Thanks this is great but the ocd everything is still half off 0mileagebso I gt.the puegot 205 evolution for 1mill and the station rally for 900000 I have other rally cars too
i have Subaru rally 03 and 01 prototype ,lance evolution super rally,old pajero rally, lancer gsr rally, 2 station rally cars,puegot 205evolution 2 rally,station rally, puegot 206 rally,
Lol.sorry. starion word.correction that car is amazing handles too well its.kinda.freaky but the puegot 205 evo2 is the fastest I have.and I tune all of my cars oil change and. turbo
Srry I have 2 stratos rally cars I have 1 in borrow I'm disappointed that I win 2 but no joke my puegot is probably t&e fastest normal rally car 910kg and 507 HP still.gotta break it in !!
iI beat a delta s4 tuned and a rs2000 tuned