and 5 seconds later the gunship killed me. :@
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Aqua F1
Flares on the gunship are activated when you press L2. :)

This DLC has been a case of the more you play it, the more you love it. At first I thought it was really strange being in such a huge map but I'm starting to love it. Alborz Mountain wins on looks but my favourite map is Death Valley. This is because its just something different and nothing will beat the experience of driving a Z-11W at night going after the Gunship.

The patch has been interesting, I no longer have a 'go to gun' anymore for engineer at least however I've been using the ACW-R and it feels mighty now it has vibration on the controller.

Overall a great day for Battlefield. 👍

Sound glitch is still there though and I did encounter that siren sound bug on Armored Shield. :ouch:

The patch is agonizing
The patch is agonizing

The patch is a bit annoying for me since I love to fly in helicopters but then at the end of the day they could just destroy the opposition (albeit rare because flares never seemed to work for me :(). Its nice they've shaken up the guns though, I was getting sick of just seeing M16, M4 and 93R everywhere.
First impressions.

Maps are vast, get used to quadding or waiting for quads to spawn. Engineer's dream, mines and Javelin got me a few kills tonight. Only one round of Tank Superiority, it felt a bit "thrown together", so I'll have to try and play several rounds of it in a row. Had a good little session in a destroyer with Drag, got 3 unlocks in one go. The side-mounted machine guns are pretty good. We had a little trial with the laser designator in the scout heli too. Triangle to activate when in co-pilots seat.

Be warned. Your loadouts for vehicles will have changed, so be sure to check them before playing.

Overall, mostly positive, but some frustration too, MTAR is still OP, mind you, we were on a strong lobby, though one particular player always got off two shots before I could get one, maybe that's a me thing though.

Oh and someone was already spawn-killing quads with mines, so be careful. Maps look great.

What's the score with mobile artillery? Anyone got any other thoughts apart from "Um, what?"?
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It's September 5th here in Japan and AK still isn't in the Japan or Hong Kong PS store. I've tried searching for Battlefield 3, Armored Kill, Game Add-ons, etc.

I be disappoint.
So it's out for the US now?

Yes. And as usual with bf3 dlc. Freeze the system entirely while downloading. Grrrr. Close quarters took no less than 7 attempts to dl for me. Karkland took several attempts back in december and again when we had to redownload it. About to start my second attempt of AK. Froze at 89%. I really dont get why i can never get anything without issue from this game.
Thanks 👍 Want to play :(

Can more then 1 player fit on a quad or is it only one? Are the CQ flag placements good or a cluster suck in the waiting?

Two people can go on the ATVs. One driving and one on facing behind. The Destroyers can also hold 5 other people, and all have anti-infantry MGs like an LAV.
Yes. And as usual with bf3 dlc. Freeze the system entirely while downloading. Grrrr. Close quarters took no less than 7 attempts to dl for me. Karkland took several attempts back in december and again when we had to redownload it. About to start my second attempt of AK. Froze at 89%. I really dont get why i can never get anything without issue from this game.

I never have that problem

I only get 80 kb/s. :nervous:

I feel bad for you... I have 45mbps download and 8mbps upload

About to try the new maps right meow
I never have that problem

This is the only game that does it for me. Both of my ps3s as well. I expext it now so its no big deal.
This time it worked on the second try.

Downloaded, installed and ready to go.
Gotta spend a few minutes with the wife and then game on!
Loving the accuracy buff for the Belt fed LMG's, Even put the LSAT to good use earlier.👍
Plus the UMP-45 has had its top damage buffed to 34! I find it very usefull while playing engineer, Looks good in its camo to ;)
First impressions.

Maps are vast, get used to quadding or waiting for quads to spawn. Engineer's dream, mines and Javelin got me a few kills tonight. Only one round of Tank Superiority, it felt a bit "thrown together", so I'll have to try and play several rounds of it in a row. Had a good little session in a destroyer with Drag, got 3 unlocks in one go. The side-mounted machine guns are pretty good. We had a little trial with the laser designator in the scout heli too. Triangle to activate when in co-pilots seat.

Be warned. Your loadouts for vehicles will have changed, so be sure to check them before playing.

Overall, mostly positive, but some frustration too, MTAR is still OP, mind you, we were on a strong lobby, though one particular player always got off two shots before I could get one, maybe that's a me thing though.

Oh and someone was already spawn-killing quads with mines, so be careful. Maps look great.

What's the score with mobile artillery? Anyone got any other thoughts apart from "Um, what?"?

I'm feeling mixed on the maps, tank superiority was very meh of that I'm sure.

Everything just feels super vulnerable right now, even the gunship is so easy to take down with normal cannons and AA (forget heatseekers til you overheat the cannons). The combination of vehicles means it's sometimes very difficult to survive for long because the second you get in to a hint of trouble you probably have an attack heli/scout heli/jet/gunship/tank destroyer/mass engineers turn on you when you're in a vehicle yourself. I think you need to be much more conservative to succeed in the vehicles now, zoom optics are something I'm definitely going to make use of now on tanks and stay much further out and let the quads/infantry get the flags.

There's alot of cool stuff but the abundance of vehicles is a curse in itself, you tend to get more time to enjoy the vehicles on maps like Firestorm so tactics definitely have to change to survive for any given period but I wasn't patient this evening. Tomorrow I plan to get myself set up and think about what I'm doing and try not to get hung up on assignments and just getting as many points as I can to get upgrades.

Mobile Arty is interesting, if you can zero in on an area you can do real damage from behind a hill/building etc. which is really useful but I feel you need more unlocks to get the most out of it (I got the AA missile now so I can work on getting some kills for it more consistently). Think of it like a mobile mortar, but you need to be more skillful in your range finding. Posting up somewhere safe where you can see where your shots land is key, I use rooftops near flags to assess range before turning to aim more directly for example and had some success in my short time with the vehicle. Avoid heavy traffic areas or areas where you'll be easily spotted though, if you can get your team mates to call your shots so you know where they're landing in relation to your target without needing line of sight even better.

I think this will be a slow burner like Close Quarters was for me, at first I've been skeptical both times and then the more you learn to adapt the better it gets. I definitely have plans to improve survivability and ultimately entertainment value for myself.
While I do really like armored kill, I can't help but get really ****ing pissed at it in some matches. Like how it's impossible to get in the gunship or when you actually do its getting destroyed already. Plus it can be annoying how easy it is to spawn trap in TS. I think it's just because I'm in a bad mood, I need to chill out...
I found out where the AC130 gunship excels, rush. I got a 14 kill streak with the cannon before getting shot down. It forgot what map, the one with the mind mills.
I sampled the death valley map because I
Had to rush to see Top Gear ;) anyway very cool and fun map to play. I love the new gunship but it gets shot down quickly :(
Ok I've played about 10 minutes of AK, and have raged from two out of two matches. First one was conquest where we were getting screwed so hard it would be nicer in a prison shower. I saw that there were three 100-star colonels on the other team, and left. The second match was a Rush match where the other team's vehicles were just stomping us. Since I was playing alone and had no one to worry about, I decided to call it a day and wait till I have friends on to calm me down.
Playing rush against an entire team of server admins. They got pretty mad and forced me to switch sides and wouldn't let me switch back. Sore losers. They couldn't even get the first mcom until after they cheated lol.

I like the new maps though especially the night time one. Lots of good places to hide AT mines.