I'm not sure why I'm still a part of this club...
I haven't been on my ps3 for almost a month, it's because...
1) I need to fix that problem that occured to me since October.
2) I slowly losing interest in playing GT6 and it seems that I'm not the only one... Gran Turismo's sub forums seems to be almost dead... it feels that everyone just abandoned that place and moved on to ether another sub forum's (automotive or off topics) or even leaved the whole forum and went to something else. I remember back in 2013 where the forum felt alive compared to today. I remember feeling hyped for GT6 and actually bought it leaked...that how much i was hyped for...but all I got is disappointment.
while I enjoyed the game for the first 2-3 months, the game slowly started dying and fans just move on into Forza or something else... people started to complain and complain until every thread became a PDI's hate thread... it's reached to the level that some thread gets closed because everyone just complain about anything about GT6 by any means...
Then you got those guys who floods the status posts and random threads with "I'm leaving, I'm moving on, GT sucks...etc" to the point they make couple new thread just to talk about that... they say they don't give a F:censored: anymore about GT yet they still spends their time spamming this everywhere...yea great.
And then you get the suggestions threads where
"like-wh:censored:" members just post like literally every car that exists on the freakin earth...for what? Likes and likes and likes and more likes and so on... do they post anything else on the forums? I doubt it... since I rarely see them posting on other threads... they just rush when any new car get's revealed and try to be the first who posts the suggestion... including cars that makes no sense to be included in GT...cars that nobody cares for...cars that is impossible to be even included in GT...cars that are the same as the ones in the game but just slightly different colours or grills and that's all...
GTPlanet...just doesn't feel as GTP as it was back in the day... to this day, I could say that I have enjoyed GTP in PRE-2014 more than nowadays...
On the other hand however, I learned stuff and informations about things I didn't or had less knowledge about. I met different members throughout the years of being in GTP. I enjoyed watching members just chatting and having fun...
Even with all what's happening right now in GTP, I still find it better than other places on the Internet... compare here to some place I saw... GTP is like welcomes me to upon joining in...some other places felt like I'm warped around with ropes and my mouth covered with duck tapes...I don't feel comfortable. I feel like I'm not free to express anything...
But...I couldn't help but thinking that GTP feels like it's "dying"...GTP doesn't feels the same as before...yes there's a lot of those who hates GT to death but not to this level...
Anyways....uhh...what I was even talking about in the first place?
I don't think I'd be playing GT6 that much now... doesn't mean that I don't care about GT anymore...
Hopefully this club stays alive (which's sadly doesn't seems to be...)
Thanks guys for all the fun I had since the summer