Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I've been trying that out too, but recoil is still pretty bad or maybe its just me as i hardly use burst fire weapons apart fromt he 93R

Was just playing some Armoured Kill, driving around in the Artillery truck, there's an enemy in front of me, a medic and he's trying to shoot at me, so there i am driving straight at him at around 5mph and he would'nt move out the way yet still shooting at me, then he goes prone thinking it would help, slowest road kill ever :lol: i need to get myself a PVR

Well yes, it's still the FAMAS and nothing can change that.

And I had the exact same scenario happen to me except it was with the skid loader on Wake. :lol:
I tried some more games of AK and I'm just disappointed. I feel as if I have to be in a vehicle because I'm at such a disadvantage. The Bandar Desert Conquest game I did was the only enjoyable game I have had. I tried all the other maps to just get destroyed by Heli's and the M1128. Most games I'm going 0-8 just trying to capture one flag. I was so sick of conquest on AK that I tried it on Rush. First game I was attackers and the defenders had no chance and when I was a defender I was trying my hardest just to stay alive. To make this rant worse, I really wish spotting was not in the game. This is post is pretty much negative because I was seriously hoping this DLC would be great but I was wrong.

There is no spotting in hard core mode. Spotting is for people who have no situational awareness. Make the switch and you won't look back.
There is no spotting in hard core mode. Spotting is for people who have no situational awareness. Make the switch and you won't look back.

What's wrong with spotting? Surely it is realistic for you to communicate positions of visible enemies, and without recording thousands of different voice commands this is the best way to do it.
What's wrong with spotting? Surely it is realistic for you to communicate positions of visible enemies, and without recording thousands of different voice commands this is the best way to do it.

They could use a system like Arma II: "Enemy. Man, farinfrontof us". Perfect. But yeah, spotting is a great tool for recons, without it they become a lot less useful to the team. But then again they do become far more lethal at range, so.

Personally I don't like hardcore because every time I've tried it it's been a case of who can camp the most, and it turns out the answer is always everyone; everyone can camp the most. Also teamkills. I prefer Arma II for when I want to take it seriously.
My god. Finally got the WCBMWA trophy. I ended up syncing my gameplay to a video on Youtube. Now all I've got left is Bullseye and Army of Two.

Also, I took out the Gunship with a Tank Destroyer (although I was just messing about in a private server with a few friends. Originally we were gonna do ATV racing but things didn't go to plan since someone turned on friendly fire :lol:)
I always think of hardcore as easy mode. You don't have to be as accurate with explosives as the enemy only has 60% damage, and shooting the enemy is easier as you don't have to have the crosshairs on target for as long so you don't need as much control either. Spotting and the map are both more realistic imo, but tbh not keen on talking about realism in BF3. Afterall we don't want a single 9mm from a pistol to the face to take us out of the game do we :P
It's fun to go round in Hc with an SKS sometimes or as I call it....lolmode but I much prefer core.
Has anyone (Non-Premium) got Armoured Kill yet. I can't find it in the normal or in-game store.

Couldn't find it. Battelog says 18th for Australia :indiff:.

Battlelog also says premium is $50, but when I check in the PSN Store, its $65 :rolleyes:
Couldn't find it. Battelog says 18th for Australia :indiff:.

Battlelog also says premium is $50, but when I check in the PSN Store, its $65 :rolleyes:

I checked in the PSN store as well, and it's 449kr. Which equals 80$ :ouch:

But the Premium version of the game costs only 520kr which is about 90$.
There is no spotting in hard core mode. Spotting is for people who have no situational awareness. Make the switch and you won't look back.

I tried it even though everyone camps all day long, it is enjoyable. I realized since the latest patch came out I have been shooting a lot of helicopters down. I don't know why people hate this patch, it is better for me.
Before the Armored Kill patch, I had one or two Stinger/Igla kills. Now, I have eight. Helicopters are much easier to shoot down. By not allowing the Attack Chopper gunner the use of flares, attack helicopters have a much more difficult time staying in the air. Scout helicopters are slow; it is difficult to turn tail and run away from any threats in the scout after expending countermeasures. Throw in a larger Stinger/Igla buff and air power in helicopters is severely diminished.
There is no spotting in hard core mode. Spotting is for people who have no situational awareness. Make the switch and you won't look back.

There is spotting but the enemy doesn't get the little triangle above their heads. They will briefly show on the minimap however.
Battlelog also says premium is $50, but when I check in the PSN Store, its $65 :rolleyes:

Yeah, found this out when I bought it for PS3.
I think it's $50 for the PC not PS3. Not that it tells you that in the advertising blurb. :rolleyes:

Cheers Shaun.
What time does the UK PS store get updated?

It's about 16:00GMT isn't it?

That's like a whole other 5 hours and 25 minutes away......

What time does the UK PS store get updated?

It's about 16:00GMT isn't it?

That's like a whole other 5 hours and 25 minutes away......


When I downloaded AK with Premium it was in the UK psn store at about 10am. You couldn't find it in latest or anything. You had to go to the BF3 section in all games, but it was available hours before the store 'said' it was.
I just bought it from the in-game store, and now its making me re-download the 1.5gb. I know I had to download the 1.5gb patch two weeks ago, so this is a bit annoying. Luckily I have plenty of space on the HDD.
I just bought it from the in-game store, and now its making me re-download the 1.5gb. I know I had to download the 1.5gb patch two weeks ago, so this is a bit annoying. Luckily I have plenty of space on the HDD.

Maps aren't part of the patch :-(, you need to download expansion separately.
Maps aren't part of the patch :-(, you need to download expansion separately.

That patch was 1.5gb by itself? Yeesh.

Oh well, almost done. Time to find an empty server and get on a Quad and do some exploring.
That patch was 1.5gb by itself? Yeesh.

Oh well, almost done. Time to find an empty server and get on a Quad and do some exploring.

Yes, I ask @battlefield on twitter, and they comfirmed that patch is a seperate download from expansion maps. Allthough I would also like to have it in one, and then just unlock it with activation code, safes me the hassle (don't know if I spelled it correctly), but then again people that don't buy expansion pack don't need to download a massive file.
Yes, I ask @battlefield on twitter, and they comfirmed that patch is a seperate download from expansion maps. Allthough I would also like to have it in one, and then just unlock it with activation code, safes me the hassle (don't know if I spelled it correctly), but then again people that don't buy expansion pack don't need to download a massive file.

Cool, thanks for explaining 👍

Had a few goes at TS. Seems a bit one dimensional, but I had a lot of fun on Bandar. That map seems very well suited to armoured battles. On the snowy one I got stuck without a vehicle for most of it so that was awesome, once I ran out of jav's, just running around hoping someone would drive over a mine.

@ Shaun: thanks for confirming I am not going crazy, mate.
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Only played two games. Have to say that I'm not that impressed, really don't like the night map (death valley?) it is too dark. Although I do love the quad bikes, even if riding on the back is terrifying.
Had my first taste of AK today.

About to go back on for my second.

I hereby decree that Tank Superiority shall from now on be referred to as "Tank Soup".
As that is basically what it is.

My first round went really well, but I am definitely all about conquest, and not so much tank soup. Though to be fair, you can run around the outskirts during a round of tank soup, and no-one is even remotely interested in you until you add C4 to their vehicle and press the trigger in your hand......

I had a match of Tank Superiority on Armored Shield over the weekend in which I took a tank destroyer in that direction. Both teams left one side of the map unused. So I hopped in a tank destroyer and headed off in that direction. It allowed me to get in behind the opposing team's line and I was able to cause some havoc. I picked off a few snipers and since vehicles are weakest at the rear, I was able to destroy a few more than I would have otherwise been able to.
So, I'm thinking about picking up BF3 Premium Edition for PC. I have the PS3 version and Back to Karkand, but I think I'll like playing on PC more, and hopefully with more players actually trying to complete objectives or work in squads. Any truth in that?