better calculator?

  • Thread starter Samareye
You guys with your little calculators and such crack me up. Not smart enough, or just to damn lazy to do it with your brain. And I never said I was a god or holy, matter of fact I even stated that I was no tuning ace. Just said that I could probably make a better tune my way as opposed to punching in a bunch of numbers into a calculator and hoping for the best. And OPPOSITELOCK, your on my Christmas list bro, a pair of nerd classes and a pocket protector coming your way to go along with your calculator. Merry Christmas bro.

I am not smart enough either. What do I get for christmas oh great one?

(BTW a word to the wise, when someone asks for someone to help, it is normally customary to give a little help. Or point them in the right direction where they might get some help. Dont just tell them how smart you are or how dumb they are.)

(Ooops, sorry just realised you are on the wrong side of the pond. Maybe it does not work that way over there.)
^This guy has it right too.

I've tested Highlandor's method myself, and while I don't entirely agree with it, it does work to some extent for a basis... Then again so does simply eyeballing it. (His theory is based around weight distribution; set the springs to that end's weight % within their range. i.e. a car with 50/50 weight distribution and spring rate ranges front/rear of 3.0-15.0 would wind up with 9.0/9.0 spring rates as a basis, 60/40 would get 10.2/4.8, etc. Take max spring rate, subtract min spring rate, multiply by decimal form of that end's weight % (0.60=60%).

The only thing that can truly be calculated is gear ratios... And even then there's still some footwork needed.

Correct....apart from one vital thing - roll bars...

My theory is as RJsaid, but you have to match the roll bars to the strength of the springs (but reverse the roll bars). So if you do the above and "9.0" = 66% 'strenght, you need roll bars on 33% etc etc....

The rest is up to you.

Agreed with everyone that says there is no calculator - correct, because the amount of variables you need to take into consideration (that are avalable) on GT5 are so many, it's imposible to create any kind of tune from scratch for every eventuality.

This is why you can only have a starter or basis "calculator", then you have to tweak from there, individually.

Even then, you won't always have a perfect setup, but you can have something that fundamentally "works" in most situations.

It's subjective too - what someone calls a "setup" could be anything from a rough "balanced" tune to a "perfect" tune.

As mentioned above - nothing beats experience though 👍

You guys with your little calculators and such crack me up. Not smart enough, or just to damn lazy to do it with your brain. And I never said I was a god or holy, matter of fact I even stated that I was no tuning ace. Just said that I could probably make a better tune my way as opposed to punching in a bunch of numbers into a calculator and hoping for the best. And OPPOSITELOCK, your on my Christmas list bro, a pair of nerd classes and a pocket protector coming your way to go along with your calculator. Merry Christmas bro.

Chill out brah. Mocking people for playing a computer game a particular way makes you look foolish...

If you need any testing please send a PM my way.

I am willing to help.

I will do so. I am going to need tunes added to the database from the tuners... thats the table I am working with now (not so easy as I need to look over what the tuners are putting out there and make it work with my carlist table, my parts table and my user table)

That will be a day or 2 to design... Then to build the website.... ugh... lol

Who knows, maybe I will have my own sticky soon on this forum ;)
I will do so. I am going to need tunes added to the database from the tuners... thats the table I am working with now (not so easy as I need to look over what the tuners are putting out there and make it work with my carlist table, my parts table and my user table)

That will be a day or 2 to design... Then to build the website.... ugh... lol

Who knows, maybe I will have my own sticky soon on this forum ;)

I have most of my tunes stored in excel. I have added 41 new ones that are not currently in excel, but could be added. Would you like copies of the excel sheets to mess around with? Let me know an email address to send to?
I have most of my tunes stored in excel. I have added 41 new ones that are not currently in excel, but could be added. Would you like copies of the excel sheets to mess around with? Let me know an email address to send to?

I dont think that will work with what I have.... I think the tunes will have to be manually entered. The plan was only about 4 tables but I got done building it and I have 11 tables now.

The power of this is I can in the future pull all of one item for a car and be able to make mix/match tunes

tunes - links all the tables below
body - contains body/brakes/tires tunes
drivetrain - drivetrain settings
engine - engine and induction settings
exhaust - exhaust setting
intake - intake settings
suspension - suspension settings
transmission - transmission settings

(think 1 tune requires 11 different xls sheets within one xls file and I know at least 2 more tables will be added)

I have the username/car type on each of the settings so I could find trends and other information once it builds up.

So at the end of the day, I think each of you tuners will have to input your data into my site. At least it makes it easier to find information. Also, once I finish this, it should be easily ported to GT6 though that would have a different setup slightly but I should be able to handle that. The first time is the ***** ... lol... I had a hard time getting the xls sheet to work for the car database and I modeled my database like the xls sheet...
You guys with your little calculators and such crack me up. Not smart enough, or just to damn lazy to do it with your brain. And I never said I was a god or holy, matter of fact I even stated that I was no tuning ace. Just said that I could probably make a better tune my way as opposed to punching in a bunch of numbers into a calculator and hoping for the best. And OPPOSITELOCK, your on my Christmas list bro, a pair of nerd classes and a pocket protector coming your way to go along with your calculator. Merry Christmas bro.

I can't help it, when I read this to myself I hear Biff Tannen's voice from Back to the Future. Quite possibly the most unintentionally hilarious attempt at e-thuggery I've ever encountered.

Chill out brah. Mocking people for playing a computer game a particular way makes you look foolish...


LOL, the ones that look foolish are the ones going all out with their calculators and numerical equations just to play a damn game. They are making it far more complicated than it needs to be. And for the guy that said I don't help people, if you bothered to read the whole thread, I did help. I pointed the OP to two people that could help them get started tuning cars. After that, just gave my opinion on the use of calculators. If you can't handle what I have to say, well I don't know what to tell ya.
LOL, the ones that look foolish are the ones going all out with their calculators and numerical equations just to play a damn game.
The game already knows the exact limitations of 'grip' and what x*y*z have to be to obtain it. Eventually someone will solve that equation. It won't be me, because I don't care, nor am I smart enough. But you would have to be the most ignorant person in GT5, to downplay that potential.
Chill out brah. Mocking people for playing a computer game a particular way makes you look foolish...

Sometimes or usually yes, sometimes no - i.e team killers (FPS's), rammers (GT), sandbaggers (Pro Evo - FIFA) deserve mockery at least, burning at the stake at worst.

Why should people who pay good money to play games have their experience spoilt or ruined by these mindless, selfish idiots..??

For the record, I use a calculator for my GT5 setups 👍

Not because I think it's the best way for setups, but because I'm lazy, it works for me and being part of the rave generation left a hole where my math lessons were once stored :lol:

The game already knows the exact limitations of 'grip' and what x*y*z have to be to obtain it. Eventually someone will solve that equation. It won't be me, because I don't care, nor am I smart enough. But you would have to be the most ignorant person in GT5, to downplay that potential.

I agree with this - GT5 is a video game, not real life. So it's some kind of calculation, programme, code or "something" withiin GT5 that determines when the tyres 'give way' and when they 'stick' or work to maxmum effciency.

Sure, it's probably complicated with many factors involved, but considering mathematical equations in other area's of life that seem ludicrously longwinded and complicated - GT5's grip / handling "programme" could be broken if it was deemed important enough, but as it's just a video game, I think it's going to be a while for that to happen.

I think the guys trying to work out things like "the big bang" etc etc are probably not as concerned about GT5 as what we are, so it's probably safe for a while.

Someone had to write the physics for GT5's handling, if someone makes it somene else is gonna break it - eventually.


P.S. the way you got that Enzo going Adrenalin, I would say you're pretty smart...

Do you take bribes (for setups) perchance?!?!

P.S. the way you got that Enzo going Adrenalin, I would say you're pretty smart...

Do you take bribes (for setups) perchance?!?!


The Enzo is fun, because most people hate it, and far more think it's slow. So it's fun to use and turn some heads.

Until you had asked, I had no idea what tune was on my Enzo, so I just checked. It's a slightly modified version of CSLACR's Enzo. I raised the rear ride height to 0, and rear toe to -0.25, LSD Accel to 20, rear brake balance to 8 and then my own transmission settings. I also did not install any aero parts. The car understeers in it's stock form, so why anyone adds rear aero to the car is beyond me. It also saves you a handful of PP to use for power.

You might be more interested in the results I found here, but these are offline tests, so take that for what it's worth. Maybe sometime this month I'll take a look back at the Enzo, but so many people have already tuned it, I didn't see the need to invest the amount of time I do to a personal tune.
The game already knows the exact limitations of 'grip' and what x*y*z have to be to obtain it. Eventually someone will solve that equation. It won't be me, because I don't care, nor am I smart enough. But you would have to be the most ignorant person in GT5, to downplay that potential.

Not downplaying the potential ADRENALINE, but this is just a game and people are trying to make it out to be rocket science, which is my whole point. Why? Why do people have to make it more complicated. I could see if there was more at stake, but its just a damn game. I see no need to go into all these mathmatical equations just to tune a car in this game. Is it really worth it? Are you gaining any competitive advantage for all that work your putting into those calculators? NO, so why do it? Having a hard time understanding the reason for making a game more complicated than it was meant to be. If it was meant to be like that, then PD would have included a calculator with the game.
Not downplaying the potential ADRENALINE, but this is just a game and people are trying to make it out to be rocket science, which is my whole point. Why? Why do people have to make it more complicated. I could see if there was more at stake, but its just a damn game. I see no need to go into all these mathmatical equations just to tune a car in this game. Is it really worth it? Are you gaining any competitive advantage for all that work your putting into those calculators? NO, so why do it? Having a hard time understanding the reason for making a game more complicated than it was meant to be. If it was meant to be like that, then PD would have included a calculator with the game.

Just because it's complicated to you, doesn't mean it is to others. Why do you waste months tweaking your NASCAR to shave off .01 off of your solo lap time? It's a complete waste. You never run by yourself in a real race, draft is all that matters, you just follow each other in a line, running in circles, waiting for the last lap to try and drag race to the finish line. It's just a game, you should log on, use the default setup and not complicate things, just enjoy the race, because it's just a game. Right?

What I just said, is ignorant, and I'm sure you have 100 reasons why none of it is true or accurate. Which is the point, because the above statements are exactly how you appear to every other person in this thread, when you post your BS about these calculators.

Pull your head out of your ***. You push yourself, you challenge yourself, because to you the end result justifies all the work/time you put in. You want to be the best, you want to be the fastest, you want to win. Just because you aren't smart enough to comprehend how these calculators benefit the creators, or the people who use them, doesn't mean that the benefit doesn't exist, it just means the benefits don't apply to you.
Just because it's complicated to you, doesn't mean it is to others. Why do you waste months tweaking your NASCAR to shave off .01 off of your solo lap time? It's a complete waste. You never run by yourself in a real race, draft is all that matters, you just follow each other in a line, running in circles, waiting for the last lap to try and drag race to the finish line. It's just a game, you should log on, use the default setup and not complicate things, just enjoy the race, because it's just a game. Right?

What I just said, is ignorant, and I'm sure you have 100 reasons why none of it is true or accurate. Which is the point, because the above statements are exactly how you appear to every other person in this thread, when you post your BS about these calculators.

Pull your head out of your ***. You push yourself, you challenge yourself, because to you the end result justifies all the work/time you put in. You want to be the best, you want to be the fastest, you want to win. Just because you aren't smart enough to comprehend how these calculators benefit the creators, or the people who use them, doesn't mean that the benefit doesn't exist, it just means the benefits don't apply to you.

Whatever bro, don't have time to listen to your excuses as to why a calculator is needed for a simple game. I've got more important things to do than argue with you. I've gave my opinion so I see no need to carry this any further. Next you'll be criticising me about my grammar and spelling. That seems to be what you like to do because thats all you got. I'm out, argue with someone else.
KB18FAN, whats your issue with calculators, I myself have a wife, kids and a full time job which stops me spending the many laborious hours tuning a car to perfection like you do, I buy a car and want to drive it, 90% of my time on GT5 is spent just driving around in practice or arcade mode as I rarely have time to race so spending a few minutes getting the car to drive nicely is good enough for me.

The game doesn't equal real life tuning, so I've no intention on learning how to tune in the game. PD can at any point in future updates adjust the code, then all your hours tuning are lost just to relearn what they've altered.

As I said I don't have time to play gt5 but for me its a break from reality, ive got to thank Opposite lock and RDAardvark for getting me extra time to enjoy the game.
Pull your head out of your ***. You push yourself, you challenge yourself, because to you the end result justifies all the work/time you put in. You want to be the best, you want to be the fastest, you want to win. Just because you aren't smart enough to comprehend how these calculators benefit the creators, or the people who use them, doesn't mean that the benefit doesn't exist, it just means the benefits don't apply to you.

Keep it civil please and keep your criticism away from the person and directed only at the argument. 👍
Sometimes or usually yes, sometimes no - i.e team killers (FPS's), rammers (GT), sandbaggers (Pro Evo - FIFA) deserve mockery at least, burning at the stake at worst.

Why should people who pay good money to play games have their experience spoilt or ruined by these mindless, selfish idiots..??

For the record, I use a calculator for my GT5 setups 👍

Not because I think it's the best way for setups, but because I'm lazy, it works for me and being part of the rave generation left a hole where my math lessons were once stored :lol:


I prefer to school those types of people on the field of contest. Back when I was still gaming on my PC, I enjoyed nothing more than breaking out of spawns besieged by campers or hunting down snipers and shanking them between the shoulder blades. I derived a lot of satisfaction from the walls of abusive text. Same goes for rammers. Hunt them down, humble them and return to your gaming. Either that, or find another room to play in.

There are ways of dealing with those sorts of people. Head on, or avoid. The people I have problems with are those that think it's acceptable to come onto places like this and accuse people of being idiots, noobs or stupid because they use driving line, ABS, calculators or spend most of their time racing offline or in private lobbies. I don't see how it's any of their business how I play my game, as long as I'm not impacting on someone else, no??

Anyway this is all decidedly off topic. I have put together a spreadsheet that uses the first part of the Highlandor Principle, balancing springs in relation to weight and its distribution. I then do a couple of other things to the results before I apply them to a car as a starting base. It's simple and easy to use, but obviously not flawless. I'm not on board with the principle behind dampers and ARBs, but I'm prepared to be persuaded and it would be very easy to add columns to incorporate them. If you're interested in making an input, PM me, I'm sure I can Google Docs what I've done so far, refine it and then hand it over to the community. It'd be a few days before I could dedicate some time to this, as I'm fighting off the inevitable end of year chaos at work...

There are a few 'better calculators', here they are:

1. your own brain
2. personal experience
3. there is no good tuning calculator
4. can't you just learn as you go?

Use your savvy man! :sly:
KB18FAN, whats your issue with calculators, I myself have a wife, kids and a full time job which stops me spending the many laborious hours tuning a car to perfection like you do, I buy a car and want to drive it, 90% of my time on GT5 is spent just driving around in practice or arcade mode as I rarely have time to race so spending a few minutes getting the car to drive nicely is good enough for me.

The game doesn't equal real life tuning, so I've no intention on learning how to tune in the game. PD can at any point in future updates adjust the code, then all your hours tuning are lost just to relearn what they've altered.

As I said I don't have time to play gt5 but for me its a break from reality, ive got to thank Opposite lock and RDAardvark for getting me extra time to enjoy the game.

Look, I have already expressed my opinion about the use of calculators in a simple game. Simply put, just feel like there is no need for them just to play a simple game. Its not rocket science. And if your saying I have no life, your wrong bro. Just unfortunately laid-off right now so I have a little more extra time than a working person. I'm no tuning ace but it only takes me a few hours, if that, to tune a car and make it competitive. Not days or weeks like your suggesting. Yes, I may go back and tweek a tune just for something to do or out of curiosity to see if I can get it better. But normally, around an hour or so and I've got a race ready car. Again, not a tuning god, ace, elitist, or whatever else. Just simply know how to tune a car according to this game. I just feel that alot of people on here are making this game out to be far more compicated than it really is with all their data and number crunching. But if you feel the need to use a calculator, go ahead, I just feel there is no need for it. Just my opinion, like it or not.
I'm not on board with the principle behind dampers and ARBs, but I'm prepared to be persuaded and it would be very easy to add columns to incorporate them.

Dampers not essential, this is why I never mentioned dampers in my first post quoting the "weight distribution theory" - roll bars, yes, not just essential, but vital IMO, especially if you're setting up car(s) for different situaitons in a short period of time.

I tend to race a wide diversity of cars (online series / events), and I like to have as many cars to choose from as possible, some series I might have 40+ cars to choose from, other people only use 1 in the same situation.

It normally takes a tweak of +1 or -1 on the roll bars from the initial calculation to get things right, this is dependant on a number of variables:

1) It's diffucult to divide '7' evenly, obviously 50% of 7 is 3.5, but you can only have roll bars on 3 or 4 - so a 'tweak' will be required.

2) Driving styles, some guys like it 'loose' others 'planted'

3) Sterring sensitivity settings - the difference between a DS3 (or pad in general) on default and max WILL make or break a setup.

If someone has a setup using steering sensitivity on say 2, then a guy using (that setup) with thier sensitivty on max will find the setup almost useless.

I've seen this time and time again.

This can also be applied to guys with wheels, someone using a 900 degree wheel compared to somone who only likes to turn a wheel 45 degrees each way - again, one setup for both, I don't think it's going to happen to be honest. Well, maybe for some cars in some situations, but look at all the different potential situations on GT5 and think this is unlikely.

Best of luck.

You guys with your little calculators and such crack me up. Not smart enough, or just to damn lazy to do it with your brain. And I never said I was a god or holy, matter of fact I even stated that I was no tuning ace. Just said that I could probably make a better tune my way as opposed to punching in a bunch of numbers into a calculator and hoping for the best. And OPPOSITELOCK, your on my Christmas list bro, a pair of nerd classes and a pocket protector coming your way to go along with your calculator. Merry Christmas bro.

After reading the rest of this thread, KB18FAN you should also be reminded that veiled insults will not be looked upon kindly by staff. If you want to express your opinion, express your opinion. Do not confuse that with putting down others.

Consider this a public warning, everyone. Namecalling is offside.
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After reading the rest of this thread, KB18FAN you should also be reminded that veiled insults will not be looked upon kindly by staff. If you want to express your opinion, express your opinion. Do not confuse that with putting down others. Consider this a public warning.

You can give ME a publc warning for that, but someone else does it to me and all they get is a slap on the wrist, give me a break. Guess it all depends on who you are around here. Furthermore, maybe you should have sent me a pm telling me I was being too harsh for this forum instead of trying to belittle me in front of everyone. Not very good moderation ethics if you ask me.
Back to the topic....

The calculators are great for those who dont want to spend a good deal of time learning how to tune too tune a couple cars, or just dont have the time to learn. Both calculators have their following for good reason, they work to some degree. I think its a genius idea for the casual player who wants to just drive his or her dream car. Does making your own tunes result in faster cars? For the most part yes, but not everyone wants to put in the time. Now for which calculator is better is pure personal opinion, you'll have try them out and find which one suits you.
I have wondered how good the calculators are and I have decided to test them when I get some time and motivation to do it. I will choose a car, apply different tunes and compare; both speed and feel.

I will test:

1. A close to stock setup
2. A "Generic" tune
3. default values tune
4. calculator built tunes
5. A hand built tune
I have wondered how good the calculators are and I have decided to test them when I get some time and motivation to do it. I will choose a car, apply different tunes and compare; both speed and feel.

I will test:

1. A close to stock setup
2. A "Generic" tune
3. default values tune
4. calculator built tunes
5. A hand built tune

This sounds like a good idea. Should be interesting. 👍
ADRENALIN, don't start your crap with me bro, its getting old, seriously. I came here to apologise to anyone who I may have offended with my previous posts. Sometimes I get a little carried away when expressing my opinions or believes. So, again, I apologise.
You owe no apology to me, as you've done nothing to directly offend me. My question is out of pure curiosity.