Best movie ever

  • Thread starter Blake
where eagles dare.
1st fast and furious
Big Fish

So many good movies and not remembering all....
Taxi Driver
Field of Dreams
The Shining
4 Brothers
Open Range
Drive (2011)
No Country for Old Men

I'm probably forgetting a few but those are some notables that I've seen multiple times (save for Drive).
um, way to Monty Python a thread...

but I got to like a 10 year old post by Rue

and nobody took mine yet, so

Conan the mother****ing Barbarian!
Goodfellas (ages like a fine wine for me)
Empire strikes back
Pulp fiction
Forrest gump
Braveheart (can be a bit of a drag though)
Fight club
Rocky 1

What can I say, I was born in 93 so most of my favourites aren't even 20 years old.
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Off the top of my head....

Shawshank Redemption.
The Blues Brothers.
Prometheus...not that it's the best movie ever but I really enjoyed it.

Edit: "The Boy In The Striped Pajamas". Saw it a couple weeks ago, it's up there in my top 5
Have you watched it after becoming an adult? It holds up better than many movies, but not as well as you'd like.
I just chose the first thing that came into my head honestly. I can't really think of a best movie.
The Incredibles
Fast and Furious 6
2 Fast 2 Furious
Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift
Iron Man 2
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Pacific Rim
This is actually the "best" movie ever thread. I think you're looking for "worst".
To be fair, The Incredibles is actually a very good film, and Pacific Rim was still fun, even if it disappointed massively with its failure to live up to the promise it held.
To be fair, The Incredibles is actually a very good film, and Pacific Rim was still fun, even if it disappointed massively with its failure to live up to the promise it held.

Yea the Incredibles is solid - it was collateral damage for the joke.
It should be a criminal offence to stick The Incredibles and Iron Man 2 together on that list*. Since one of them is exceptionally good, and the other is Iron Man 2.

*Same goes for a 'worst movies' list.
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As a big time film buff, I can't pick just one, especially with so many different genres. I'll try and narrow it down to like 10 or so (no order)...

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World
The Ten Commandments
Blade Runner
Pulp Fiction
The Shining
The Shawshank Redemption
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Oh Hell, here's a link to my top 30 at IMDB...
It should be a criminal offence to stick The Incredibles and Iron Man 2 together on that list*. Since one of them is exceptionally good, and the other is Iron Man 2.

*Same goes for a 'worst movies' list.
:grumpy: Iron Man 2 is a pretty good, fun movie, please consider directing your disdain elsewhere, like Transformers 2.
Anyway, my favourite movies? I have no idea, I've never listed them before so I'll just throw together some movies that I like from the top of my head, not including various other great movies people have listed above recently
  • The Matrix
  • Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  • The Princess Bride
  • To Kill a Mockingbird
  • The Princess Bride
  • Terminator 2
  • Predator
  • Commando (:lol: Maybe)
  • Django Unchained
  • Ong Bak
And various others.