better calculator?

  • Thread starter Samareye
I have wondered how good the calculators are and I have decided to test them when I get some time and motivation to do it. I will choose a car, apply different tunes and compare; both speed and feel.

I will test:

1. A close to stock setup
2. A "Generic" tune
3. default values tune
4. calculator built tunes
5. A hand built tune

Agreed, good idea - but some variables you need to consider:

1) Are you testing online or offline (if online - free run or race)
2) I'm sorry, but 1 car is not reflective, many of there "calculators" are sort of generic, they're desgined to help guys setup many cars "quicker" with a basic setup than norma tuning.

Judging these on one car is a little unfair - there's no way a "calculator" tune is going to beat "experience".
3) It's not just about lap time, it's about how a car feels, how well balanced it is generally, tyre wear too.

Here's an example:

Some friends were in a 6500p "GT" class, they were using their own setups, they then dialled in a setup using weight distribution.

They were about 1 sec per lap slower at first, but throughout the tyre "life" they were more consistent in their lap times and made less mistakes.

So, in fact, they ended up faster overall albiet being slower at the start.

Setups are very subjective and what's "good" about a setup can vary hugely, depending on many variables - i.e. the needs of wants of the driver, online (free run or race) /offline, what track, race distance, driving style, steering sensitivty settings etc etc etc

Either way, best of luck with your experiment 👍

Not knocking you, just trying to help you get some results that are valid and accurate and not ones that leave you open to getting shot to pieces, that's all.

Good luck and well done for trying / doing this 👍

I applaud anyone that is willing to undertake any effort to find a way to improve the gaming experience for others. I think basic tuning calculators are a definite possiblity and there are some around already but I don't believe, given the information that is available to us as users, that we will ever develop any kind of universal tuning calculator that does really well on the majority of cars.

what we are missing is the programming that PD put into each individual car. You can have two cars that are FR, 1200 kgs, 50/50 weight, 400 hp etc, identical in every visible aspect, but only if PD has set up the programming for each car the same, will you get the same result from a calculator. We don't know what the programming is for an particular car, just the visible basic parameters. We all know that all 50/50 cars don't handle the same and so if a calculator spits out the same answer for both, it can only be close for some or many, but never universal.

Having said that, even a really good base calculator would immensely improve the gaming experience for millions of users. I know lots of people playing this game that want nothing to do with tuning and others that find tuning the best challenge the game has to offer. For those that don't want to tune, being able to crunch a few numbers and at least be competitive in a given race would be a great help to them.