Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Quick ? On Premium. My friend and I want to split it, so if i redeemed the $50 code on my ps3, activated it on my account, went to his account on my ps3, activated it there, would he have premium on his ps3?

Edit his account is the same on his pa3 as it is on mine

I think so, I asked the same question a while back and I believe the answer was 'yes'. Though in my case I was asking if my brother were to have Premium on his own PS3 then added it to his account that's on my PS3, would I get Premium too? Kind of the same thing, really. However my memory is really bad and the answer may have been no, but I really can't remember.
Attackers don't have that big of an advantage. Playing on a team of randoms last night we held the other team to the first base.

I just bought a new microphone. I'll try to be online a bit more if people want to play.
Quick ? On Premium. My friend and I want to split it, so if i redeemed the $50 code on my ps3, activated it on my account, went to his account on my ps3, activated it there, would he have premium on his ps3?

Edit his account is the same on his pa3 as it is on mine

Yep it should work, i've done the same, however you can only do this on 2 consoles.
Wait.... So if i'm reading this correctly I can give my premium key to someone else and they can use it on a different PS3? Mike, are you listening?

How would I go about finding my key, is it saved somewhere and I can bring it up?

Cheers Shaun.
Wait.... So if i'm reading this correctly I can give my premium key to someone else and they can use it on a different PS3? Mike, are you listening?

How would I go about finding my key, is it saved somewhere and I can bring it up?

Cheers Shaun.

Go to your Previous Downloads and it should be there.
Wait.... So if i'm reading this correctly I can give my premium key to someone else and they can use it on a different PS3? Mike, are you listening?

How would I go about finding my key, is it saved somewhere and I can bring it up?

Cheers Shaun.

I think the bit that might catch your cunning (:D) plan out is

Edit his account is the same on his pa3 as it is on mine

So it sounds like they share PSN it might be against their TOS, I haven't checked it out.

PS: How you finding AK mate, or has life been too busy to get on...?
Mike Rotch
I think the bit that might catch your cunning plan out is

So it sounds like they share PSN IDs...

PS: How you finding AK mate, or has life been too busy to get on...?

This process is called game sharing. And you can do it but it is sort of frowned upon by Sony. But yes anything that is in your download list can be downloaded onto another ps3. The 4.00 system update for the ps3 made each account you have being able to have 2 different ps3 activations for games (as in full games and add-ons ect). Over the last few years they have lowered the amount of activations you have. We used to have 5 they lowered this because of game sharing.

Quick ? On Premium. My friend and I want to split it, so if i redeemed the $50 code on my ps3, activated it on my account, went to his account on my ps3, activated it there, would he have premium on his ps3?

Edit his account is the same on his pa3 as it is on mine

In the case you are talking about if you bought the add-ons on your account. He needs to go on his ps3 with your account info. After you give him the information and he logs in on his ps3 he needs to go to the plantation store and then to the download list. Anything in the download list he can download. After he starts the downloads and sends them to download in the background he can log out of your account and back onto his. As long as he wants to use the add-ons he has to keep your account activated on his ps3
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The gunship on Rush is an utter joke. Played one round and then went to find a game mode the devs have some sort of capability in making enjoyable. In CQ for the gunship to be effective you have to have air superiority with the other machines from what I've found. Tank Destroyers are good fun and got a kill with an artillery truck.

It's good, but I believe it could have been implemented better, much like the whole game really.

Also, my Javelin's seem to miss a lot when the target is under 100m from me.
The gunship on Rush is an utter joke. Played one round and then went to find a game mode the devs have some sort of capability in making enjoyable. In CQ for the gunship to be effective you have to have air superiority with the other machines from what I've found. Tank Destroyers are good fun and got a kill with an artillery truck.

It's good, but I believe it could have been implemented better, much like the whole game really.

Also, my Javelin's seem to miss a lot when the target is under 100m from me.

Heard a lot about this problem. So glad i don't play rush much
I play Rush almost exclusively because I found Conquest kinda boring with only 12 players a side. However, On AK Rush is a disaster. The AC130 is a game breaker. It takes 5-6 stingers to take down so almost the entire defensive team spawns as Engineers with Iglas which leaves almost no one to defend against the waves of tank/destroyers coming over the hills towards you. On top of that the attacking team can spawn and paradrop from the AC130 so you've got attackers coming at you from all directions. If you do succeed in taking out the AC130 it's back in less than a minute. Really poorly implemented for console though on PC with more players I think it won't be as bad.
I finally got a few kills with the mobile artillery. I only managed to get one yesterday. I'm at 8 kills with it. Once I get the other two I'll have completed all the AK assignments.
Go to your Previous Downloads and it should be there.


Mike Rotch
I think the bit that might catch your cunning (:D) plan out is

So it sounds like they share PSN it might be against their TOS, I haven't checked it out.

PS: How you finding AK mate, or has life been too busy to get on...?

Hmm, thought it sounded a bit too easy.

Only had the time for a couple of rounds last night so it's hard to judge but it does look most promising. 👍
One tactic I did notice though because of their speed alot of guys were using the ATV's purely to get roadkills. Once you judge the distance they travel versus javelin lock time that's easily stopped though. :sly:

Cheers Shaun.
Awesome Game Battle Report

I just finished a 750 ticket game of Conquest that came down to three tickets. :eek: To make it even better, my team won. I came into the match with my team down about 50 tickets and my team was down much of the game. I quickly got into the swing of the match and rang off about 27 kills with only nine deaths. From that point, I did not finish as well, but the team won and that is all that matters.

The M416 was already good, if a bit unspectacular at anything other than a very good reload time. This patch made the weapon better. I would expect the M416 to become much more commonly used now.

I also think I may have found an attachment combination that I really like on the M417. I threw the ACOG, Foregrip, and Laser Sight on the M417 on an earlier game of Conquest on Damavand Peak. I did this because the team I was on could not break through the tunnel to capture a fourth objective and I thought the extra zoom that the ACOG offers could be helpful to make the push onto the fourth objective. Well I had not changed the attachment combination and in the above match Battle Report stuck with the combination because I was getting shot from distance on Seine where some extra zoom could be helpful; the extra zoom proved quite beneficial and the addition of a TUGS was invaluable. The Laser Sight is a life saver in close range and has the added benefit of giving a dot to aim with in the ACOG instead of the awful chevron; the chevron is still present, but the Laser Sight dot is at the point of the chevron and that is much easier to aim.
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Some good games , some bad. Still trying to find my groove on these maps.
Ya, sureboss, that round i joined you was rediculous.
Highlight of the night was taking the gunship down with the arty truck. I think lt zoom was in it :)
I finally got a few kills with the mobile artillery. I only managed to get one yesterday. I'm at 8 kills with it. Once I get the other two I'll have completed all the AK assignments.

Iv'e done them aswell, The Mobile artillery gets a lot more usefull with the anti air & and anti tank rockets. Havnt tried airburst yet, But it supposedly devestating against infantry. Im getting quite proficient at the unguided rockets now to. I have found that you dont really want to be more than 400m away from your intended target if you want to maintain a good chance of hitting it, I tend to try and get to under 300m then you can be sure your going to do some damage. The highlight for me was one i was spotted by a enemy attack heli, And then he hovered right over me thinking he was out of my reach. I unleashed a unguided salvo wich went straight into is underbelly.......WIN:tup::)
Iv'e done them aswell, The Mobile artillery gets a lot more usefull with the anti air & and anti tank rockets. Havnt tried airburst yet, But it supposedly devestating against infantry. Im getting quite proficient at the unguided rockets now to. I have found that you dont really want to be more than 400m away from your intended target if you want to maintain a good chance of hitting it, I tend to try and get to under 300m then you can be sure your going to do some damage. The highlight for me was one i was spotted by a enemy attack heli, And then he hovered right over me thinking he was out of my reach. I unleashed a unguided salvo wich went straight into is underbelly.......WIN:tup::)

I only have the anti air rockets. Hasn't scored me any kills yet but I have disabled a few jets/helicopters. I found a nice spot on Bandar Desert where you're within 400 meters of all the flags at the village. I don't know if air burst is necessary, to me it seem like the rockets do enough damage to infantry that they don't really need an upgrade, especially if it takes away AA missiles. I've only gotten a few hit markers with it while randomly firing a salvo of rockets. But it is very good at taking out vehicles to, there was a SPRUT on the beach by the construction sight and he couldn't quite get me on the hill I was on and with only three rockets I destroyed him.
This process is called game sharing. And you can do it but it is sort of frowned upon by Sony. But yes anything that is in your download list can be downloaded onto another ps3. The 4.00 system update for the ps3 made each account you have being able to have 2 different ps3 activations for games (as in full games and add-ons ect). Over the last few years they have lowered the amount of activations you have. We used to have 5 they lowered this because of game sharing.

In the case you are talking about if you bought the add-ons on your account. He needs to go on his ps3 with your account info. After you give him the information and he logs in on his ps3 he needs to go to the plantation store and then to the download list. Anything in the download list he can download. After he starts the downloads and sends them to download in the background he can log out of your account and back onto his. As long as he wants to use the add-ons he has to keep your account activated on his ps3

But he also wants premium
I only have the anti air rockets. Hasn't scored me any kills yet but I have disabled a few jets/helicopters. I found a nice spot on Bandar Desert where you're within 400 meters of all the flags at the village. I don't know if air burst is necessary, to me it seem like the rockets do enough damage to infantry that they don't really need an upgrade, especially if it takes away AA missiles. I've only gotten a few hit markers with it while randomly firing a salvo of rockets. But it is very good at taking out vehicles to, there was a SPRUT on the beach by the construction sight and he couldn't quite get me on the hill I was on and with only three rockets I destroyed him.
Yep, I agree. Probably best to stick with the anti air or AT rockets. Yep iv'e taken a few TD's out with the unguided rockets, If your aim is on point they are devastating. I think Airburst covers a larger area than the standard rockets though, As they work in a similar way to nuclear bombs, Exploding above the target while still in the air. Obviously thats where the similarity ends.:sly:

Edit - Anybody else not being able to connect in game?, I cant access leaderboards, Server browser or My soldier. Is there downtime that im unaware of?
Crash at Shield when I tried to join another squad mid-game. Stinger/Igla is much better now. I had a heli coming for me on my quad, I took a jump off of one of the tank traps and jumped out of the quad, they went for that, I got a shot off, one-hit, two kills. Also got my first kill with the Gunship.
I'm finding flares pretty useless. I had them on jets for some reason even though I have ECM and I think I dodged one missile the entire time I was playing with flares. The only thing it's working on is the AC130 for me it seems, but by the time you get more you've already been hit by three rockets so it doesn't matter.
Either the jets do too much damage to the AC-130 or the AC-130 is too weak. It doesnt take long to take out the AC-130.