Best American Car (Final Voting for SWE/AUS)

  • Thread starter YSSMAN


  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
its hard to nominate a car here since from my point of view most american cars have been poor relative to thier counterparts from across the ponds

the model T is really only famous for being cheaply made and easily affordable to the working man. that does make it significant, especially since it moved the assembly game into top gear and afforded the common man the chance to own an automobile.

the muscle cars did what for man? perfomance was already there, and they only brought straightline perfomance to teh table for the most part. the knowledge to stick a big engine in a small car was already there.

from a significance point of view id have to say the 65 mustang. still not the greatest car in the world by any means, but kickstarted a whole new type of car. its kinda like the original VW golf in that respect.

the pickups are nothing but glorified wheelbarrows and farmers implements. pickups have done little to advance the cause of autodom.

the HUMVEE is a piece of ****. yeah it can go over and through and across and all that, but it also is a maintenace heavy vehicle and only realy useful as a military tool.

the original jeep on the other hand is a great candidate as it launched the whole SUV thing, and so on. its significance is from mundane things like delivering medications to people who live in isolated enclaves of the earth and so on.

the original taurus is another good canditate. although they dont hold up well, and therefore werent that good in the first place.

dodge power wagon. americas version of the unimog, especially in post ww II america. but not really. it could have been, but just wasnt developed.

of modern cars there two that come to mind. one, the C6 vette which is truly a world class car even withteh slightly cheap interior.
the other is the current versions of the cadillac CTS/ STS/ DTS which are again truly world class cars, and distinctly american.

so, my picks;
original jeep
C6 vette
its hard to nominate a car here since from my point of view most american cars have been poor relative to thier counterparts from across the ponds

the model T is really only famous for being cheaply made and easily affordable to the working man. that does make it significant, especially since it moved the assembly game into top gear and afforded the common man the chance to own an automobile.

the muscle cars did what for man? perfomance was already there, and they only brought straightline perfomance to teh table for the most part. the knowledge to stick a big engine in a small car was already there.

from a significance point of view id have to say the 65 mustang. still not the greatest car in the world by any means, but kickstarted a whole new type of car. its kinda like the original VW golf in that respect.

the pickups are nothing but glorified wheelbarrows and farmers implements. pickups have done little to advance the cause of autodom.

the HUMVEE is a piece of ****. yeah it can go over and through and across and all that, but it also is a maintenace heavy vehicle and only realy useful as a military tool.

the original jeep on the other hand is a great candidate as it launched the whole SUV thing, and so on. its significance is from mundane things like delivering medications to people who live in isolated enclaves of the earth and so on.

the original taurus is another good canditate. although they dont hold up well, and therefore werent that good in the first place.

dodge power wagon. americas version of the unimog, especially in post ww II america. but not really. it could have been, but just wasnt developed.

of modern cars there two that come to mind. one, the C6 vette which is truly a world class car even withteh slightly cheap interior.
the other is the current versions of the cadillac CTS/ STS/ DTS which are again truly world class cars, and distinctly american.

so, my picks;
original jeep
C6 vette

Did you do that for all the other countries too? I'm sorry but it just seems like your way of taking a shot at some American icons. I know your not the only one to do it too because others have made little "joking" stabs at American cars already but this thread is to nominate the "best American car" not bash on American cars. So Muscle cars don't do it for you, fine. BMWs don't do it for me but I don't bash them.

Sorry if I seem bitchy but I am sick and tired of this damn anti American attitude everyone has and I am especially tired of the anti American automotive bashing that has become so in style to do. If people don't like American cars keep it out of this thread because this is the "best American car thread" not the "bitch about American cars thread for the 1 millionth time because it already has been done to death." We get it most of the world hates us and most American teenagers don't like American cars because it's cool not to. We get it. I'm sorry young people are ignorant and the rest of the world is jealous. It's also not our fault our President is an arrogant fool who just goes around pissing other countries off. Get off our backs!

Ok, rant over. I feel alot better now. :dunce:
If people don't like American cars keep it out of this thread because this is the "best American car thread" not the "bitch about American cars thread for the 1 millionth time because it already has been done to death."

Same could have been said in the Japanese car thread.. but it certainly didn't work out that way.
The 1964-1974 Pontiac GTO (NOT the new GTO, as that is a COMPLETELY different car in spirit and practice): It started the muscle car craze, and some models, the '66 and '69 Judge in particular, are some of the most iconic muscle cars in automotive history.

Ford Model T: C'mon, it started everything.

Ford Crown Victoria: Don't laugh. What car has seen as much public service for as long as the Crown Vic? From Police cars to taxi cabs, it's served the public for longer than just about any other car around, and continues to be popular and reilable at it today.

The Willy's Jeep: Without it, our boys in Iraq would not have the HUMVEE. It is the original do-everything military vehicle.

Oh, my secondary vote goes to the Monaro.

And Neanderthal, why nominate anything if you are just going to bash all American cars?
Voted for the Koenigsegg in the Swedish and would like to add another vote for the Holden Monaro in the Australian.
A few things:

1) The Humvee first served in Regan's South-American wars, not Iraq. The development of the Humvee began in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and the first models entered service well before the end of the decade. The oldest one I have seen was an '88 Humvee, not too different from our current models.

2) neanderthal, not to completely tear everything you said apart, but your inclusion of the DTS is a little strange. The K-Body really hasn't done much for GM over the years, and I was quite dissapointed when I found out they weren't planning to replace it again for a while. Granted it does make for a great cruiser car, as that is what it is meant to be, but it is nowhere near as good as the Sigma-based CTS and STS that you included it with.

...Added to that, your distaste for the American musclecar is dissapointing. Wouldn't it be a case of "pot called the kettle black" when we talk about the Aussie cars of the same time frame, hell even some of the BMWs and Mercedes-Benz cars of today as well? These were the cars that defined America, and continue to do so, much like how the small sportscars of the 1950s and 1960s define England, the sportscars of the late 1980s and early 1990s of Japan, and today's super-sedans of Germany. Its what America did, and it is what we will continue to do...
Truth be told, the Hummer needs to die (military version as well). As great as it is that it is the last car in the world to use AMC parts (at least until the next Wrangler), it was obsolete even during the Persian-Gulf War because it wasn't designed to do things like that (sand dunes and stuff of that nature). The fact that it is able to handle sand has been what has spared it.
...They are working on replacing it, slowly...

Last I herd they wanted to do some kind of aluminum/carbon fiber combination thing that ran on a variety of fuels and could include electric power as well. No word on anything lately, other than they are "working on it."

There however was a contest going on a while ago between the Big Three automakers that had the millitary wanting to adapt civilian pickups for their Humvee replacements, baisically using the 3500-series versions of the Silverado, F150, and Ram. Again, no word on anything lately, but there certainly were some interesting concept vehicles shown a few years ago...

Maybe they should use the "Tumbler" from Batman Begins? (lol)
Did you do that for all the other countries too? I'm sorry but it just seems like your way of taking a shot at some American icons. I know your not the only one to do it too because others have made little "joking" stabs at American cars already but this thread is to nominate the "best American car" not bash on American cars. So Muscle cars don't do it for you, fine. BMWs don't do it for me but I don't bash them.

Sorry if I seem bitchy but I am sick and tired of this damn anti American attitude everyone has and I am especially tired of the anti American automotive bashing that has become so in style to do. If people don't like American cars keep it out of this thread because this is the "best American car thread" not the "bitch about American cars thread for the 1 millionth time because it already has been done to death." We get it most of the world hates us and most American teenagers don't like American cars because it's cool not to. We get it. I'm sorry young people are ignorant and the rest of the world is jealous. It's also not our fault our President is an arrogant fool who just goes around pissing other countries off. Get off our backs.
It's nice that your so easilly offended. The only part of his post where he put down American cars in general was the first sentence and that was clearly stated as being from his point of view and not fact and he didn't even say they wen't good. He was quite fair in the rest of the post, his comments about the Mustang, Jeep, C6 and Cadillac's were fair. Or was the fact that he gave thoes cars credit not noticable to you.

If you didn't like his opening comment who cares, if he said it was a fact that American car's can't rival other cars from around the world then sure pick him up on it. But he didn't, yet you decided to retaliate and say "the rest of the world is jealous", I can assure you, we're not. Nor are we as highly defensive of ourselves as you are (I'm speaking to you in particular not America as a whole). This thread doesn't need to turn into a boxing match, but in a thread where people are nominating the best car for xxx a place, someone's going to not have the same opinion as you or not rate cars in the same way as you. No one has said American car's suck, and hopefully no one will. So don't turn this into something it isn't.

Edit: Oh and my Australian car vote is the Monaro, I don't know much about Australian car's in general but I know the Monaro is a good car and has a following.
Wow, Neanderthal, have you seen the CRAP Renault has put out, how about ROVER or maybe even the pure inefficiency of the Spyker Laviollette?

The point of Muscle Cars was to further the technology, they proved that Curved Sheetmetal was possible for cheaper cars, they made HUGE engines for their times, and only now are we catching back up to their straight line supremacy, so this is the thread for the best american car, as others have said before me, Why don't you go drive your crappy Proton somewhere away from here, you have no taste in automobiles other than your own, I on the other hand would like to have innumerous cars from other countries while you put hate on american automoblies, well sir you Ess you see kay ess. (suck)

IMADreamer and I have opinions of our own, but if they are offensive toward some people, KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF! :banghead:

Please don't hate.
Koenigsegg CCR/CCX its top speed is higher then the Mclaren. Nuff said.
Yeah! And it only took 200 more BHP and a car that handles like rubbish to do so. At least the Maccy wasn't designed from the start to do so, as top speed contests are stupid competitions. It just happened to do so.
Yeah! And it only took 200 more BHP and a car that handles like rubbish to do so. At least the Maccy wasn't designed from the start to do so, as top speed contests are stupid competitions. It just happened to do so.

Speed goes up with the cube of horsepower, so any small advances in speed must be balanced by large jumps in power to reach that speed. Factor in different aerodynamics and weight, and +200HP is reasonable for a car that is faster than the F1. I also believe the car is supposed to handle quite well.

And since when was more horsepower a bad thing? :sly:
Holden Monaro for my Aussie car.

I nominate the Ford Mustang. First car that I saw as a child that really made me stop and stare.
Speed goes up with the square of horsepower


To increase speed by 3% (to 103%) requires a power increase of 9% (to 109% - 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03). To increase speed by 10% (to 110%) requires a power increase of 33% (1.1 x 1.1 x 1.1).
BOOOO CCX and Monaro!!!! Niky is the only other person who understands that magnificence of the Volvo P1800. Good job Niky. Sometimes Volvo's understated "personality" seems a bad thing, but at least we know it's better that way.
Monaro and 240 get my final votes. As for the American car...the best American car to me has to be the Corvette. It just revolutionized American sports cars in the say way the Datsun 240Z did for the Japanese. Cheap affordable power with great style presence. I like many other cars more than the Vette, I'm voting with my brain and not my emotion. If I were to vote with my emotion I'd pick the Mustang or Camaro. I will conceed that the Mustang also followed closely with the cheap affordable power like the Z...but the Vette is the winner.
...I've noticed that a lot of Europeans like the Mustang. Anyone care to explain why? Did Ford even sell the car in the UK at any point in time?
There's a cornucopia of people willing to import them.

I have a new nominee, the Rather Good Hudson Hornet!
...I've noticed that a lot of Europeans like the Mustang. Anyone care to explain why? Did Ford even sell the car in the UK at any point in time?
We get them imported but it may suprise a lot of American's, we genreally view the Mustang as iconic. I think a lot of it may be due to a: the 60's models were damn cool anyway, and b: touring car racing, they used to race over here and they were a great specatcle to watch. Then you have films like Bullitt, which was a very popular film over here, as was Steve McQueen so that didn't do the car's image any harm.
I quite like the Ford GT, to be honest.

I know retro is becoming a bit outdated, as fads are wont to do, but it's nice to see a supercar that doesn't follow the look that the rest of the crowd seems to follow. YES, the design was largely cribbed from the Lamborghini Miura originally, and YES, it is a clone, albeit a subtlely different one, of a previous design, but plonk it amongst the crowd of ducted/scooped superclones and it really does stand out (along with possibly the Veyron and, if you include it, the SLR).

So I nominate the Ford GT.
BOOOO CCX and Monaro!!!! Niky is the only other person who understands that magnificence of the Volvo P1800. Good job Niky. Sometimes Volvo's understated "personality" seems a bad thing, but at least we know it's better that way.

Hey! I voted for the P1800, too.

(But YSSMAN should add another vote to the Monaro.)