best cartoon show?

South Park
Family Guy
Dragon Ball, +Z, +GT
X-Men (shown in the '90s)


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I haven't seen Rocko in quite awhile, I don't think they run it anymore... shame.

Another one of my fav cartoons is the above mentioned Ren & Stimpy. True classic.
I would have to say that I have studied this topic before.

My favorites:
1. AHHHHHH! Real Monsters
2. Invader Zim
3. Beavis and Butthead
4. Cowboy Bebop
5. Trigun
6. Outlaw Star
7. Heman
8. GI Joe

Lots of choices, this I know, but heck they are all so gooooood. :D
Originally posted by M5Power
The top three are easily "Family Guy", "Futurama", and "The Simpsons". Nothing else is even worth watching...

Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, Space Ghost are also quite good. Check them out, bozo.


Aqua Teen Hunger starts in three minutes on Cartoon Network.
all time fav: bugs bunny (and related cartoons)

my current favs are the simpsons, king of the hill and bevis & butthead. also south park has some good episodes
Originally posted by toyomatt84
I would have to say that I have studied this topic before.

My favorites:
7. Heman
8. GI Joe

aahh yes heman and GI Joe. these were my favorites when i was like 3. i would get up at 5 am just so i could watch them every saturday. my parents would get up and come out and see me watching them and tell me i should still be in bed and then make me quit watching them :(
my all time favorite and probaly THE BEST comedy ever is


aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *%^*$*^%*%^^#$#^##%$@#$&^(@#^%^$ :lol::lol::lol::lol: sooooo funny!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Viper_Maniac
Early 2005 according to Fox.

Well... better than nothing.
I'll probably go through a set of Family Guy DVDs. I watch them just about every day. Just random episodes that I've already seen a dozen times.
Originally posted by gt4
aahh yes heman and GI Joe. these were my favorites when i was like 3. i would get up at 5 am just so i could watch them every saturday. my parents would get up and come out and see me watching them and tell me i should still be in bed and then make me quit watching them :(

I would definitely pull the sneak down after mom and dad left for bed trick to go watch my favorite cartoons. They caught me so many times, oh well, what are you going to do.
ROCKO! What an amazing show. I believe I have seen every episode. :P Wow, nostalgia a very dangerous day. :sigh:
Originally posted by ZZII
ROCKO! What an amazing show. I believe I have seen every episode. :P Wow, nostalgia a very dangerous day. :sigh:

ive seen ALMOST every episode i think:lol:
So have I. :)
Anybody seen the very first Rocko episode? It's very, very 'amateur-ish' (if that's a word) looking. The contrast in animation from the eps to come out later was huge, and character design was virtually non-existant at the time.
I believe the plot was something like the trash guys had finished their strike and there was garbage all over Rocko's house, so he begins gathering everything that was disposable to make it in time so that the guys take all the crap. This ep also marks the first appearance of E.A.R.L (the insane dog which escaped some lab)

Awesome. My encyclopedic knowledge of Rocko finally can be put to use. :lol: ;)

One of my favorite episodes would have to be "Jet Scream", where Rocko convinces Heffer to finally get on a plane. Hilarious stuff. 👍
I would hate to compare the new Doug to the old, because certain people like it different ways. I am one to watch the oldschool Nickelodeon version, because the voices were more true to me and I just can't picture Patty Mayonaise's new hair dew. Plus, Quail Man made more appearances.
Originally posted by toyomatt84
I would hate to compare the new Doug to the old, because certain people like it different ways. I am one to watch the oldschool Nickelodeon version, because the voices were more true to me and I just can't picture Patty Mayonaise's new hair dew. Plus, Quail Man made more appearances.

old school Doug rocks!👍
They're in order, 6 are anime, the rest are US stuff I beleive. :D

  1. King Of The Hill
  2. Excel Saga
  3. Futurama
  4. Final Fantasy Unlimited
  5. Slayers
  6. Simpsons
  7. Trigun
  8. Cowboy Bebop
  9. Puni Puni Poemi
  10. Darkwing Duck