Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Finally completed the campaign on Hard - I only had three missions left as well, I was just too lazy :P

Now I've got to do the Co-Ops on hard, and some other trophies that I can do on Easy.
Finally completed the campaign on Hard - I only had three missions left as well, I was just too lazy :P

Now I've got to do the Co-Ops on hard, and some other trophies that I can do on Easy.

Yep i only need 3 more i think aswell.

Bullseye - dont alert any enemies in "Drop um like liquid"
Army of two - CO-OP on hard.
Ninjas - Sneak through the building in "Exfiltration" without getting caught.

Wouldnt mind BF3 being my first Platinum, Its a race between that and DIRT 3 though, 3 left each.:)
I just joined into a game and spawned into nine straight deaths. :banghead: I moved all of maybe 50 feet before dying. This was at the D flag on Armored Shield.
Finally starred Recon to get that out the way. It really is a dreadful class in terms of contributing to the wider match 95% of the time. If nobody has Javelins out, all you do is end up clocking up 10 points every few seconds and running around with a PDW, trying to PTO and ambush soldiers with unsilences AR's.

I practiced some long range sniping on an empty server and then tried to play that role on in a match and got too impatient, so that didnt last.

Back to Support and Engi I go!

PS: got a few tasty triple kills with mines and Stinger's today. I do like them Stinger's now...

Edit: Just hit top 1% for the PKP :D
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An idea list for Dice regarding rent a servers.

My idea 💡
>Banned or excluded weapons<
Let the admin choose which weapons are allowable from a list of all the weapons. They can put a little cross against weapons they want excluded from their servers. Once a weapon is excluded NO ONE can use it from EITHER side.

How many times have you been on a server banning shotguns only to be killed by the admin team who are using shotguns. You return the favour by killing them with a shotgun and you get banned!.

Special rules are lame if you ask me but I understand if they want to rent a server then they can set the rules.

Anyone else have any ideas ?.....
I tried AK for the first time (Played on Bandar Desert Conquest). It was amazing. I was running from tanks and the gunship while trying to shoot down helicopters and jets. It was partly annoying because of the crazy amount of lag I was experiencing. Any part of the map with a lot of destruction or vehicles would lag. I was trying to kill a few guys while I was fighting off the lag. It is not bad for conquest but from the stories I read I'm not sure if I want to try rush.

EDIT: i was playing on Xbox. Is it the same for you PS3 players?
EDIT: i was playing on Xbox. Is it the same for you PS3 players?

There's a little bit of lag, I only experienced it when I had my ps3 memory almost full. After I deleted a few old demos and data there was next to no lag at all. Are you still having lag issues if your Xbox has a few gigs of space on it?
"You Can be my Wingman Anytime" is probably the more annoying trophy I've ever encountered. You've gotta get the timing exactly right for taking out enemy jets, and if you fail, you have to restart the ENTIRE mission. Which means about 5 minutes of cutscenes/flying before you actually get to shoot jets again :irked:
"You Can be my Wingman Anytime" is probably the more annoying trophy I've ever encountered. You've gotta get the timing exactly right for taking out enemy jets, and if you fail, you have to restart the ENTIRE mission. Which means about 5 minutes of cutscenes/flying before you actually get to shoot jets again :irked:

Bullseye is more annoying.
"You Can be my Wingman Anytime" is probably the more annoying trophy I've ever encountered. You've gotta get the timing exactly right for taking out enemy jets, and if you fail, you have to restart the ENTIRE mission. Which means about 5 minutes of cutscenes/flying before you actually get to shoot jets again :irked:

There are good videos on YouTube to help through this.

Bullseye is more annoying.

Without even doing The above trophy, I would agree with you. I've played that mission a lot (because we kept failing on Hard) and were never close because of the last set. I swear the last building's guards are impossible.
I had one of 'those' Gunship games last night. Death valley Rush, I spawned in the gunship at the start of the round and the thermal optics on that big gun made it like shooting fish in a barrel. I was 16 and 0 before I bailed out of the gunship with it only having 2% or so remaining. I got in it again a short time later and had another run. It seemed only a couple of the enemy has igla and were actively trying to take me down. I was able to deploy flares, take a hit or two, the deploy flares again. I ended the game 54-7 and felt dirty doing so.

Interestingly for the next game, same map, I was once again put on the attacking team. I felt bad enough that I switched teams and took my lumps.
I just achieved a new Longest Headshot of 793.5 meters with the L96 and 8x Scope on Bandar Desert. A bit of Googling helped me out tremendously on achieving this.
I rarely sit back and snipe in this game, but wanted to get the 350m headshot assignment and i did on my first shot :D...with the SV98 :grumpy:
I tried some more games of AK and I'm just disappointed. I feel as if I have to be in a vehicle because I'm at such a disadvantage. The Bandar Desert Conquest game I did was the only enjoyable game I have had. I tried all the other maps to just get destroyed by Heli's and the M1128. Most games I'm going 0-8 just trying to capture one flag. I was so sick of conquest on AK that I tried it on Rush. First game I was attackers and the defenders had no chance and when I was a defender I was trying my hardest just to stay alive. To make this rant worse, I really wish spotting was not in the game. This is post is pretty much negative because I was seriously hoping this DLC would be great but I was wrong.
On the sidenote of you can be my wingman anytime...

That's just a silly trophy. Why is it so hard -_-
Quick tip for anyone that can't control the FAMAS.

Use it on burst fire.
It helps control the recoil and preserve ammo.
You're missing out. KH2002 is awesome. :D

Also, I've been using the M320 LVG a bit recently. That's right the LVG with all it's bouncy grenade-ness.
Surprisingly I've been in a fair bit of situations where it is highly useful. It can reach places that are further away and at different angles that a normal grenade could not and it's more flexible than the M320. It seems to catch people off guard, because they think they're safe from grenades when hiding behind walls, being far away, etc.

Also feels really rewarding when you kill someone with it. :D
I found the M320 LVG good for taking out glitchers. Since you can bounce it off a wall to get it into a room where you couldn't get a normal M320 round into.
I rarely sit back and snipe in this game, but wanted to get the 350m headshot assignment and i did on my first shot :D...with the SV98 :grumpy:


I rarely sit back and snipe also, but I have been trying to do something different other than dying constantly on the Armored Kill maps. So sniping, spotting, and lasing targets is what I have been doing.

To anyone interested in becoming better at range, you might want to look at this:

Battlefield 3 Ballistics

It gives the exact ranges for each mil-dot on the 8x and 12x Scopes for each sniper rifle.

How can you hate the KH2002? Or the AN-94?

The AN-94 is a very good rifle. 👍
How can you hate the KH2002? Or the AN-94?

I dont :sly:👍

Just had my best round for a while, Used a mix of KH2002 suppressed, AN-94 suppressed and QBU-88.
Not the most popular weapons wich made it more satisfying.:)👍

125 - 34, Great round with not one hint of a spawnrape from either team. Wich is rare for a round of Noshahr CQ.:)!/bf3/battlereport/show/64514940/4/335903511/

Got my 10th service star with the Khaybar, And need 45 more for the AN-94. I like them both but the AN-94 i prefer more. KH has an awkward "bounce" to it at times.
Quick tip for anyone that can't control the FAMAS.

Use it on burst fire.
It helps control the recoil and preserve ammo.

I've been trying that out too, but recoil is still pretty bad or maybe its just me as i hardly use burst fire weapons apart fromt he 93R

Was just playing some Armoured Kill, driving around in the Artillery truck, there's an enemy in front of me, a medic and he's trying to shoot at me, so there i am driving straight at him at around 5mph and he would'nt move out the way yet still shooting at me, then he goes prone thinking it would help, slowest road kill ever :lol: i need to get myself a PVR

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