Beer Ads in GT4

  • Thread starter -=Wolf=-
Was anyone else a bit shocked to see a Kirin ad in GT4? I thought beer and liquor ads were prohibited in games. Not that I mind, or anything. I've knocked back enough Kirin Ichiban in my day. :)

Go to the Motegi Super Speedway and look at the signage in turns 1 and 2.
Since when are beer & liquor banned from games? Not in the U.S. at least. Might be an unofficial rule by some liquor companies or something.
I don't know if it's appropriate, but it is interesting! I'll keep my eyes open for it. :)
I saw budweiser ad once..I believe it was in nyc.
I don’t mind the ads because (I think) it adds more realistic touch rather, seeing GT logo all over the place.
liquor advertising isn't banned in australia as long as it's on tv after 830pm, alcohol companies are still allowed to sponsor sporting events afaik, so i guess that would include gt4. there is however a total media ban on cigarettes
If you read the disclaimer when the disc first loads up it states something to the effect that the appearance of a company in the game does not imply endorsement. All Polyphony Digital have done is replicate the tracks as they appear in real life. This is why they can do a NY track and not need any permission to use any logo that appears in times square. So there are no 'ads' in the game. Just pictures of the ads that are in real life.
i heard once that ad space in like online games would some day be like irl!!
and why not ?? the ad comes you to a wider selection of ppl !! or am i wrong ??
Wolf & Overclocked412 – I'm too lazy to separately PM both of you, so I'll just say here: GTP has a 6-line limit for signatures, so please adjust yours accordingly. Thanks. :)
Which would explain the giant "Konami" ad in Suzuka. MS should buy that spot and put an Xbox ad there. ;)
....and in Enthusia there's a Polyphony Digital (or was it GT4?) ad in Tsukuba. Big ad too ;)
Which would explain the giant "Konami" ad in Suzuka. MS should buy that spot and put an Xbox ad there. ;)

Then the virtual spectators can deface it lol :D.
I was under the impression that in order to pass ESRB muster, beer ads were either not allowed or they would require the game get a rating aside from E. IE the NASCAR games, and most all sports games.
I'd take a Kirin ad over Toys 'R Us any day...

I did, however, take a cool shot of a Mustang, in NY, with the huge Toys 'R Us sign in the background. Somehow I thought it was very fitting.... ;)
the CLK-GTR should be sponsored by warstiener, which is a beer. I believe the actual car that is modeled after was. I know there were CLK-GTR's just like it that were.

On the Toyota Minolta, right behind the front wheel it looks like there is a small "West" decal. I am not sure, nor have i looked closely; so, i could be wrong. But if it is a west logo and the same company that sponsored McLaren's f1 cars in the past, it is a alcohol/tobacco company(i don't know which. I just know they substitute that sponsor on the F1 cars when going to countries where they cannot have such sponsors).
I noticed the Kirin ads the other night... I'm so glad that common sense has allowed PD to include realistic ads around the race tracks... I'm sure it won't inspire legions of <18 y.o players the world over to rush out and buy Kirin...

My original copy of Formula One for the PS1 (1996) has Foster's ads everywhere (and Campari), but when the second iteration of the game (Formula One '97) came out, the Fosters ads had mysteriously transformed into 'Faster'... ridiculous really.

As for the Laramie truck... :lol: 👍 👍
there are no Martini ads on the Lancias.

And in GTR there are no Beck's and Amstel ads. So i guess there is some kind of alcohol ban in games (and tobacco of course)