Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Edit- That bonus content drop, I can feel a lot of people will be dissapointed. Im ok with it, They are bonus afterall and do look quite cool. The only thing that annoys me is that they will be torrented within half an hour of release.

The thing that gets me is if you watched the Battlefield Twitter feed they were responding to people asking when the drop would be by saying 'who knows? Care to guess what it is?' and most responses were things like the M1911 S-Tac and such... They must've known the majority of people would be disappointed with that! And if that's all it is, why wait until the end of the month to announce it? As much as I hate to type this overused term, they've acted like trolls with regards to this one particular piece of content, they could've said at the start of the month that it would be an art book and people, myself included, would've been fine with that. Building up to a big old anticlimax like that is going to disappoint people.

Can't wait to get my hands on the next bonus content drop featuring paper craft figurines of the three or four entirely forgettable campaign characters! I wonder what the last one will be? A guide to build your own Blue Peter version of Caspian Border, no doubt. But seriously, I can't wait for Armoured Kill.
The thing that gets me is if you watched the Battlefield Twitter feed they were responding to people asking when the drop would be by saying 'who knows? Care to guess what it is?' and most responses were things like the M1911 S-Tac and such... They must've known the majority of people would be disappointed with that! And if that's all it is, why wait until the end of the month to announce it? As much as I hate to type this overused term, they've acted like trolls with regards to this one particular piece of content, they could've said at the start of the month that it would be an art book and people, myself included, would've been fine with that. Building up to a big old anticlimax like that is going to disappoint people.

Can't wait to get my hands on the next bonus content drop featuring paper craft figurines of the three or four entirely forgettable campaign characters! I wonder what the last one will be? A guide to build your own Blue Peter version of Caspian Border, no doubt. But seriously, I can't wait for Armoured Kill.

Yep i cant agree more.👍

And yes i did see the Twitter updates, And it puzzles me as to why they hyped it up so much and then dropped this. Some particular tweets included the Phrases, "It will be big", "It will enhance your BF3 experience", "We are very excited and looking forward to telling the community what it is" and most importantly a tweet saying "You!!! will not be dissapointed". How they expected the community to react after this i do not know, And as for attracting more people to premium? Well they can forget that. I dont really mind, Like most of us who bought premium, I purchased it primarily for the slight saving on the DLC's and early access, But i was quite looking forward to the BCD. Why?, Because DICE themselves hyped it up and made it sound like it was going to be something it wasnt. As for my first comment you quoted, Ignore that:), Iv'e changed my mind this BCD IS very dissapointing.👎

Edit - On the plus side, It has resulted in some quite amusing tantrums and pearls of wisdom over on the battlelog forum :lol:

One of my favourites being, And i quote - "Wow i just dont know what to say right now. I mean why even give us a [expletive] book. No one ..... I just don't under.....WHAT THE [expletive] ?!" :lol:

You can also look at the wireless stereo headset from sony. Usually can score a deal on amazon/ebay/newegg

Thanks for your suggestion, Will take a look;)👍
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Is the battlelog dowm? Past few days BF3 has said unable to retrieve feed in the box on the menu.
It would appear that the Bonus Content is an art book PDF:

Battlefield Blog post.

Well that seals the deal. EA/DICE had a great opportunity to amend for all the 🤬 they've been throwing at their customers (specifically, early adopters). And then they go and give us 24 pictures, that in 10 minutes will be available to everyone around the world via a google images search.

Sure I (as many others) got Premium because we knew that we'd be playing BF3 for another year, the very least. But releasing their mega-bundle-super-pack for $70 barely two months after everyone else paid full price and now giving us 'content' that isn't even related to playing Battlefield. Kudos for them! 👍 :lol:

As much as I enjoy BF3 at the moment, unless EA changes their act, their games are gone from my radar.

As a human being I can produce my own 🤬 so why would I pay EA 60+ for their 🤬.
Loving the M5K right now. In my opinion best gun for metro while running around.

Yeah i love the M5k, But its hard to justify using it over the MP7 and P90 as it is bettered in everyway by those two. Still, Its way more fun using all the weapons than just whoring the overused "Best" weapons. The M5k is supposedly getting a slight damage buff in a future patch so all's good. I just hope we get the original MP5 in either of the last two DLC's. I just want to pretend to be S.A.S with a MP5 with a tac light and the black spec op's camo.:drool: ( i know, im sad) :lol:
Edit - On the plus side, It has resulted in some quite amusing tantrums and pearls of wisdom over on the battlelog forum :lol:

Indeed, pure hilarity. Official Bonus Content Discussion Thread

42 pages & counting. A petition seems to have been started, haha!

One of my favorite lines....

Battlefield 3 Forum
Yeah... I expected the bonus content to be something stupid and useless but I didn’t expect it to be quite this stupid and useless. And some of the official channels were claiming that it would be “amazing” ?

Honestly reading all the knee-jerk RAGE messages on the forums is going to be vastly more entertaining than the bonus content itself. And it could've so easily been avoided if they'd just handled things better but the messed it up completely.

Roll on armored kill anyway.

rivaLxfactor reaction to Premium and August content drop
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Indeed, pure hilarity. Official Bonus Content Discussion Thread

42 pages & counting. A petition seems to have been started, haha!

One of my favorite lines....

It's unbelievable some of the posts iv'e witnessed today, Especcially the couple i saw that were threatening to take legal action!!!:lol:

It can be an unbearable forum most of the time, Mostly due to trolls, spam and non existent Mods, But today?, I :lol:'ed a lot.

I cant find it atm, But i will find it tomorrow and link it. DICE admitted that there was a mistake in the creation of the weapon and that is why people are saying its not really good at anything. Something along those lines.

After finally unlocking the TV Missile, it is much better than the Guided Missile. It should make helicopter gunning more fun.

It was not a great night of Battlefield 3 for me tonight. I played seven or eight games and did not win one. 👎 Three of the games ended very close. That made it somewhat better, but not much because I had a suspicion the teams I were on would not quite be able to pull off a win. My games were more on the bad side than good. I was slightly off playing really well, but I kept putting myself in death spots. :scared:

Tonight was the opposite other than one game, at least when it came to winning; I think I played five or six games tonight and won at least four. Kills wise, I went 1-8 in one game. :eek: Though, I followed it up with a 7-1 game and finished the night with a 24-7. :D

Nah cant find it, Although i definitely remember hearing it. It was a video from one of the reputable BF3 youtubers. Also the M5k has 25 rounds in it on battlelog so thats another thing to be changed.
I can't use TV missiles. Too damn hard to control.

Don't think I've ever tried them, heard someone saying they weren't great, so never bothered when I unlocked them. I find guided do a good enough job, maybe something to try out at some point.

Last night was fun. Got VEXD's tags and a couple of headshots. He got me back with a Vodnik once and then drove a jet at me whilst on the same team in the next round and jumped out.
I love TV missiles, I only get a hit maybe half the time or less but when you do hit you know you've done some damage, and they're pretty much un-counterable so it's all down to you, I find everyone uses laser countermeasures now so I don't use guided anything.
I avoided recon class when i first started but i am really enjoying it now. I like engaging enemies at medium to long range and just sitting on a central flag and defending it. On firestorm i had what seemed like an entire team trying to get me. I had helicopters and planes strafing and crashing on me, snipers on mountains, rocks, and towers, rpgs flying over my head, machine gunners climbing up ladders to get me. It was a blast, i went 25 - 8 with the mk11 mod 0 and racked up a ton of points and ribbons.
Not the most enjoyable night - starting with a win at a soundless Damavand, being on the receiving end of a base bang at Metro (quit at 500 tickets left and pushed back to RU deploy) and ok round at GB and culminating in me getting an admin kick when our team was already way down in tickets at Seine and I was charging around in a tank.

Stupid admins.
Mike Rotch
culminating in me getting an admin kick when our team was already way down in tickets at Seine and I was charging around in a tank.

Stupid admins.

I think that's how they kept on stealing our tank. Whoever was in it got kicked and they jumped in. Grrr

Cheers Shaun.
I can't use TV missiles. Too damn hard to control.

Take a bit of time and learn to use the TV missiles. Using the TV requires a bit of coordination with the pilot because unlike the main cannon view being all over the place, the TV view is directly straight ahead from the helicopter. I was confused the first few times I used the TV because of the view jumping around when switching from the main gun.

The advantage of the TV Missile over the Guided Missile is range. The TV Missile has a much longer range so long as you can steer the thing. Normally, a mobile AA is very bad news for a chopper. With the TV Missile, you can reach out and hit the mobile AA for a disable. If the pilot charges the AA, then it will be quickly destroyed between the main cannon and rockets. Plus with so many vehicles using IR Smoke, Guided Missiles can be much less reliable, especially for how long it takes to acquire a target. I also enjoyed using the TV Missile as a backup weapon on a strafing run while waiting for the main cannon to reload.
Just played my first two games for what must now be three weeks. I did terribly, and at the moment my enthusiasm for playing BF3 is practically nothing. I just can't see the point in getting all angry and frustrated playing a game when I could be playing something I actually enjoy, like Arma II, any number of racing or (to an extent) flight sims, Just Cause 2 or, soon, Borderlands 2 (which I'm sure will be awesome). I'm sure this is just me being out of practice and still a bit under the weather but the last time I felt this apathetic about something I just dropped it and never looked back. I kind of regret Premium now but maybe Armoured Kill will bring me back into it.

Has anyone else experienced this? Did you bother to get over it or did you just stop playing?
I have had similar experiences with Battlefield 3, but mostly because it was just an awful night of teams or me playing awful. Sometimes you run into group after group of good teams or playing on bad teams and the night is just frustrating. Other times, you are on good teams, the other team is also good, and the back and forth is really fun. The frustrating nights definitely make you wonder why you keep playing this game, then you go on a rampage through the other team or blow up a tank or two with C4 and remember, oh yeah, that feeling is awesome.
Has anyone else experienced this? Did you bother to get over it or did you just stop playing?

When the servers were down the other day I started playing Beijing 2008 and when the servers came back I carried on playing it the next day. (I only stopped because I realized I was probably breaking my controller)
Has anyone else experienced this? Did you bother to get over it or did you just stop playing?

Give it a break and when you start jones'ing for it, play it again. For some reason with this game - when you force yourself to play it in the hopes it will bring some pleasure, such as a GT5 may do - it inevitably ends up boiling the blood.

At the best of times I've rarely had two consecutive sessions that have 'gone my way'. It's usually one session of being untouchable and being able to headshot people at will, the next one I am getting stabbed 2 seconds after spawning, driving over mines, getting put onto noob teams by admin...

It's just that kind of game - its either great or not, there is not much inbetween. 👍
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Yep, i took a 1-2 month break from BF3 a while back. I started playing again just before Premium was announced wich was a while back now. Seems like its a common thing to do as a good few other guys who have posted in this thread have taken breaks and then gotten back into it.👍

Edit - But with AK around the corner, Maybe it would be a good idea to see how that is like you said.

Edit II - Just thought, My sound hasnt dropped once today in about the 7-8 rounds i played!!!
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