I had forgotten about this thread.
Here comes a long one about today’s fun stuff...for me...so far
The first one was when I was in my Akula (in stealthmode of course

), to hunt some bounties.
The first one I came across was ~rank 250, driving straight towards a soloplaying lowrank MC-president (around rank 30-40), trying to sell some goods. My plan was to kill 2 birds with one stone. Save the MC-guy, and get the bounty (yes, I’m that kind...sometimes

). I wasn’t able to get there in time to keep the MC-guy and his van alive, but I got to the Lombank building, killed the guy to get the bounty, and flew off to my nightclub in Vespucci.
When I spawn inside my club, I get a text from mr Bounty, simply asking me “Why U do dat?”

I answered something like “If you’re going after easy kills/killing random lowlevels, I’m going after you.” I bring up the map and see mr Bounty coming down towards me...by road. I’m thinking that I should get airborne as soon as possible, so I exit my club. But when I spawn outside, I see the pop up saying “XXX left.”
I hope that he got disconnected or had to leave anyway, cause I hope noone can be that much of a coward in GTA.
The second one was even funnier (to me).
I’m sitting in my Savage on top of the Maze bank building waiting for a crate battle to start, and notice a Deluxo coming towards me. Circling around the building. I’m guessing he’s coming for me, so I get airborne just as he reaches my altitude.
Now, unless I’m actively hunting, I almost always keep my Savage/Deluxo/Akula/whatever in machinegun mode. That way I won’t lock on to people and make them attack me for no reason. The sound you hear when someone lock onto you makes people shoot, and I’m fine with that. I do the same thing. I’m also just a fraction of a second away from homingmissile-mode.
Of course, he locks onto me, I switch mode, he shoots, I shoot, explosions occur, and we die. I got the most expensive part since he was in a Deluxo, but whatever.
We respawn, and he’s trying to kill me again. I called my Deluxo and slipped away into my office, because I have to visit the bathroom (IRL).
When I come back, I see him on Vespucci beach. Just within range from the roof of my Lombank office. Time for payback

(remember, he shot at me first)
Up on the roof, looking through my scope, I realize that he’s stuck with his supplyvan (he was in an MC this whole time). Obviously, I kill him. And then again. And again. And another 3 times until he gets the van unstuck. Since I have my Deluxo parked on the roof, I chase him down and blow up the supplies along with him.
Back to the office, with my Deluxo parked on the roof. He comes after me. Circling around the office, and destroys the Deluxo.
Whatever. I just call Mors, he pays for it. We’re both happy. Or at least I am

The entire time that he’s circling my office, off radar of course, I watch him on the tv. Telling him “that’s not a good hiding spot”. He moves. I tell him that it’s better to hide higher up than I am. He comes back on the radar, and leaves.
Then follows a period of me following him in passive. Doing nothing. Not popping out of it to kill him, just following. I think we spent at least 15 minutes flying/driving around.
Then I get bored. So I leave him, steal a car off the street and starts to head north. Just as I’m about to pass Madrazo’s place, a pop up pops up, notifying me that an MC is selling some stuff.
Yes. It’s Mr Iwannadie.

So a quick call to Pegasus, and off to Sandy Shores to pick up my Savage.
And lucky for me, and not so lucky for him, he comes up the same highway that I just left. Quick off the radar, and just as he drives across the grass between Madrazo’s place, Bolingbroke and the construction site, he’s greeted with a hailstorm of explosive bullets from my Savage, ending both him and his sale

And now I’m determined. He WILL quit this lobby. Off to my nearby facility at the wind farm to bring out my Avenger.
When I spawn inside, I get a text where he asks me what my problem is with him. So I just tell him the truth. That if he hadn’t fired at me at the Maze bankbuilding for no reason, I would’ve left him alone. He basically brought this to himself. After my first message, waiting to be able to send the rest of my message, I get an invite to his MC. I send him the second, and last, part of my message and I’m just about to accept his invite (I don’t mind playing with morons, I do it regularly

) when he leaves

After some laughing, I leave my facility to make some cash. I notice that what used to be a lobby with 25-30 people is down to 6 people. 3 in the same organization, me and 2 soloplayers.
I pause to see where everyone is, and all 3 that are in the same organization is paused.
Up with the phone to text the CEO to not worry. That I’m not going to go after anyone in the lobby. That’s when I get the notification that says that people are voting to kick me and that I should beh....”You’ve been kicked”
Which was great, because I was getting hungry, and that gave me an incentive to log off and go eat.