best cartoon show?

Im a huge anime fan.

Best cartoon ever!...


Honorable mention though... just about every anime Im into :D

And "The Family Guy", that show is funny as hell.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab 2021, Space Ghost are also quite good. Check them out, bozo.


Aqua Teen Hunger starts in three minutes on Cartoon Network.

I agree. Space Ghost and Sealab 2021 are awesome. 👍 I've never seen Aqua Teen Hunger Force before, though.

Didn't they (or aren't they) going to release Space Ghost on DVD?
whoa, difficult question. I think the cartoons I have enjoyed the most are the ones directed by tex avery, including droopy, and the ones with "the wolf" :D those are THE cartoons. if these crazy stuff wouldnt have happened 60 years ago, there would not be Rocko ar beavers or anything like that. really tex avery invented cartoons as we know them today. of course, the looney tunes helped too :D and Im a big fan of both MGMs and Warner's toons. The pink panther was also a cool show, in its first, old times, when it was just the pink panther and the inspector. 👍
today, there's nothing better than the simpsons. there have been some fine shows, but the simpsons are kings.
well, that for USa (and other places) cartoons. from japan ( yeah, I like anime) there are loads of shows. I like rayearth, cowboy bebop, lain, flcl, evangelion, and the whole leiji matsumoto universe. for all the old timers, robotech also ****ingly ruled. that and, remember... mazinger :D


aah.. cool stuff, all that.
Originally posted by Sleek Stratos
I just remembered I used to get a kick out of "M.A.S.K". Ahh, good times...

Ahh yes. M.A.S.K. was awesome. I still have a couple VHS tapes of that show around somewhere. I'll have to see if I can find them one of these days. I also used to watch The New Adventures of Jonny Quest a lot. GI Joe was probably my favorite cartoon when I was little though.

I think the best cartoons have already been mentioned - Family Guy and The Simpsons.

Originally posted by gtavcfan
Beavis and Butthead Does anyone know if they are still on tv?


They were just on MTV2 about two weeks ago. I have the DVD collection. I watch them from time to time.
Originally posted by Sleek Stratos
So have I. :)
Anybody seen the very first Rocko episode? It's very, very 'amateur-ish' (if that's a word) looking. The contrast in animation from the eps to come out later was huge, and character design was virtually non-existant at the time.
I believe the plot was something like the trash guys had finished their strike and there was garbage all over Rocko's house, so he begins gathering everything that was disposable to make it in time so that the guys take all the crap. This ep also marks the first appearance of E.A.R.L (the insane dog which escaped some lab)

Awesome. My encyclopedic knowledge of Rocko finally can be put to use. :lol: ;)

One of my favorite episodes would have to be "Jet Scream", where Rocko convinces Heffer to finally get on a plane. Hilarious stuff. 👍

I love the episode where Philbert has Rocko and Heffer take care of his bird and then Heffer jumps on the couch and sits on the bird. OMG, I laughed for hours; the expression on Heffers face is hilarious:lol:

BTW: They OCCASIONALY show episodes of it, but VERY rarely
Originally posted by Solid Lifters
The Speed Channel is now showing episodes of Speed Racer.

Life is good. :)

im 15 so i dont think i was around when they were originally aired...but its the only cartoon i watch so i guess its my favourite
Even when I was a kid I couldn't cope with Speed Racer. Needless to say, nowadays you'd have to pay me to watch it, of course I would decline.
Originally posted by shopping_carts_
im 15 so i dont think i was around when they were originally aired...but its the only cartoon i watch so i guess its my favourite

oh and let me restate that, its the only cartoon i can stand to watch
Originally posted by Sleek Stratos
Even when I was a kid I couldn't cope with Speed Racer. Needless to say, nowadays you'd have to pay me to watch it, of course I would decline.

I liked Speed Race when I was a little kid. I can honestly say, I don't care for it that much anymore, but I'll till watch an episode from time to time. The stuff that scared the crap out of me, now seems silly. Like the episode with the piranha. As a little kid, seeing that race car driver crash, then get eaten to the bone, scared the crap out of me and caused some bad dreams that I still remember today. That same episode was aired about two weeks ago, and it made me laugh.
Sorry to throw the converstion off, but I'm just wondering....Does anyone watch Pokemon anymore?
I use to watch it from 1996, until early 2000. To me the show sucks, instead the only cartoon I watch very often is Beavis and Butt-Head.
1. Dragonball Z
2. Dragonball GT
3. Gundam Wing
4. G Gundam
5. Dragonball
6. Homestar Runner
7. Recess
8. The Weekenders
9. The Simpsons