This should end this thread:
To embed a Youtube video, you need to wrap the tags around either copy the "embed" code or the part at the end of the URL that comes after the "v="(as I've done in the quote box). I know that it isn't intuitive, but it should be pretty clear when there's just a white box where your video should be.
On the subject of the car's sound, that is an amazing exhaust note. However, there was another post much earlier in the thread that also contained an [/thread], and interestingly, the sound is very similar. In my opinion, though, because it revs higher, it's a somewhat better sound, and in fact the best in the thread.
Also, I have a contribution for the thread. I don't think it's appeared in this thread before, but I apologize if it is a repost or if everyone has already seen it. The main point of the video is the ridiculous screaming gearbox, but I think it ruins what would be a lovely engine sound by totally drowning it out. You can hear the engine when the driver revs it right before the launch.
Oddly, as much as I like this thread (I really love listening to great engine sounds like the ones above, the BRM V16, and many others), my computer doesn't. Viewing 100 posts per page, which I can do because I was given premium for a month, loading the page takes a long time, and everything on the computer slows down because doing so apparently takes so much processing power. Maybe it's because of all the embedded videos.