Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Has anyone tried remapping the bipod deploy from right mouse button to something else? I am considering changing bipod deploy to the middle mouse button instead of deploying when aiming down sights. I have cursed at a bipod being deployed at an inopportune time many times. Changing the mapping will still allow for bipod deployment but only when I tell the bipod to deploy.
Has anyone tried remapping the bipod deploy from right mouse button to something else? I am considering changing bipod deploy to the middle mouse button instead of deploying when aiming down sights. I have cursed at a bipod being deployed at an inopportune time many times. Changing the mapping will still allow for bipod deployment but only when I tell the bipod to deploy.

I haven't, I'm pretty sure if I did I'd forget to deploy it 99% of the time. I find it easier to press a direction key at the same time as mouse 2 when I don't want it, took ages to get used to though. I use a bipod with my assault kit all the time now but when I was starting out in BF3 I used to remove it even from support weapons because I hated it so much.
Anyone experiencing textures issues on the new maps of Armored Kill (PS3)?

Yep, Only a bit on Alborz. Although i have had rounds when the textures have been normal.

Anyway, I got a connection when i quit out to XMB and then re entered the game. Never happened to me before, All good now though.
Disconnects. Freezes. Never had these problems before this latest patch. Sooo frustrated with this game now. Love/hate doesn't come close
I haven't, I'm pretty sure if I did I'd forget to deploy it 99% of the time. I find it easier to press a direction key at the same time as mouse 2 when I don't want it, took ages to get used to though. I use a bipod with my assault kit all the time now but when I was starting out in BF3 I used to remove it even from support weapons because I hated it so much.

That is the reason I have removed bipods from nearly everything. The things would deploy when I did not need to and would get me killed. I may give it a go tonight and see how it works. It is going to take some adjusting, especially since I have not consistently used a bipod in some time.

I may also try mapping the fire selection mode to one of the mice side buttons. For longer shots, I flip weapons to semi-auto for more precise aim. Switching that to the mouse could be beneficial.
Good games Caz, sorry I left so early but I'd been trying to get the mobile artillery kill assignment done and finally did it when you joined.
Had an interesting moment testing out the HE rounds with the Tank Destroyer.

Spawn in on the US side on Armored Shield, grab a M1128 Stryker and start driving to C to capture it and have our team spawn with the Gunship. A Havoc pilot tries to circle-strafe me, comes too low, I fire, boom, no more Havoc.

Closer to the end of the round, I'm in another Stryker trying to give support to some infantry trying to capture (I think) D. Havoc pilot comes back, tries to circle-strafe, I fire and kill both the pilot and gunner, but the Havoc is only disabled! And it lands right behind my tank, so my squad-mates get out, repair the chopper and fly away. I look at my HUD and see I forgot to switch back to the regular AP rounds. I was in utter disbelief!

In short, compared to regular cannon rounds, the HE rounds have a larger splash area and is better at killing infantry, but are not as effective against vehicles.
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No problem waffles. I had to go cook dinner anyway. Nap time then off to work for the overnight shift.

Speed: thats actually good to know.
Had an interesting moment testing out the HE rounds with the Tank Destroyer.

Spawn in on the US side on Armored Shield, grab a M1128 Stryker and start driving to C to capture it and have our team spawn with the Gunship. A Havoc pilot tries to circle-strafe me, comes too low, I fire, boom, no more Havoc.

Closer to the end of the round, I'm in another Stryker trying to give support to some infantry trying to capture (I think) D. Havoc pilot comes back, tries to circle-strafe, I fire and kill both the pilot and gunner, but the Havoc is only disabled! And it lands right behind my tank, so my squad-mates get out, repair the chopper and fly away. I look at my HUD and see I forgot to switch back to the regular AP rounds. I was in utter disbelief!

In short, compared to regular cannon rounds, the HE rounds have a larger splash area and is better at killing infantry, but are not as effective against vehicles.

Same here, i've got my secondary as the HE shell and it's kind of like the canister shell but instead of splitting it explodes on impact like an explosive.
Another Dino sighting, this time within Alborz Mountain

Perhaps a future BF3 DLC, a feature in BF4 or perhaps nothing, who knows.
Happens all the time to me on Caspian/Firestorm CQ. I always laugh when I get 1st MVP by over a thousand points and I only had four kills the whole game.
So I was playing AK before going into work and a fly lands on the screen. A quick backhand and a light tap from my ring lands me this. AK was great for the couple of rounds that I actually got to play.


Edit: I hunted that bastard fly down until I killed him.
I may also try mapping the fire selection mode to one of the mice side buttons. For longer shots, I flip weapons to semi-auto for more precise aim. Switching that to the mouse could be beneficial.

I've tried that too; I found I would line up a shot, realise I should switch mode, press the side button which would throw my aim off then have to line it up all over again, it got me killed maybe three times before I remapped it back to default. I don't recommend it unless you train yourself to remember to press the button BEFORE aiming!
I've tried that too; I found I would line up a shot, realise I should switch mode, press the side button which would throw my aim off then have to line it up all over again, it got me killed maybe three times before I remapped it back to default. I don't recommend it unless you train yourself to remember to press the button BEFORE aiming!

I tried all of the remapping yesterday and found the default to be more useful. I still find bipod use annoying. The weapons I was re-trying bipod use on pretty much require the bipod deployment.

I did have quite a bit of fun a few times with the M240B deployed on the bipod. I set up on the route between the D and E on Wake Island. The opposing team was trying to push D and as they crested over the hill from E to D, I mowed them down.

I tend to keep myself in motion during most of the game. That is bad news with the belt feeders. I guess belt fed LMGs and I are just not meant to be. It is that or I will have to make a more concerted effort at playing towards the belt fed LMGs strengths.
I tend to keep myself in motion during most of the game. That is bad news with the belt feeders. I guess belt fed LMGs and I are just not meant to be. It is that or I will have to make a more concerted effort at playing towards the belt fed LMGs strengths.

Laser sight, foregrip and stay close.
I tried all of the remapping yesterday and found the default to be more useful. I still find bipod use annoying. The weapons I was re-trying bipod use on pretty much require the bipod deployment.

I did have quite a bit of fun a few times with the M240B deployed on the bipod. I set up on the route between the D and E on Wake Island. The opposing team was trying to push D and as they crested over the hill from E to D, I mowed them down.

I tend to keep myself in motion during most of the game. That is bad news with the belt feeders. I guess belt fed LMGs and I are just not meant to be. It is that or I will have to make a more concerted effort at playing towards the belt fed LMGs strengths.

Yeah, it's tricky to run & gun with the big LMGs, that's why I love the M29, RPK and L86 for playing support; they don't need the bipod, but they become sniper cannons if you do deploy it. I think the big belt fed LMGs are better suited to Rush or for those corridor maps like Metro, Damavand and Bazaar where a corridor of sustained, heavy fire is a good idea and where the frontline shifts back and forth in a line, the more open maps are much less predictable but even on those it's not a bad idea to scoot and shoot from a high vantage point on a map like Kharg or Firestorm. It's just annoying when you unexpectedly bump into some guys who have carbines and ARs when moving around... That's why when I play support or recon I usually take flanking routes to objectives instead of the shortest, most direct route because you kind of depend on getting 'the drop' on people when using those weapons, whether it's to buy time to aim that one headshot or deploy the bipod to lay down a load of suppression or death doesn't really matter.

I just wish I was able to play when I get home, looks like I'll have to spend the night talking to EA on a temporary account to get them to reset my password. Or I might just go to the pub and hope I haven't been hacked beyond recovery.
Finally got some money for the premium account, allthough must not tell my wife LOL

Good to see you online last night with VEXD. Been a while!

ACW-R is a great engineer gun for any of you who have it and don't use it. Do so now.
I haven't got it, and I don't use it, but I can't now.

Because some of us have to work.

Besides, isn't that a CQ unlock?

Good to see you online last night with VEXD. Been a while!

ACW-R is a great engineer gun for any of you who have it and don't use it. Do so now.

Yes, it's been a while, but times are changing for better, with less sun, and daylight, more gaming time :-).

Vexd thx for the tips on tanks, I'm still noob with anything other then a foot soldier :-)