Lol having excessive HP isn't cheating. If anything it just proves that the individual doesn't live by their PS2.
"Lol" I will take up this discussion, as I am certainly a proponent of underdog racing versus overkill racing.
Having excessive horsepower
is cheating. If you have tons more power than the Ai, and proclaim yourself winner of every race while not actually working on your skills, you are a cheater, especially if you then start saying how much the Ai "sucks". There is actually nothing wrong with being a cheater, as Gran Turismo really is just a game at the end of the day. But be
honest about it. If you're cheating, at least fess up and admit it. I have cheated Mission 34, for instance.
In real-life racing, if you were to enter some race with
hundreds more horsepower than your competition, or sometimes even slightly more, you would be forced to detune. If you defied this ruling, your team would be fined or banned. Those who have a passion for racing (as a spectator or a driver) understand there's a reason for this, and will try to mirror this in their game.
If some one can win an insanely difficult race with a very low power, cheap car it just shows they have a lil bit too much time on their hands. Real life skills are fine, but being a master at a game controller is unhealthy.
Ha! I wish I had a little too much time on my hands!

I work, though, and when I'm not at work, I do other things (other than gaming, that is) although lately I have been gaming more than usual 'cause of GT5. I'm not gonna go there, as I don't have to prove anything to you or anyone else.
On the contrary, I find that when I do start gaming, I want it to be as fulfilling and exciting as possible. I can't speak for others here, but that's how I view it. I don't wanna be bored by my videogame. 🤷 I am a recovering drug addict and gaming is one heck of a substitute for what I used to do, if that makes any sense.
I realize not everyone takes gaming as serious as I do, but you shouldn't assume all of us who actually
care about our gaming experiences have no life, or have "too much time" on their hands. Thank you and goodbye.