Eww, Controller Vibrations? That needs to be turned off!!!
I cant stand vibration on any game let alone an FPS.
I have my custom input mapped which amongst other things switches the triggers and L1& R1 so i can fire very quickly without the trigger delay. I just find the bumpers more reachable and comfortable to use for ADS and Firing. Plus i can still get more ROF with the bumpers then triggers with the sensitivity turned down.
Im not too bothered about intflating my K/D. Im perfectly happy with the 2.5 im at about now, And thats playing very agressively objective wise. If i played a bit more passively it would go up but then so would the amount of games i lose. The game is a lot more fun, And you can be way more effective as a player if you dont obsess over your K/D, which is why people dont tend to play properly half the time.