Bi-weekly Photo Comp Week #1

  • Thread starter TB
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1. Download and install GIMP.
2. Read this (cropping is down about halfway).
3. ???
4. Profit.

It should only be embarrassing if you're unwilling to learn how to edit your shots. :)

Winning is never the point for me. I know I'm not going to win. It's more about getting the camera in my hands and shooting something I might not otherwise have. 👍

Thanks for the help, it's going to take me a while to get the hang of that software.
I fixed my previous post, it's now 700 pixels and cropped :)
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Woah - nice shots, Solaracer and Pagey. If I were to vote right now it would be a really tough choice: Solaracer - the blues on the book spines are so unusual, detailed and pleasing to the eye, the textures are eye-candy, almost edible; Pagey - that 'blue' sunset is so evocative - the lights on the bottom right so vividly telling the story that dusk has fallen - yet the power of blue seems undiminished, as if the majestic sky, chasing the Sun, is reluctant to give up the day, even though the lowly humans below have already accepted the dusk engulfing them.

As for me - back to the blueprints. Shall submit over the weekend.

Would be helpful to those wanting to enter and not totally versed in (and too shy to ask about) uploading photos, image accounts, thumbnails, etc, if some links or quick Q&A was offered here on the subjects.
As TB mentioned he feels - it's not about the winner, but participating together and having fun with it is the win. Good photos already - great to see all the different ideas.
Canon PowerShot SD850 IS
Adobe CS6 Beta (just added some bluish tinting)

Canon PowerShot SD850 IS
Adobe CS6 Beta (just added some bluish tinting)

Mind if I make your image a link to the larger version instead of the text link you posted? That will make it easier for me come poll creation time. :)
Took a photo today that I consider to be alright. Might put it in the thread because every competition needs someone to come last.
I'm not likely to get another chance to attempt a better shot so I might as well get it over with and just post it.

Final Entry

Oil and water
Canon T1i​
Took a photo today that I consider to be alright. Might put it in the thread because every competition needs someone to come last.

Hey! Move ahead! I'm fighting for that spot!

OTOH - after seeing TB's entry I'm now considering just leaving town.
Final Entry


Blue Radio
Sony Alpha A55

**80mm, f/4.5, 1/100th sec, ISO 400**

Edited in Lightroom 3.6​
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Olympus - of some sort.
After uploading the photo, I noticed it is a lot more purple than the blue I originally saw. If it breaks the rules I will continue snapping :)
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It is a bit purple, funkyD.

And large. ;)

- - - - -

Thanks, gents. :)
Yeah, looks overall purplish on three different displays I viewed it on. The lower flower looks blue. So six submissions so far - wow - well, I'll be putting up mine tonight. ;)

Important: Go to remember the size limitation.

Final Entry

Jaguar D-Type
5th May 2012
Canon 5D MkII + Canon 70-200mm f/2.8

200mm // f/2.8 // ISO200 // 1/2500th sec​
Blitz, Boiltheocean & TB brilliant shots!

Its great how everyones is so different too :)

In the Zone
7th May 2012
Canon 400D
1/25th F/9 154mm Iso200​

Full image also in my thread + others
Interesting and varied entries here. :) This will be a good start to the competitions 👍


Unedited, no CGI, lightly cropped.

File Size: 84 kb - 640 x 473
Camera Make: Apple
Camera Model: iPhone 3GS
Date/Time: 2012:05:10 18:38:40
Resolution: 640 x 473
Flash Used: No
Focal Length: 3.9mm
Exposure Time: 0.0068 s (1/147)
Aperture: f/2.8
ISO Equiv.: 70
Whitebalance: Auto
Metering Mode: average
Exposure: program (auto)

TB - Please let me know if I've overstepped bounderies of guidelines and I shall duly fix. Thanks.

Edit: Final Entry changed today to present submission - 12th May 2012.
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I guess I can throw my hat in the ring.

Did this one for a class a few weeks ago. Hope it's blue enough.

SF Bay HDR 2/11/12 by MaxArcher, on Flickr

Sorry about the watermark on it, anything involving a major city, HDR, and flickr tends to be a major theft target.

Shot on 2/12/12 in San Francisco, 50mm 1.4G at f/11 on a Nikon D3s. I think it's ISO 1600 'cause I got bored of waiting for the long exposures at lower ISOs and knew that the HDR would clean up what noise exists on a D3s at 1600. 7-shot HDR with color tweaking in Nik Color Efex Pro 4.
Final Entry (For Now)

Olympus - Something or other
Actually fitting the critria this time. I wanted something to show you guys, but I will probably get a better shot later in the week.I was thinking of a small bit more saturation to tske the colours up a bit.
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Skyline shots are not too difficult, but capturing those blue lights was extremely masterful. Great effort, Takumi. Nice addition to all the thought-provoking visualisations of this highly dissipative illusion we call 'Blue'!👍

BTW. Takumi . . . are we competing for post count? I'm catching up on you, you know. ;)

Edit: LOL - Funky - I just saw your shot - and I was going to call mine - 'Peacock Blue'! Beautiful Shot - absolutely stunning - that I can assure you is the Peacock Blue I've seen IRL. You got that blue this time, chum. Be proud. I was merely trying to capture the same blue - but deep in the heart of the eye that is on the tip of the tail feathers; I have one at home, purchased from a souvenir shop.

As for the composition and stance of the subject - Yikes - you really enjoy your photography; this shows passion. How many shots did you take?
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Final Entry

Jaguar D-Type
5th May 2012
Canon 5D MkII + Canon 70-200mm f/2.8

200mm // f/2.8 // ISO200 // 1/2500th sec​

Hard to see it's blue but it is, and it's bloody beautiful! Too bad the Merc spoilts the retro feel :(
Edit: LOL - Funky - I just saw your shot - and I was going to call mine - 'Peacock Blue'! Beautiful Shot - absolutely stunning - that I can assure you is the Peacock Blue I've seen IRL. You got that blue this time, chum. Be proud. I was merely trying to capture the same blue - but deep in the heart of the eye that is on the tip of the tail feathers; I have one at home, purchased from a souvenir shop.

As for the composition and stance of the subject - Yikes - you really enjoy your photography; this shows passion. How many shots did you take?
Em... Thanks. I am really happy that someone liked my shot. I took a good twenty maybe thirthy shots and this was one of the only ones in focus. I am really a very unprofessional. Only yesterday did I borrow my sisiters camera and mess around with it.
About the compostion, this shot was not what I had intended on taking, I really wanted a detailed close up, maybe of the head only.
As for passion. It really killed me to take a shot of this animal because every day and night it squarks endlessly. Ideally I wanted to take a shot with a gun, but settled for a camera.:sly:

In summery, thanks for the compilments and I didn't intend on taking a photo as good as you say.
TB I have changed my final entry, it is now this:
Final Entry


Panasonic Lumix FZ45
Edited using GIMP

Not sure if it's better then my previous entry though :dopey:
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Okay, so my original idea didn't work out, but I found some inspiration tucked away on a shelf, so I have a new idea. Should be able to post it up in a bit.

I'm finding I don't have the patience to work at shot the requires setting up. It's interesting to do though, most stuff I shot in the past (mostly cars) has just been reacting to stuff I've seen out and about.

edit: I'm also colour-deficient (colorblind in common terms), so Blue's and Purples (Reds, greens, oranges) are all the same to me! I'm going to avoid any shopping as I'm bound to end up with a purple subject in error!
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