BkS Media | Important Announcement

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Both saturation and contrast are spot on. I like the lighting in these pictures a lot, too. The first one looks very realistic. 👍
Thanks guys! 👍 :cheers:


So this set is kind of like a photoshoot you'd do in real life. Hire a photographer, let him take photos, blah blah blah! There's some HDR photos at the end, you should be able to tell. A LOT of time went into cleaning up jaggies from the smoke, and if you look at the last photo, you can also see that the smoke has some "definition" to it. It's not photoshopped, it's in game just taken at different exposures.

I personally think PD will use the "HDRI" concept in the next generation of Gran Turismo. It makes everything just come to life. 👍

Hope you guys enjoy, it's a pretty big set compared to my usual standard.

A Merc, A Road & A Photographer.







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Thanks guys!

I come bearing disappointing news. My PS3 is now broken, and I cannot play GT5 anymore. It needs a Blu-Ray drive replacement, and until I have the money to replace it, there shall be no more updates I'm afraid.

Not all hope is lost though. I should hopefully have a job interview within the comings weeks, and if I can sell myself properly, I will be earning money.

I was supposed to be saving for a PS4 & the next-gen Xbox. I'm not sure if I can do that, the way current circumstances are.

I'll still be floating around, and I will be starting up a FM4/FH gallery over on ForzaPlanet sometime this week, so do check that out.
That are bad news, may your PS3 rest in peace, when this happend to me last year I was outraged!

Good luck for your job! ;)
Aw man! :( May he rest in peace.

Anyways, I wish you all the very best for your job interview! :cheers:
No, no, no, no, no... That is so annoying when the PS3 breaks down, happened to me too a while ago. Good luck with the interview! ;)
Best of luck with the interview! 👍

Huge shame though, I want more pictures. :grumpy:
Sorry to hear about your PS3 mate. Tis a shame indeed. I know if that happened to me i'd likely be in the same boat.

Best of luck in the job interview.