I had a quite complete answer to Neon's post, but accidently hit the "back" button on my keyboard, losing all I've typed. UGH!!! That happens a lot since we've updated the site, and that wasn't the case before.

OK, let's start this all over again...
The 'blue' states will fall in line behind the President. They will state their pieces, and congress will debate and decide and coompromise as it always does - that's the process. Just because they went for Kerry doesn't mean they've seceded from the Union. If they did, the rebellion would be treated as such. But it's not even remotely likely.
I was speaking specifically of security issues, and my guess is that many, if not all of the blue states are not supporting the war in Iraq. I recall nation-wide polls from this year that stated that a majority of Americans thought that the war in Iraq was a mistake. So I think in this regard, Blue states may fall in line behind Bush because there's no other options, other than rebellion.
That's the main thing I think that we (and a lot of other countries) have in commun with the blue states. We don't care much about the social or economic policies you chose for yourselves.
Of course it carries value. I never said that Canada should be crucified for one failing.
I'm glad to hear this (though I don't agree that not sending troop in Iraq should be seen as a failure), I thought that's what you were implying from what you said in your previous post.
The cooperation or lack thereof is weighed and judged.
The US is expected to live by the results of its actions. That's eminently fair. But so should every other group of people on the planet.
I totally agree with you on this. I just don't see any of our choices so far that would deserve any drawbacks from the US.
When did I say Canada deserved a spanking? All I said is that Canada should expect her choices to have an impact on her relationship with the US. Sometimes that imapct will be good, sometimes bad. Just like anybody else's.
Again, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding and I agree with you that our choices surely have an impact on our relationship.
But you can't have your cake - calling America a nation of warmongering idiots - and eat it too - expecting us to turn a deaf ear and continue having the same relationship we have in the past.
Well, Idiocy is easy to find everywhere and we're far from immune to it. Still I don't recall any post I've made here where I called americans Idiots, and if you point me one that did state something like it, I'll apologize. Sure there are Wellyrns or, erm, Viper Zeros
* everywhere, but you can't hold an entire nation responsible for what they're saying.
My critics so far have been strictly pointed at Bush's administration, and their foreign policies, nothing about the american people. At worst, I may find it hard to figure why a majority of Americans still voted for him, but I never thought they were idiots. In fact I'm currently having quite more harsh thoughts about Kerry for losing this campaign to Bush than those who voted for him. And I'll be glad to discuss what's wrong with my own government, and not to take personnaly critism for those I voted for.
*Note, interestingly, the two simultaneous posts...
Funny avatar Neon, btw