Beer Ads in GT4

  • Thread starter -=Wolf=-
Gotta Love Budweiser!
King Of Beers!

"Budweiser" and "King of Beers" should NOT be used in the same sentence. It's 2 completely different things...

Budweiser is only slightly more appealing than lukewarm piss....
Race Idiot

Posted it in one of the photomode threads, found it!

No way! That is seriously dodgy if you ask me...and I'm sure they're not the National Restaurant Association either... still, very interesting find!
"Budweiser" and "King of Beers" should NOT be used in the same sentence. It's 2 completely different things...

Budweiser is only slightly more appealing than lukewarm piss....

well you certainly took the words out of my mouth :dopey:
Touring Mars
No way! That is seriously dodgy if you ask me...and I'm sure they're not the National Restaurant Association either... still, very interesting find!

[stir]I suppose it appeals to the Nascar crowd when they come to Sears Point.[/stir]

It's located just before the hairpin, on the sportscar course. I'm sure i've seen adds for Sammy, another video game outfit on Fuji, or Tskuba.
i heard once that ad space in like online games would some day be like irl!!
and why not ?? the ad comes you to a wider selection of ppl !! or am i wrong ??

Yeah, like in NFSU2 - where you can't swing a rusted muffler without hitting an advertisement. There is ad placement in games you purchase - then there is PURCHASING a game that is NOTHING BUT ADVERTISEMENT! I hear you can get nasty hicky marks from the kind of favors Best Buy and Cingular did to get themselves EVERYWHERE in that game... Bayside has like 2000 Best Buy locations - right...

And just think - with all of these advertisements - Electronic Arts wants to RAISE the price of their products nearly 20 bucks across the board. :crazy:
Was anyone else a bit shocked to see a Kirin ad in GT4? I thought beer and liquor ads were prohibited in games. Not that I mind, or anything. I've knocked back enough Kirin Ichiban in my day. :)

They're not exactly ads. While there's logos of companies in the game, it's just there to make the courses appear more real. In NYC for example, they have to have lots of ads. However, if you read the warning they have before the game loads ("Always wear your seatbelt, all cars are not exact replicas of their real-life counterparts" etc.) there's a paragraph stating that all the non-automotive brands in the game are not intended for advertising. It's just there to make the game real.

I did find it weird that they have real-life companies in the game and PD isn't getting sued for using their logos and such. Look for the "warning" just as you boot up the game (there's a black background with just wording. I'm sure you've seen it before.)

I mentioned the Bud ad awhile ago. It's in Times Square. IN photo-mode you can zoom in pretty good. The label on the bottle is a bit fuzzy but you can for sure tell the BIG "B" it;s in front of.
Heineken would of been better.....hell..even High Life woulda been better!!!
I wonder if there are any Massage parlors around the corner from times square..hehehehe
anyone actually noticed there are several sublinal messages on the nurburgring track surface.....
Biased turkey
In Formula1 by Psygnosis ( 1997 ) there are plenty of ads with "Faster" and the logo of that well known Australian urine brand.

ironic, isn't it, that Oz sends their worst beer o/s.

probably because no one here drinks it.

anyways - on the Australian tobacco ban, there is an exemption for F1 teams. Big Bernie said we had to have it or the F1 would be taken off us.

It stands in every other arena.
Having kids play game's showing blood, guts, hoockers, violence, crime etc.... is fine by me!

But beer ads???? My God, what is the world coming to. :scared:

I never said I cared, I just said it was unusual. I really wish people would read and not just post the first knee-jerk reaction that springs to mind.
cap'n crunch032
In all EA Sports NASCAR games beer ads on cars are banned. The #8 Budwieser Chevy is now the Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevy. I guess it's just the maker of the game.

They dont advertise for beer in nascar games because the people EA know that if you're playing a nascar game you're already drinking

lolololololol :nervous:
They dont advertise for beer in nascar games because the people EA know that if you're playing a nascar game you're already drinking

lolololololol :nervous:

Why do people always assocate NASCAR with ppl form the south and acholics? That is where it got its roots no doubt but if it was still just that would NY,Washington,Neberaska,Colorado want Nextel dates?

As for the f1 tobbacco thingy i know here in the US they aren't allowed. In Canadia i think they had to pay so much to the teams sponserd by tobacco companies.
Are you sure? Why are there baccy ad's on these?

(Circled in yellow)

there is a tobacco ban that will be happening soon. I belive it should be go into sometime in the next couple of months. instead of replacing the ads with new ones all-together, they are going to use something like a "blank ad" which is self-explanitory. they are going to leave the tobacco ad spot blank. for example, the Marlboro ad on the rear wing of the Ferarri will be just blank. it's kind of like subliminal ads. even though it physically isn't there, you know what is missing. I don't know about you, but when I think F1, I think Ferarri(I wonder why), when I think F1 ads, I think Marlboro and Vodaphone(and Mild Seven, but that's only because I'm a Renault fan). Ferarri has gotten a good bit of air time in the last 9 years or so, so that is a lot of air time for their sponsors(Marlboro/Vodaphone/etc...). as far as alchohol goes, I have no idea.

rock. :cool:
Why do people always assocate NASCAR with ppl form the south and acholics?


Me, for example: associate Nascar with people that only knows left-turns.

"but there are mixed circuits in the season".

Yes. Half if the turns is bad attacked.

Me, for example: associate Nascar with people that only knows left-turns.

"but there are mixed circuits in the season".

Yes. Half if the turns is bad attacked.

So, Campeonato Brasileiro de Stock Car does not ring a bell?

Take your bashing elswhere.
Why do people always assocate NASCAR with ppl form the south and acholics? That is where it got its roots no doubt but if it was still just that would NY,Washington,Neberaska,Colorado want Nextel dates?

As for the f1 tobbacco thingy i know here in the US they aren't allowed. In Canadia i think they had to pay so much to the teams sponserd by tobacco companies.

haha ...i knew someone would say something about that.... i was just joking ...besides im waitin to see if nascar is actually going to come here to portland
So there are no 'ads' in the game. Just pictures of the ads that are in real life.

They should've put a car cover on the RUFs and put pictures of Porches on them :)

Porche: :grumpy:
PD: So there are no "porches" in the game. Just pictures of the cars that are in real life." lol
lol pd should just get licencing from ferrari, porsche and lambo tuners (well ruf is a porsche tuner....) i havnt noticed anything cuase i havnt played gt4 work a week (the disk is ruined and dont wanna buy a new on :yuck: )
^did your disk get damaged or did it just "die"?? dammit, now I'm gettin' paranoid and wishin I bought that stupid insurance from EB...

edit: I forgot to mention: before anyone gets snooty on me, yes, I know it's "PorSches" but the visualisation of a lightening quick porch with wheels driving around is much more amusing.