Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Just played couple of rounds of CQC, damn thats fun! Why did i dump the AEK? Damn thats fun! Kobra+Foregrip+HB (Bigger maps), Kobra+Foregrip+Laser (Smaller maps, like CQC).
Downloaded the 1.4gb update for BF3 last night (took about 30 minutes). I always play conquest and I love how they finally added the letters to the hud for each flag in the lower left of the screen. It used to be just a hollow square or diamond. Now it has A, B, C,D,or E in each letter. Nice sublte new feature. Anything else I missed with this new update?

Another Dino sighting, this time within Alborz Mountain

Perhaps a future BF3 DLC, a feature in BF4 or perhaps nothing, who knows.
I have never seen that. Is that on the PC only?

So I was playing AK before going into work and a fly lands on the screen. A quick backhand and a light tap from my ring lands me this. AK was great for the couple of rounds that I actually got to play.


Edit: I hunted that bastard fly down until I killed him.
That makes my stomach hurt just looking at it. My TV was $1,000. I would die inside if that happened. :ill:
We get maybe 1 fly a year and I refuse to let them live the second I see it flying around. They only sneak in once in a while if we leave the door open to bring in groceries. I cant stand bugs in my house.
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The attack heli missiles are much stronger against infantry now. :D
That would explain why I was dying more often that I normally die by helicopters. They were already death machines, why make them stronger against infantry? :indiff:
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Downloaded the 1.4gb update for BF3 last night (took about 30 minutes). I always play conquest and I love how they finally added the letters to the hud for each flag in the lower left of the screen. It used to be just a hollow square or diamond. Now it has A, B, C,D,or E in each letter. Nice sublte new feature. Anything else I missed with this new update?

Definitely a welcome change. Now I do not have to take the time figuring out which objective my team is losing.

That would explain why I was dying more often that I normally die by helicopters. They were already death machines, why make them stronger against infantry? :indiff:

With the removal of countermeasures for the gunner, the attack helicopters are arguably much weaker. I did a bit of Viper piloting yesterday on Noshar Canals and had to spend most of my time retreating from various things trying to lock onto me.
With the removal of countermeasures for the gunner, the attack helicopters are arguably much weaker. I did a bit of Viper piloting yesterday on Noshar Canals and had to spend most of my time retreating from various things trying to lock onto me.

This is exactly the case, below radar doesn't work against IGLA/Stingers either seemingly so if one person decides he wants you done, you're not going to get anywhere near the main fight with the chopper. I was against a friend last night using one, even at over 300m high (indicator on the HUD) he could still lock on and subsequently I could do nothing other then endlessly retreat and repair.
Have your gunner use Thermals, it'll be easier to spot people on the ground and you can take them out easier. Use the ECM Jammer the first time you get locked on, notice where the smoke trail comes from (cos it lights up under thermals) and your gunner can quickly take him out đź‘Ť
So can someone who has used TUGS a lot chip in here.

I am using it a lot now as I have decided to play recon a lot more. It does seems to have an awful small effective radius of detection - has it always been like this or it is a patch thing?
So I was playing AK before going into work and a fly lands on the screen. A quick backhand and a light tap from my ring lands me this. AK was great for the couple of rounds that I actually got to play.


Wow....dude.. was that LCD?
I had a fly yesterday and I cared less :sly:

Also I was playing yesterday and was sniped with a M98 by an engineer, either he found one or theres some glitching going on.


Reviewing TS/AK sofar I too find killing in AC-130 hard + it is easy to kill the thing, for me I like the mobile AA.
Im really hating the US Tank killer over RU's , that big gun really rocks the thing if you shoot it sideways + the I prefer the maneuverability of trak's.
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I was against a friend last night using one, even at over 300m high (indicator on the HUD) he could still lock on and subsequently I could do nothing other then endlessly retreat and repair.

Now who would do such a thing to someone on their birthday? :rolleyes:

BTW, HumanDestroyah should change his name to TVDestroyah. :nervous:
I know the patch notes says they improved the PKP, but it sure doesnt feel like it. Seems like there is way more initial recoil when ADS without a bipod.

This morning was a few forgettable rounds, interspersed with me spawning into crowds of enemies on the stairs between C and A at Seine and getting knifed, a squad of enemy assault spawning in a line in front of my LMG in a room at C at Seine and coming to the conclusion that canister shell has been nerfed into oblivion. It is abominably useless now!
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So can someone who has used TUGS a lot chip in here.

I am using it a lot now as I have decided to play recon a lot more. It does seems to have an awful small effective radius of detection - has it always been like this or it is a patch thing?

The TUG is not the most effective thing with it comes to detection radius, though I believe it has a larger area of auto detect than the MAV (not completely sure, both have changed in patches). It is more about placement in a high traffic area and then use that information to set up an ambush.
I noticed in AK that sometimes I lose my weapons and ability to shoot.
All I get is the sights. It sux as nothing works and you are a sitting duck.

I have also died then instead of respawning, the camera shows me as another player on my team !!

I'm also getting "100% kill assists"....WTF !!

Sound still drops out too.
(All on PS3)

Ggggrrrrrrrr and yet I still play it heaps.
3 kills away from finally going positive with k.d. at 10.5k each.

22 wins from getting even on w/l.

Score per minute has been steadily rising. Despite missing almist every day of double xp.

Broke into the sub 200 rank for ps3 G53 users.

I was going to reset my stats when i broke even k/d but think im going to wait until i donit with w/l aswell.

Sorry for the gloating. ;)
And sorry for my lack of any productive value in the couple rounds we played today drag and the rest. Seems to be a common ptoblem i have when at war with the 23rd. Might be lag from oversees servers but i suck whenevet im with you guys. Or maybe its my lack of communications as you guys arr all on skype?

Many deaths in those couple rounds from losing gun battles where i score first hit and lose. Kill cam showing < 5 % enemy health. Lost a tank battle in that firestorm round where i landed 5 shots and was hit with 4. 100%health and full reactive armor. (Which i pay attention tob and will rotate my tank to have armor on my vulnerable side as much as possible) His kill cam had 7% on tank and he wad running i think prox scan instead of armor.
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3 kills away from finally going positive with k.d. at 10.5k each.

22 wins from getting even on w/l.
Congrats mate :)

My 2c - don't reset your stats. Before I played my first CQ round on BF3/ ever, I had a w/l of 0.69 and a k/d of 0.55! Now, I'm 1.7 and 1.4 respectively. It's taken many many rounds and a bump in skill to do it, but its much more rewarding to see those stats now and know where I started at.
3 kills away from finally going positive with k.d. at 10.5k each.

22 wins from getting even on w/l.

Score per minute has been steadily rising. Despite missing almist every day of double xp.

Broke into the sub 200 rank for ps3 G53 users.

I was going to reset my stats when i broke even k/d but think im going to wait until i donit with w/l aswell.

Sorry for the gloating. ;)
And sorry for my lack of any productive value in the couple rounds we played today drag and the rest. Seems to be a common ptoblem i have when at war with the 23rd. Might be lag from oversees servers but i suck whenevet im with you guys. Or maybe its my lack of communications as you guys arr all on skype?

Many deaths in those couple rounds from losing gun battles where i score first hit and lose. Kill cam showing < 5 % enemy health. Lost a tank battle in that firestorm round where i landed 5 shots and was hit with 4. 100%health and full reactive armor. (Which i pay attention tob and will rotate my tank to have armor on my vulnerable side as much as possible) His kill cam had 7% on tank and he wad running i think prox scan instead of armor.

Just broke even a week ago. :)
That was satisfying to go on Battlelog and see that 1.00.
W/L needs some work, but that's hard to do while playing with randoms and my relatively lousy Internet connection.
Mike Rotch
Congrats mate :)

My 2c - don't reset your stats. Before I played my first CQ round on BF3/ ever, I had a w/l of 0.69 and a k/d of 0.55! Now, I'm 1.7 and 1.4 respectively. It's taken many many rounds and a bump in skill to do it, but its much more rewarding to see those stats now and know where I started at.

Thats why i was waiting till i broke even. I probably average 1.5 now but at 10k that number takes forever to move.
I do get what your saying though and am still debating.