Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Sorry about that Daniel. I was only on for a bit and was having fun on that server, despite it being Caspian only. :D
3 kills away from finally going positive with k.d. at 10.5k each.

22 wins from getting even on w/l.

Score per minute has been steadily rising. Despite missing almist every day of double xp.

Broke into the sub 200 rank for ps3 G53 users.

I was going to reset my stats when i broke even k/d but think im going to wait until i donit with w/l aswell.

Sorry for the gloating. ;)
And sorry for my lack of any productive value in the couple rounds we played today drag and the rest. Seems to be a common ptoblem i have when at war with the 23rd. Might be lag from oversees servers but i suck whenevet im with you guys. Or maybe its my lack of communications as you guys arr all on skype?

Many deaths in those couple rounds from losing gun battles where i score first hit and lose. Kill cam showing < 5 % enemy health. Lost a tank battle in that firestorm round where i landed 5 shots and was hit with 4. 100%health and full reactive armor. (Which i pay attention tob and will rotate my tank to have armor on my vulnerable side as much as possible) His kill cam had 7% on tank and he wad running i think prox scan instead of armor.

Well I play on US servers fairly regularly and don't have any major issues most of the time, that said it doesn't rule out the connection being a problem but given we're not always on European servers it can't always be the issue. One thing we do seem to find is fairly competent opposition even on games where we hold all the flags for most of the match it's not always because the other team is terrible.

I made a special effort last night to make sure you weren't in a squad alone though, I don't want to neglect other 23rd members that I'm not on Skype with and I can still communicate with the other squad anyway and you helped me out particularly in joining me in vehicles. To be fair, I've never singled you out as doing badly when you do play with us, a lot of the members with us don't necessarily get great scores or kdr but they aways make positive contributions.
No worries mate :) no one has called me out. ( well except myself )
You were on a tear on canals. What 21/1 or something.
Just had a quick game of Rush on Armoured shield, as we were attackers i jumped straight into the gunship. got 11 kills within 5 minutes, it was way too easy. i think they should'nt have the Gunship in rush, or they should at least give the defenders some kind of Anti air vehicle, because have a lot of vehicle firepower.
Nope, I think it's really good. Throughout a few matches I paired up with a squadmate and we flared at the right time, went on the AA guns at the right time etc. If you work together, it's really powerful.
'Cept on Rush. Then it's overpowered :P
I enjoy being able to swoop in behind it, fire my cannons, during the overheat shoot my heat-seekers, then go back to the cannons and BOOM!!
I found a few gnomes in a garbage bin the other day. Thought it was strange lol.

I'll be playing again tonight. Can we try and squad up anyone?
There's a place near D Flag on Armoured Shield and there's a bunch of Garden Gnomes behind a fence :D
Good games Midship and Gogatrs. 👍

I didn't wanna leave because for ONCE, I was on the winning team. Got my air warfare medal towards the end. :D
Good games Midship and Gogatrs. 👍

I didn't wanna leave because for ONCE, I was on the winning team. Got my air warfare medal towards the end. :D

I don't remember playing BF3 in the past 48 hours. :lol:
The update I was downloading crashed with 96% to go after 7 hours. :banghead:
There were some good games but a lot of cluster ***** in between. It seemed like you'd run from one objective to another only to lose the one you just left. In the end I got dropped and ended up quitting.
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I was just owning with the SKS and then i got a message saying: "play with true gun please" i messaged back saying "What do you mean? Whats wrong with SKS? Oh i ser you cant handle it, lol". Then he just messaged "is a snipe not a gun" and i was like wtf!? Is a snipe not a gun? Lol.
I was just owning with the SKS and then i got a message saying: "play with true gun please" i messaged back saying "What do you mean? Whats wrong with SKS? Oh i ser you cant handle it, lol". Then he just messaged "is a snipe not a gun" and i was like wtf!? Is a snipe not a gun? Lol.

Well probably what he meant was he hates people running around with sniper rifles shooting people. Honestly i don't know how some people get so good at using a sniper rifle and having a 12x scope on them and shoot you before you can with anything from like 5-50 feet away. I hate it but i never get mad about it. Usually specially on metro if that happens to me i take out my secret weapon. Which is a DAO-12 with a 8x scope with frag rounds and i get them back. I have been kicked/banned for it quite a few times. Is that worth it you may ask. My answer is heck yeah it is. I usually don't miss. I just love how much a frag round will make people mad.

"Is a snipe not a gun"

So hilarious.

And yeah it is.
I had a Kobra sight and Foregrip.

Ahhh don't worry about it. He's just mad.
You know what will make them even mader? When people send me hate mail. I always send "is there a cream for that?" back to them in a message
Ahhh don't worry about it. He's just mad.
You know what will make them even mader? When people send me hate mail. I always send "is there a cream for that?" back to them in a message

Ill remember that next time, ;)
Ill remember that next time, ;)

Trust me people get outraged at that. But yeah happy shooting.
I would be on there but i am watching tv running the b-spec grinder for me and a few friends trying to fall asleep. But it seems like today might end up being 9 days straight with no sleep. Oh well if i don't fall asleep i will probably hop on
Yes he is. Although i forget who as well. Gtp app doesnt let me see user psn names. Took froever to realize ryan has been on my friends list for months :)
Does anyone know where the mobile artillery truck spawns on conquest? I’ve seen people with them but can never find one.

I haven't played enough AK to know for sure, so I can only give you two answers for now... the B flag on the snowy-mountain map (forget name), and the A flag on the farm-like map (I think "shield" is in the name). Obviously I haven't played enough if I can't remember the map names. :lol:
Yup, definitely at A on Armoured Shield. On Bandar it's on E iirc, the flag that is out in the desert and miles away from elsewhere.
Does anyone know where the mobile artillery truck spawns on conquest? I’ve seen people with them but can never find one.

From Deployment on Bandaar Desert. On both Armoured Shield & Death Valley, it spawns at the flag closest to each deployment (A & E). On Alborz Moinutain, it spawns only on B, so there's only one during the match.

Speaking of which, I finally got the Mobile Artillery service star :D. It was interesting and painful at the same time. :lol:
From Deployment on Bandaar Desert. On both Armoured Shield & Death Valley, it spawns at the flag closest to each deployment (A & E). On Alborz Moinutain, it spawns only on B, so there's only one during the match.

Speaking of which, I finally got the Mobile Artillery service star :D. It was interesting and painful at the same time. :lol:

What was your loadout? Where did you hide?