Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Did you have landmines laid down? I have had the same thing happen to me, not just on armored kill.
Sounds like an enemy was cruising in a quad with c4 on it and hit one of your mines. Ive gotten "kills" from the jump seat in a little bird this way.
The game gets confused, sees you in a vehicle and thinks thats how you killed them.
I forgot to mention something cool/odd that happened to me yesterday. I was driving around on an ATV on Armored Shield catching some air off of the rolling hills when suddenly on one of my landings I got points awarded for three explosives destroyed and one kill (with the ATV shown in the feed). No idea how, because there were no 'booms' or 'bangs', and certainly no enemy lying around. Moments later I was awarded the trophy for getting a kill with the ATV.


As Caz said, it would be landmines. Its happened to me where I was chilling in a AA battery at Kharg and got a double kill when a tank/ jeep found some mines I had laid down.

Same thing when I was in a tank with gundalini at Caspian. Triple kill when I was just driving about not shooting at anything.
Nice one Caz. 👍

congratulations on that. i am sitting on 0.71 :-( doubt i will ever break through. in fact i am slowly begining to stop worrying about it ;-)

Don't worry about it and you'll get there mate. I was that rubbish at BF3 in the beginning that I was 2000 behind in the k/d ratio. I'm now around 1100 ahead.

It will come mate.

Cheers Shaun.
Got a question for you guys, when playing bf3, my sound for certain parts (e.g guns firing, running and a few others) individually drop out spontaneously, it makes it really difficult to play when i cant hear any guns firing except my own and i can get shot and still not hear anything, same with the running, sometimes it drops out for everything then it comes back :/ is this normal? it doesnt happen on any other game for me. And secondly, i am finding it near impossible to get kills with the jet, as everyone else has heatseekers and i simply get blown out of the sky, any tips?
Got a question for you guys, when playing bf3, my sound for certain parts (e.g guns firing, running and a few others) individually drop out spontaneously, it makes it really difficult to play when i cant hear any guns firing except my own and i can get shot and still not hear anything, same with the running, sometimes it drops out for everything then it comes back :/ is this normal? it doesnt happen on any other game for me. And secondly, i am finding it near impossible to get kills with the jet, as everyone else has heatseekers and i simply get blown out of the sky, any tips?

Regarding sound, it happens to all of us, so it's BF3 problem :-(.

regarding air jets, i'm in a similar situation, but I made peace with myself that I just suck at air jet LOL.
New patch coming tomorrow i think. Gun ship respawn timer from 60secs to 90secs.

It is a server patch so we won't actually have to download anything. Details are here also the amount of points you get for capping a domination flag has been halved.
Halve the points after premiums have unlocked everything? Yup, sounds fair.

There is also an annoying bug with the SOFLAM. When its deployed and you run over a ammo box and get another one equipped, and then you try and remotely control the already deployed one, all it does it try and deploy a new one.
What does being premium have to do with conquest domination? That's been out for a while for everybody.

And yeah the SOFLAM thing is a design flaw.
There is also an annoying bug with the SOFLAM. When its deployed and you run over a ammo box and get another one equipped, and then you try and remotely control the already deployed one, all it does it try and deploy a new one.

This happens with any kind of gadget, not just SOFLAM.
I've been playing BF3 a fair bit now, so i was wondering how many of you's play on the PS3? It would be great if we could squad up some time.
I was that rubbish at BF3

you made my day lol.
while i wouldnt say i was rubbish my aim and reaction times do make me spray a bit like ali g ;-)
i would say i am more an average kind of guy who always trys to play the objective when possible. but thankfully i am worrying less and less about k/d which is making the game more enjoyable cheers mate
I talk about it alot, but i ptfo and use teamwork. I am always concious of my own performance though.
Once i started to work on improving my k/d every other aspect of my game has gone up as well. It made me think a little further ahead and plan my movements better.

As long as i stay above a 1.0 ill be happy. (Unless i get up near 2.0). My next goal is cracking the win/loss 1.0 mark.
There is also an annoying bug with the SOFLAM. When its deployed and you run over a ammo box and get another one equipped, and then you try and remotely control the already deployed one, all it does it try and deploy a new one.

Have you tried holding down RT/R2 instead of just pressing it? I found that works, or at least I remember it working like that.
I am rubbish, but the good thing is on a map like Caspian you can just hope into a jeep and go around capturing flags. Which means you get loads of points whilst helping your team.
Halve the points after premiums have unlocked everything? Yup, sounds fair.

I believe this is for conquest domination only. Which makes sense, because playing on the CQC maps running around capping everything left and right gave you a crazy amount of points.
you made my day lol.
while i wouldnt say i was rubbish my aim and reaction times do make me spray a bit like ali g ;-)
i would say i am more an average kind of guy who always trys to play the objective when possible. but thankfully i am worrying less and less about k/d which is making the game more enjoyable cheers mate

Ali G:lol:👍

Ali G is quite a good shot.......Except for when he runs out of rounds and starts pretending he's still shooting. :P
you made my day lol.
while i wouldnt say i was rubbish my aim and reaction times do make me spray a bit like ali g ;-)
i would say i am more an average kind of guy who always trys to play the objective when possible. but thankfully i am worrying less and less about k/d which is making the game more enjoyable cheers mate

:lol: Great to see you're having fun. Don't worry about your K/D too much, it will make you play the game differently if you're always aiming to imrove on you K/D. For the past week or so i was a downhill slump, i kept checking my K/D and aiming to improve it, and it did'nt help.
I believe this is for conquest domination only. Which makes sense, because playing on the CQC maps running around capping everything left and right gave you a crazy amount of points.

Ma bad :D. I read it as Superiority.
Ali G:lol:👍

Ali G is quite a good shot.......Except for when he runs out of rounds and starts pretending he's still shooting. :P
he is da man....respek:sly:

:lol: Great to see you're having fun. Don't worry about your K/D too much, it will make you play the game differently if you're always aiming to imrove on you K/D. For the past week or so i was a downhill slump, i kept checking my K/D and aiming to improve it, and it did'nt help.
yes i am begining to understand that now. it was good to catch up with you at the weekend 👍
Armored Kill is not going well for me. The maps are quite good, but I cannot for the life of me stay alive. It is near constant death and it is killing what would otherwise be a very good experience. :ill:
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Armored Kill is not going well for me. The maps are quite good, but I cannot for the life of me stay alive. It is near constant death and it is killing what would otherwise be a very good experience. :ill:

I primarily play conquest so all my insight comes from there.

Stick to one area on each map.
Bandaar,say stick to E flag area as it offers a large area with lots of action. Or stay on the street with abc flags ( maybe different on pc). Distance from a-c is about metro length. And i feel those are the key to victory on that map. Let them have gunship but control those flags. Fight for d (gasstation and bridge to neighborhood) is going to happen but controlling the neighborhood is closer to D than the enemy spawning at E. The gunship is a fairly non factor if you have good air support or a couple soflam/javelin combos. A well aimed carpet bomb from the mobile artillery will take it down too ( did it once and tonight with main cannon frok a tank destroyer: it was smoking before the main cannon shot).

Armored shield d/c is a good first area to learn as well as b. D/c are fairly close together and b is the gunship which is a larger capture area.

On mountain i do better staying down in the forest with A/E. But that map kills me.

On death valley the anti air (d) highway flag (e?) And gunship flags are fairly close together and also A/B. Still not confident on this map yet either though i had a good round tonight against a strong team.

For armored kill as a whole, teamwork at least with your squad, is essential. More so than any other maps so far.
Unfortuneatly, i think alot of people are focusing on the gunship and gunship flags right now and not concentrating on teamwork and objectives.

These maps are huge (duh) with lots of wide open spaces but tons of buildings and confined areas to figure out. The neighborhood area in bandaar has i think 10 multi floor buildings, if not more. CD&A on armored are all loades with buildings. From farmhouses and farm type buildings ( c/d ) or the construction sites of A with mutiple floors to figire out.
Take it flag by flag and eventually they will click together.
Also spending time in the gunship will help as you can get a good lay of the land.

Uhhhh 5am, so if none of that makes sense or i rambled on... woops!
Can't believe they slowed down the scout heli
Makes it crap

Yeah, tell me about it, I had a hilarious situation yesterday when I spotted a sniper on Armoured Shield and took what felt like half an hour to fly over to him, I would have been better off just landing and sniping him myself...
Ya the transport helos have been slowed down as well no? At least the Russian Huey variant has. That thing was ungodly painful to fly. Attack helos are now crap... they need to decrease the time between flare reloads because they are way too easy to be shot down. They have, little by little, been destroying 64, 48, even 32 player game play by caving into complaints. I won't be going near a helo until they patch their patch... which if history dictates... is coming. They either need to make these changes server settings or release separate patches for PC. I am tired of perfectly good game play being ruined for PC players.

But anyway, the maps are absolutely gorgeous; Alborz is without a question the most beautiful landscape I have ever seen in a game. I am still getting goosebumps when I hop in a jet and see the scope and fidelity of the map.