Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
I actually think it's better than seeing what they did to murder you.

I prefer the BF3 one also. Mainly because if you get killed by a camper you know where to go back and avenge your death.:)

For those wondering how easy it is to be spotted by your scope glint: For an enemy to see the light shine off your scope, they practically have to be looking right at you. I once saw a Youtube video (can't find it now :indiff:) and in it two guys tested out the angles at which you see it by slowing having one guy look from left to right. In short, the guy had be within (I think) about five degrees to either side to see a "bright" glint. And then after about ten degrees or so the dimness finally went away.

Levelcap covered it very well in this video below.
Ryan, I joined you that game. It did grind way down plus the squad camped in the third floor at a in a glitch spot. Most of my deaths were trying to get all of them out.
Ryan, I joined you that game. It did grind way down plus the squad camped in the third floor at a in a glitch spot. Most of my deaths were trying to get all of them out.

Oh you did yes, I forgot:tup: Terrible round wasnt it? It was one of the rare times when i was wanting the round to hurry up and end:lol: Iv'e never seen a team so unintrested in playing the objectives ever.
At least it wasn't our team ;)

Sorry I bailed Mike. System froze and I was starting to lose my mojo anyway. Played alot ( probably to much) today ;).
At least it wasn't our team ;)

Sorry I bailed Mike. System froze and I was starting to lose my mojo anyway. Played alot ( probably to much) today ;).

No probs mate, that was a cool server even if I had a touch of lag.

Sorry I was late leaving base, my mates wife called and as he is overseas I had to indulge her and hear how her week was :indiff:

Anyhoo, that wake round was one of the most enjoyable I've had in ages. I think your mate RXP joined (?). Anyway, ended MVP despite missing the first 100 tickets and went 38-12. Highlight was a quadruple SMAW kill on a tank and some dude repairing it :D.

Edit: apparently even if one finished top of the round in game, Premium members get double points added on battle log even if it shows in game at the end of the round I was highest, so I didnt get MVP :indiff:

Edit2: Sorry I had to bail Shaun, I looked at the time and realised I been been on for 2+ hours already! Hope it improved as our team looked useless...
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Edit2: Sorry I had to bail Shaun, I looked at the time and realised I been been on for 2+ hours already! Hope it improved as our team looked useless...

No probs mate.
The round where I joined you at Seine I spawned into instant death about three times. I couldn't even get out of the deploy point and ended with the grand total of 0/7.
Somehow I ended up Aim King, probably because I didn't get a chance to fire my gun. :lol:

Our team didn't improve at Firestorm, somehow we turned it around at Damavand and then returned to rubbish at Noshar where I had to quit and leave Andrew by himself.

Cheers Shaun.
No probs mate.
The round where I joined you at Seine I spawned into instant death about three times. I couldn't even get out of the deploy

Sorry about that, a few times I saw squaddies spawning on me as I ran into 3 guys and hoped it wasnt you catching it. I think I killed us once too buy driving over some mines at deploy :D. That was the first time I've ever been base camped as RU at Seine 👎.

How is the AUG going mate?
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So far so good.
I've spent a bit of the weekend trying to get some of the assignments done so I've been using it on and off. ATM I've got the heavy barrel on it which doesn't seem to make the recoil worse. I need around 7 more kills with it to get a decent sight that I like so I'll be able to make a better judgement then but I do like it. The standard sight I don't like though.

I was using the PKP Pecheneg (which I think you use a bit) for one of the assignments. Normally I'm not a fan of the support guns but that thing is a bit of a beast. Even without the bipod the recoil is somewhat managable. I often wasn't worried about getting kills with it but just to lay down covering fire and it sure does the job. Got plenty of suppresion ribbons.

Cheers Shaun.
I was using the PKP Pecheneg (which I think you use a bit).

Yea, 19 stars... :embarrassed:.

I use the suppressor, US holo and bipod and and find it knocks recoil down nicely. Bullets 3-7 can still have some kick, but once it settles down, its a laser. Hip firing in CQC <5m is also the way to go.

Also funny vid (language though). This is pretty much why I don't play TDM!

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I got my platoon and I banned from a server last night after I roadkilled a guy in their base on Oman with an F35.

This was after I killed a guy who was parked in a jet on the carrier before I took off in the F35....

But as for the roadkill. Who can blame me for wanting to kill the guy after he bailed from the jet I had just sent two AA missiles towards. :sly:
Mike Rotch
Yea, 19 stars... :embarrassed:.

I use the suppressor, US holo and bipod and and find it knocks recoil down nicely. Bullets 3-7 can still have some kick, but once it settles down, its a laser. Hip firing in CQC <5m is also the way to go.

Also funny vid (language though). This is pretty much why I don't play TDM!

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

Just saw the video. That annoying little prick raging was hilarious
Had a game at Wake last night during WHICH i couldn't take down the Viper for most of the game.

The guy using it "KNIMME" had flares, and his gunner also had flares, and they obviously had good timing.
Couldn't really use stingers as they were flaring, and his piloting skills were awesome.
If the team had realised how this flying thing was killing them and actually done something about it, then we might have won the round, but alas, they just accepted that every 15-20 seconds or so, wherever they were, they were going to die at the hands of the Viper, and carried on, WHICH meant we lost it.

KNIMME finished 145-19.

Not bad really.

I did notice that at 18 deaths, when he'd killed me, he was on 111 kills, which meant during the last 2 or 3 minutes of the round, he died once more, but managed 34 kills before he did.

Vipers can seriously own at Wake, and the Havoc is still no real match for it, despite the patchwork.....

About sniping....
I like to think that it's good practice to hold your sidearm until you see a bad guy in your range, and then switch to rifle.
That way, they don't see your scope glinting.
Also, try to be in a place that's non-descript for the killcam so they have no idea which generic part of the hill/bush/mountain you're sitting in.
Or play hardcore, but that's boring.......

150-19 according to Battlelog.

Utterly bonkers score for someone who only has a k/d of 1.1. Wound me up last night, our jet pilots just flying in circles against their jets instead of taking out the Viper.

Nice to know ECM and flares work for everyone else though!
After having not used the M40A5 in quite a long time because of using the L96 for Assignments, switching to the M40A5 made me wonder why I ever went away from the weapon. I am much more accurate with the weapon compared to the L96.
our jet pilots just flying in circles against their jets instead of taking out the Viper.

Pilots don't take anything out when there's enemy jets in the air, doing so would be kind of like suicide.
I don't do it and it wouldn't make much sense for anyone else to do it either.

You'd need 2 to 3 goes with the jet to destroy the viper fully and the other jets would take you down way before that.
Any Australian Players

Try out this server: Australian Air Warfare

Good fair play once there's a few people in, and usually close games!!
My feed still won't connect...

I was having this last night as well.

Six games last night, this was my second:
47-1 On Seine. Joined late, pretty sure we were losing though it was fairly close (about 50 tickets on a standard ticket server).
Ripped out a 43 kill streak in the tank - my new record. Had a couple very close calls including a couple 5% repair saves after taking out their tank. I was on about 19 with 100 tickets to finish, told my bro I was going to get to thirty, he didnt think I could, then got about 15 on A as they all swarmed down through Toad and Jungle from C. Went up A road around to their base and their tank had just come out. He got a 1 hit disable from the front on me, then he missed his next shot, he was then disabled. I bailed after his next hit, hit him once more with the tank, bailed, switched to SMAW, finished him off. Then I was sniped from their base...
Yeah for the past week and a half its been saying "Unable to retrieve feed" in bold red letters.
Me thinks in an upcoming patch perhaps Dice could try to improve their match making system. I had this round last night.!/bf3/battlereport/show/61596726/4/365413792/

Now while there is nothing special about the scoring and what not have a look at the ranks in the two teams.
Poor guys on the opposition didn't stand a chance.

And now to a question to the guys who got Premium or Close Quarters early on.
I was looking through the Assignments/Rewards for CQ.
The Engi weapon unlock ACW-R looks very impressive for an Engi gun. Rate of fire of 850 with long range seems more like an assault weapon. I can't say I've noticed alot of guys using it, so allow me to ask you guys that have it if you could offer an opinion on it?
By the look of it this will be my next assignment to tackle.

Cheers Shaun.
I've taken out the attack choppers in one pass with a jet just using the cannon. Just have to know how to hit it.

+1. Besides, even if you die straight after taking the chopper out, it shouldn't matter, because a chopper is deadly against ground units, but the jet that took you out won't be.

Loving the JNG-90 and ACW-R at the moment. Can't settle on a sidearm though, using a .44 scoped if I'm Shotgunning.
The ACW-R, is a great piece of ?weaponary? i love using it, without foregrip, with HB and no matter what scope, i have using Acog lately only backside is that it only have 27 bullets.
Well, yes I suppose you can take choppers out in one pass, but it's unlikely if the chopper is moving and even moreso if you have a jet behind shooting at you.
And while a jet may not have a direct impact on infantry using rocket pods it can help massively taking out artillery.
It's just that I think that a jet can help massively in the battlefield being used right. It can be used to keep air superiority and keep choppers in the air and offer support on the ground. To just crash it after taking down one chopper would be a waste.
I Recently decided to go for a change of pace in BF3. Usually I am an engineer 99% of the time constantly blowing up vehicles while running from objective to objectibe on Conquest or Conquest assult. I guess I am in the top 3% in the world when it comes to blowing up vehicles. Also top 3% with my AKS-47U. The problem with that is I would struggle with snipers across the map. I can usually only hit them if I set it to single shot.

So to counter that, I have been a full time sniper for the last couple weeks. I am not a good sniper but I have managed to head shot snipe 4 helicopter pilots out of their helicopters in mid flight which is quite difficult especially while they are shooting at me. haha According to the BF3 online stats, my longest headshot was 448 meters which is strange because the longest marksman headshot I recall getting only registered as 284 meters in the game. I was using the L96 and M40A5 for a while and yesterday just unlocked the M98B. Spent about 45 minutes with it. It has half the bullets in the clip so I really need to make each shot count. Its taking some getting used to especially without the bolt slide or whatever thats called that allows you to shoot multiple times while zoomed into the target. The bipod is very buggy so I gave up using that.

Its been a unique experience as a sniper. Very rewarding at times and also a bit frustrating too. Getting better at sniping people out of moving vehicles and while they are running. Cant do much at all against tanks. Which is tough for me considering most of my life in BF3 was destroying vehicles. The soflam comes in handy and I use my magnum a lot at close range. But without good engineers, tanks can take over quick. If we get in too much of a bind I do switch to the engineer once in a while. But mainly stick with the sniper to level it up and get the better sniper guns.
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Watch for tanks driving over their own mines, you can take them out by shooting the mines. Requires a bit of timing and some practice shots, but it can be done.
Me thinks in an upcoming patch perhaps Dice could try to improve their match making system. I had this round last night.!/bf3/battlereport/show/61596726/4/365413792/

Now while there is nothing special about the scoring and what not have a look at the ranks in the two teams.
Poor guys on the opposition didn't stand a chance.

And now to a question to the guys who got Premium or Close Quarters early on.
I was looking through the Assignments/Rewards for CQ.
The Engi weapon unlock ACW-R looks very impressive for an Engi gun. Rate of fire of 850 with long range seems more like an assault weapon. I can't say I've noticed alot of guys using it, so allow me to ask you guys that have it if you could offer an opinion on it?
By the look of it this will be my next assignment to tackle.

Cheers Shaun.

The ACW-R is very unique statswise on BF3, It's top damage is only 20, Not 25 or so like most AR/Carbines. So to counter this its damage doesnt drop off as much as the other AR/Carbines. The Lowest possible damage it deals is 16, So it is suited to Medium to longer ranges. The Recoil feels non existent aswell so it is possible to mag dump when shooting at longer ranged targets instead of having to one shot or burst. My opinion, Is that it is a very easy to use weapon, I find the 26 round Magazine (+1 in the chamber) doesnt affect it to much and the ROF keeps you competitive in CQC aswell.👍
Hey CAMAROBOY69 don't know if you have premium or close quarters but if you do I highly recommend the M417. If you want a bit of aggressive recon play its the perfect gun 2 shot body kill under ~17 meters.
Played a couple matches, had a few days off, and I was delighted to experience I was disconnected from every single match I was in. I also tried to squad up with Dragonistic, but it didn't want me to do that either, apparently.

Damn, how I hate you, EA Online.