Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Yes and no. It depends on the server and Ventrilo/Teamspeak support as there is no native voice chat on PC. So it is hit and miss.

There's always the ridiculous camp at the edge of the map sniping noobs and idiots who drive off in a vehicle by themselves. But with 64 players you're almost never not around a teammate.

Find a couple of good servers and you'll enjoy it.
Just had an awesome troll game on Armored Kill, basically two team-mates were trying to blow up a buggy with C4 or something like that, I kept stealing their buggy and run with it or I get another one and run over their buggy and blow it up before they want to haha, they went MAD lol
Just had an awesome troll game on Armored Kill, basically two team-mates were trying to blow up a buggy with C4 or something like that, I kept stealing their buggy and run with it or I get another one and run over their buggy and blow it up before they want to haha, they went MAD lol

If I discover team mates messing around in a match, shooting each other at deploy or blowing up our vehicles, my approach is always the same.

1) Obtain jeep.
2) Bad luck kill them by driving at them and exiting at the last second.
3) Rinse repeat until they quit. :D

I hate it when a close match starts sliding away because of people not playing seriously. That is what empty servers are for.
If I discover team mates messing around in a match, shooting each other at deploy or blowing up our vehicles, my approach is always the same.

1) Obtain jeep.
2) Bad luck kill them by driving at them and exiting at the last second.
3) Rinse repeat until they quit. :D

I hate it when a close match starts sliding away because of people not playing seriously. That is what empty servers are for.

hahaha never thought of the Bad luck kill, will try it next time. They kept shooting their guns at me lmao and jumping and they kept trying for about 20 minutes and changed to another squad and I kept searching for them and trolling
So, I'm thinking about picking up BF3 Premium Edition for PC. I have the PS3 version and Back to Karkand, but I think I'll like playing on PC more, and hopefully with more players actually trying to complete objectives or work in squads. Any truth in that?

It's very difficult to do with randoms, your best bet is to find servers you like and frequent them in the hope that you'll find a group of regulars to squad up with. I nearly stopped playing BF3 (PC) because of the complete lack of teamwork, but then I found a server run by some guys I used to play with on Bad Company 2, I played there for a few weeks and they started to ask why I hadn't applied to join their clan yet, so I did and the game became so much more fun as a result.

Just playing with randoms who aren't interested in teamwork is really boring and kind of unfulfilling in my opinion. The PC version is far better than the PS3 version though just because of the player count limits being higher (that's forgetting the shinier graphics and more input options), so even if you continue to play as you do on PS3 you'll have more fun anyway.
It's very difficult to do with randoms, your best bet is to find servers you like and frequent them in the hope that you'll find a group of regulars to squad up with. I nearly stopped playing BF3 (PC) because of the complete lack of teamwork, but then I found a server run by some guys I used to play with on Bad Company 2, I played there for a few weeks and they started to ask why I hadn't applied to join their clan yet, so I did and the game became so much more fun as a result.

Just playing with randoms who aren't interested in teamwork is really boring and kind of unfulfilling in my opinion. The PC version is far better than the PS3 version though just because of the player count limits being higher (that's forgetting the shinier graphics and more input options), so even if you continue to play as you do on PS3 you'll have more fun anyway.

I gotta agree. I was getting mighty frustrated at what seems to be the lack of common strategy among randoms and considered taking a break from BF3. I then found a forum full of foreign gamers who reside in Japan and we have been squadding up most nights and the game is enjoyable at a new level.
Had my first taste of AK today.

About to go back on for my second.

I hereby decree that Tank Superiority shall from now on be referred to as "Tank Soup".
As that is basically what it is.

My first round went really well, but I am definitely all about conquest, and not so much tank soup. Though to be fair, you can run around the outskirts during a round of tank soup, and no-one is even remotely interested in you until you add C4 to their vehicle and press the trigger in your hand......


I had a few good rounds of TS a few days back, it can be hit and miss and you need a support guy on your team for ammo, Javelwins are a must. I like it, but nothing beats Conquest (don't attempt Rush, you'll want to do bad things, it's horrifically balanced.).

Also, yay, I'm hoping to find some time again in the next week or so for this.
A few CQ round and TS rounds and my first impression is that my money should have stayed in my virtual wallet :guilty:.

TS is hit and miss. If you get taken out early and have to abandon your armour, its pretty boring if you dont want insta-death. Then when you do die, it's a foot race at deploy to get something to get back into the action with.

CQ at Bandar - not sure what to make of it. Flags are ridiculously open so on foot you are chum for anything in the air or nearby armour. The airship is a pain in a nuts - I captured A, B and C without being seen and then running to D cover to cover - whaamo, death from the sky.

Maybe its a function of it being early days, but in all my matches, the winning margin has been colossal for either side.

At least the night ended on a win - I joined a Canals match one the winning side with the ticket count 111-2. When was the last time that happened :dopey:
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The synchronized flying video was amazing,:crazy:

I liked The Experience 2 and Skykill the best.

I had a match of Tank Superiority on Armored Shield over the weekend in which I took a tank destroyer in that direction. Both teams left one side of the map unused. So I hopped in a tank destroyer and headed off in that direction. It allowed me to get in behind the opposing team's line and I was able to cause some havoc. I picked off a few snipers and since vehicles are weakest at the rear, I was able to destroy a few more than I would have otherwise been able to.

I had another match of Tank Superiority like this on Bandar Desert. My goal was to get behind enemy lines and cause trouble. I had time for three attempts at doing so and two of the three were very successful. People become so focused on what is going on in front of them in Tank Superiority that they forget to check behind or watch the mini-map. So long as I checked my six--my first successful attempt ended because I did not check my six and a tank destroyer just absolutely demolished me--I was able to operate one tank versus one tank/tank destroyer with the occasional Engineer or Support trying to also engage. The HMG made swift work of any one on foot. A three man team in a tank behind enemy lines would be devastating.

There is no spotting in hard core mode. Spotting is for people who have no situational awareness. Make the switch and you won't look back.

I jumped into a game of Rush with you last night on Bandar Desert. I may have to give Hardcore some more playing time. Other than the Gunship killing me multiple times and two teamkills with grenades, I did pretty well.

I gotta agree. I was getting mighty frustrated at what seems to be the lack of common strategy among randoms and considered taking a break from BF3. I then found a forum full of foreign gamers who reside in Japan and we have been squadding up most nights and the game is enjoyable at a new level.

I need to find more people to play with on a consistent basis. I was in a frustrating game last night. The team I was playing against was not very good. The problem was the team I was on was also not very good either. The opposing team was trying to spawn trap my team and I was able to slip by pretty easily multiple times. I did fairly well considering I was not receiving much support from the rest of the team. Had I been in a full squad working together, the four person squad could have probably turned the game in my team's favor or at the very least caused the other team much more trouble and made it a much closer game.
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I jumped into a game of Rush with you last night on Bandar Desert. I may have to give Hardcore some more playing time. Other than the Gunship killing me multiple times and two teamkills with grenades, I did pretty well.

I had no idea lol. You were probably wondering wtf I was doing lmao. I was in and out of games trying to configure eyefinity. Give me a heads up next time and we'll get a squad together on party chat or vent.

It doesn't take long to get used to Hardcore though. Tks unfortunately are always going to occur with a lot of players..... But not having a triangle over your head the whole game is always a plus in my book; not to mention no infinite health so it's easier for one squad to change the course of the game.
I had no idea lol. You were probably wondering wtf I was doing lmao. I was in and out of games trying to configure eyefinity. Give me a heads up next time and we'll get a squad together on party chat or vent.

I looked to join your squad, but it was full.

It doesn't take long to get used to Hardcore though. Tks unfortunately are always going to occur with a lot of players..... But not having a triangle over your head the whole game is always a plus in my book; not to mention no infinite health so it's easier for one squad to change the course of the game.

One of the grenades was thrown into enemy smoke. I saw the guy put down smoke and knew there were two or three opposing players in or near it. Unfortunately, a teammate decided it was wise to run into smoke. The other teamkill grenade was thrown to stop vehicle repair. I managed two kills with that grenade, though one of the two was unfortunate.

The part I like the least, so far, about Hardcore is no fire mode indicator. I constantly switch between full auto or semi-auto depending on engagement range. I already have issues in Core remembering which fire mode is selected. I try to leave weapons on full auto, but sometimes forget to switch the weapon back after a longer range engagement with multiple enemy combatants or multiple successive engagements. In Core, I can quickly look over to the screen corner and know which the weapon is on. DICE gave no way, other than popping off a few rounds, to check weapon fire mode. I would rather not give away my position on the mini-map just to check if my weapon is on full auto or semi-auto.
Looks like we're getting a server update tomorrow to improve Gunship balance, others may already know of this but glad to see a quick response to it. Might make Rush tolerable on AK.
AA guns to do less daMage to the gunship?
I literally have put 5 full "clips" into the belly of the gunship the other night on death valley. It wasnt enough to disable it.
Dice says its because players were able to destroy it from across the map. Cant the gunship also destroy things from across the map? If your cannon or missle cant get the angle then switch to roof mounted aa and aim further out.
Here are the notes for the September 20th server update:

Dear everyone,

Thank you very much for your feedback on our forums and social channels. We receive an immense amount of messages per day — and although we don’t have time to answer each and every one of them, we do take time to read them and address the most important issues you bring to us.

Battlefield 3: Armored Kill has been a huge hit, but we know that the gunship we introduced has been a bit overpowered in some situations. The bulk of our next server update on September 20th is directly based on community feedback from the past two weeks, aimed at re-balancing the gunship.

Following this server update on September 20th, there will also be a short planned downtime at 8:00 UTC where online gameplay on PC will not be available. We expect this outage to be 15 minutes long.

Gunship balancing in server update R31 on September 20th (all formats)
• Stationary and mobile AA cannon damage has been reduced by 30% versus the gunship.
Rationale: This fixes an issue where it was too easy for players to use stationary or mobile AA to shoot down the gunship from the other side of the map.

• Jet cannon damage has been reduced by 50% versus the gunship.
Rationale: In Conquest mode, jets have been able to single-strafe a gunship and destroy it. This re-balance will require more skill from pilots to take it down.

• The delay before moving the gunship forward to a new base in Rush mode has been increased from 15 to 30 seconds.
Rationale: Previously, the gunship was moved to the next base so quickly that it was possible to parachute from it into the base before defenders were able to prepare. This tweak will give defenders time to fall back and protect the valuable M-COM stations as intended.

• The Delay between gunship spawns has been increased from 90 to 120 seconds in Rush mode.
Rationale: After destroying the gunship in Rush mode, it reappeared too quickly to be well-balanced. With a 50% increase in spawn time for the gunship, defenders will now have more time to focus on the crates and less of a constant overhanging threat from the gunship.

• Initial delay before the gunship spawns in Rush mode has been increased from 15 to 60 seconds.
Rationale: Before this update, the gunship gunners could find the enemy before the round and instakill them when the pre-round timer ran out. Now, it will take a full minute before the gunship will spawn, giving defenders ample time to prepare.

Other changes in the server update
• Fixed a bug where a new squad leader wasn’t chosen when the current squad leader left.

• Fixed so that MK1A3 uses flechette rounds instead of frag rounds in Gun Master mode for Premium members (non-Premiums already have flechette rounds).

• Fixed a bug with Squad Rush on Sharqi Peninsula where the user was spawned outside the combat area if they deployed shortly after the first M-COM was destroyed.

Anybody have any thoughts on how to join a clan? I know you guys run 23rd but it's always on 2 bar servers when I check, and that's just not gonna cut it.

I am growing ever tired of playing with randoms and find myself PTO more and more selfishly these days because I just cant trust guys to watch the door for more then .08secs or not fly into telephone poles or not fire mounted MG's into the sky giving away my attempted flanking run in a tank :indiff:.
Anybody have any thoughts on how to join a clan? I know you guys run 23rd but it's always on 2 bar servers when I check, and that's just not gonna cut it.

I am growing ever tired of playing with randoms and find myself PTO more and more selfishly these days because I just cant trust guys to watch the door for more then .08secs or not fly into telephone poles or not fire mounted MG's into the sky giving away my attempted flanking run in a tank :indiff:.

Go onto any forum for BF3 and trawl the clan section, or join an actual forum an meet the people. I joined my clan through a mw2 site, though we are all BF3 now. I'm a mod at a bf3 site, not sure if links are allowed so i wont put it.
There are loads of clams tyhough, if you spent an hour or two visiting the websites i reckon you would find the one you liked. You can pm me if you like but we only really have an active ps3 or xbox side. A few guys do have pc's and more are getting them, but we are europe and us up to now.
If you frequent the same servers often you should meet some regulars of the server. I met my clan leaders this way from getting randomly thrown into a squad with 2 of them. The 3 of us went ace squad 4 or 5 rounds in a row.
Even though the 23rd was my primary i was playing more on the MBP server due to timing of when i was on opposed to my friends from the 23rd. They (we) run a nice clean server and actively police it.
Its amazing how much your game elevates when you are used to the playstyle of your teammates.
Mike Rotch
Anybody have any thoughts on how to join a clan? I know you guys run 23rd but it's always on 2 bar servers when I check, and that's just not gonna cut it.

I am growing ever tired of playing with randoms and find myself PTO more and more selfishly these days because I just cant trust guys to watch the door for more then .08secs or not fly into telephone poles or not fire mounted MG's into the sky giving away my attempted flanking run in a tank :indiff:.

I know the feeling.

Some guy actually invited me to join his clan the other day, was on the opposition team when a message popped up on psn. Initially I thought here we go more hate mail so it was a nice surprise.

As always it's better to play with friends. You know can normally catch me on a Friday night and sometimes Saturday/night as well (missed a couple recently as I've been watching Collingwood in the finals) so as always join when you can. I know I do when I see you on.

Also when you see Andrew on join him as well although he can be a bit busy atm with the newborn bub.

Hope to catch you on the weekend, I'll be one tomorrow night after the Collingwood game for sure.

Cheers Shaun.
Finally reached colonel 100! :D

Congratulations, how long did it take you? Out of the 50 or so people on my friends list I think only two of them have hit Colonel 100. I've had the game since launch and I'm only Colonel 23 or something...
Aqua F1
Finally reached colonel 100! :D

Time to empty the bucket!

My clan leader is 100 and another member is in the mid to upper 90s.
I am at around col25 and also have had since launch, minus a monthlong MW3 break. ( more of my IRL friends play it. I remember why i skipped all mw2 entirely online and all blops dlc)
Congratulations, how long did it take you? Out of the 50 or so people on my friends list I think only two of them have hit Colonel 100. I've had the game since launch and I'm only Colonel 23 or something...

Over 580 hours :crazy:. Had the game pretty much after launch and have just been consistently playing it since. Would of taken quite a few hours less if I wasn't such a noob at the start.

Cheers. 👍 Just in time for F1 2012 :sly:
Congrats! I got the game at Xmas and I'm already around Colonel 24. I've got around 255hrs under my belt as well (and probably more with MW3 since I got that at release :scared:)
Congrats! I got the game at Xmas and I'm already around Colonel 24. I've got around 255hrs under my belt as well (and probably more with MW3 since I got that at release :scared:)

I've played the same amount of time and i'm colonel 13. :lol: