"Blade Runner" Oscar Pistorius shoots his girlfriend

  • Thread starter DQuaN
I heard on British TV the other night that South African prisons are very dangerous places, especially the showers.

Apparently there's a risk of Pistorius shooting you through the door.
Apparently he's going on appeal now according to an article I read earlier. Will post it when I'm on my PC

EDIT : Here we go . However I made a mistake, I read it as appeal, not parole
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Well, it was an accident after all.... an incredibly unlikely, hard-to-believe, yeh-right, you've-got-to-be-kidding-me, pull-the-other-one-it-plays-jingle-bells accident, but an accident nevertheless.
Plans to release Pistorius on parole in October have been challenged in court and subsequently dropped. The prison say they believed that they were acting in accordance with SA law but it seems that this is a misunderstanding. It's also thought that the legal challenge to this parole "understanding" will have ramifications in many other cases.
The breaking news is that he is to be paroled next week and serve the remaining four years under house arrest.

Now why can't all people convicted of manslaughter get that sort of treatment?
Justice system corrupt as usual.
Only came across this now. Yes, most, if not all homes in ZA are like prisons.
His appeal hearing is in two weeks so he could be back in prison really soon anyway. Not really sure of the point of letting him out before the hearing.
5 appeal judges are hearing what's expected to be a very technical plea to have Pistorius' sentence changed from Culpable Homicide to Murder. Their argument is that he must have foreseen that his actions would result in the death of a person if not specifically Steenkamp. BBC.
Remind me. Why wasn't he charged with, and convicted of, murder in the first place? If "he must have foreseen that his actions would result in the death of a person if not specifically Steenkamp" is the reasoning, why wasn't that pursued in the first place?
Remind me. Why wasn't he charged with, and convicted of, murder in the first place? If "he must have foreseen that his actions would result in the death of a person if not specifically Steenkamp" is the reasoning, why wasn't that pursued in the first place?

That's easy, it's because, er, well, I, er... I did say this was going to be a very technical case :)

To be honest I'm not entirely sure...

EDIT: The link from @Touring Mars may hold the key;

TM's link
The judges interrupted him frequently: they were more interested in his interpretation of the concept of dolus eventualis – in this case the argument over whether Pistorius foresaw the possibility that he might kill someone when he shot four bullets into a tiny bathroom.

“Did he believe he was entitled to shoot in those circumstances?” asked Justice Eric Leach repeatedly, referring to the tiny dimensions of the bathroom in which Steenkamp died. “There was no place to hide.”
Well someone has finally come to their senses but it highlights how farcically the case has been handled. They are saying he could get a little as 3 years considering they messed up the sentence the first time and will use that to appeal for leniency.

When you hear a noise in your house and the person you are in bed with is not by your side, the conclusion of a normal person who be that it's THAT person making the noise. Plus you would call out to check is was them before shooting the place up. The whole story never added up IMO.
Well someone has finally come to their senses but it highlights how farcically the case has been handled. They are saying he could get a little as 3 years considering they messed up the sentence the first time and will use that to appeal for leniency.

When you hear a noise in your house and the person you are in bed with is not by your side, the conclusion of a normal person who be that it's THAT person making the noise. Plus you would call out to check is was them before shooting the place up. The whole story never added up IMO.
Hearing a noise in your house in South Africa is not the same as hearing a noise in your house in Canada where I am from. Home invasions are incredibly rare here, but incredibly common in South Africa. It's a different country, different environment and a different mindset altogether. I don't know if he intended to kill his girlfriend or not, but it's easy to armchair quarterback this thing from the safety of our plush, suburban sofas.
Hearing a noise in your house in South Africa is not the same as hearing a noise in your house in Canada where I am from. Home invasions are incredibly rare here, but incredibly common in South Africa. It's a different country, different environment and a different mindset altogether. I don't know if he intended to kill his girlfriend or not, but it's easy to armchair quarterback this thing from the safety of our plush, suburban sofas.

I do see your point, the UK is also quite a safe place. He did live in a gated upmarket community with very good security though.
Yes, he was so paranoid about home invasions, he went to bed that night with his patio doors open, despite knowing there were builders at his property who had left ladders lying around everywhere.
You don't need to, you need to know if it was considered proven that he knew somebody could die through his actions. It was.

You should also consider how the law of the territory views pre-emptive strikes such as this one.
I wasn't talking about the legalities I was talking about his mindset and why he might have done this thing. The legalities aren't clear either otherwise he wouldn't have been adjudicated twice would he?
The original judgement was clearly wrong hence why it was overturned - and the previous judge was frankly an idiot.

Pistorius's version of events is only remotely plausible if he had been alone that night - there's frankly no way that someone could be so remiss as to fail to establish where a loved one was, or whether or not there was a break-in at all, before opening fire on someone whom he had never seen or heard anything from. Either it is idiocy of the highest possible order, or Pistorius's version of events is completely false.
I've said it plenty of times in discussion with friends but the only "life sentence" in this case was given to Reeva Steenkamp.